context("functions") # Verify that distributions with d*, r*, p*, and q* versions work correctly seed <- 313 set.seed(seed) # For all distributions to be tested here, follow the pattern of list entries: # Where "dist" is the name of the distribution type function stem, enter: # dist = rdist(10, ...) where ... are arbitrary values for the rdist parameters. # This list must be constructed manually (rather than by automatically reading # the list of ml*.R files) because each dist function has unique parameters. dists <- list( norm = rnorm(10, 2, 3), pois = rpois(10, 3) ) for (i in seq_along(length(dists))) { dist <- names(dists)[i] x <- dists[[i]] obj <-"ml", dist), list(x)) # Validate ddist expect_equal( dml(1, obj), paste0("d", dist), c(1, as.list(obj)) ) ) expect_equal( pml(1, obj, log.p = TRUE), paste0("p", dist), c( 1, log.p = TRUE, as.list(obj) ) ) ) expect_equal( qml(0.9, obj, lower.tail = TRUE), paste0("q", dist), c( 0.9, lower.tail = TRUE, as.list(obj) ) ) ) expect_equal( (\() { set.seed(seed) rml(1, obj) })(), (\() { set.seed(seed) paste0("r", dist), c(1, as.list(obj)) ) })() ) }