R Under development (unstable) (2024-01-07 r85787 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE) # Force to stabilise all.equal output > > library(unittest) > > # Compare character output of a (failing) cmp function, ignoring colors > cmp_lines <- function (actual, ...) { + # Remove color escape codes + no_color <- gsub('\033\\[.*?m', '', actual, perl = TRUE) + if(identical(no_color, c(...)[!is.null(c(...))])) { + return(TRUE) + } + # utils::str(no_color, vec.len = 1000, digits.d = 5, nchar.max = 1000) + return(c(c(...)[!is.null(c(...))], '----', actual)) + } > > # Mock (fn) in namespace with (replacement) whilst (block) is being evaluated > mock <- function (fn, replacement, block) { + # Get the name of the function from the unevaluated argument, + # assuming it's of the form package::name + fn_name <- as.character(as.list(sys.call()[[2]])[[3]]) + ns <- environment(fn) + + orig_fn <- get(fn_name, env = ns) + unlockBinding(fn_name, env = ns) + assign(fn_name, replacement, envir = ns) + on.exit(assign(fn_name, orig_fn, envir = ns), add = TRUE) + + block + } > > ok_group("ut_cmp_equal", (function () { + ok(isTRUE(ut_cmp_equal(4, 4)), "Identical objects return true") + ok(isTRUE(ut_cmp_equal(as.integer(4), 4)), "Equivalent objects return true (i.e. integer vs. number)") + ok(isTRUE(ut_cmp_equal(0.01, 0.02, tolerance = 0.1)), "Additional arguments passed through to all.equal") + + if (!file.exists(unittest:::git_binary())) { + ok(TRUE, "# skip git not available") + return() + } + + ok(cmp_lines(ut_cmp_equal(c(2,4,2,8), c(5,4,2,1)), + 'Mean relative difference: 1', + '--- c(2, 4, 2, 8)', + '+++ c(5, 4, 2, 1)', + '[1] [-2-]{+5+} 4 2 [-8-]{+1+}', + NULL), "Vectors filtered by str, individual differences highlighted") + + ok(!withVisible(ut_cmp_equal("apples", "oranges"))$visible, + "Output of comparision isn't visible (we should print it at a real console though)") + + do_a_thing <- function (x) seq(x) + ok(cmp_lines(ut_cmp_equal(do_a_thing(4), do_a_thing(1 + 2)), + 'Numeric: lengths (4, 3) differ', + '--- do_a_thing(4)', + '+++ do_a_thing(1 + 2)', + '[1] 1 2 3[-4-]', + NULL), "The ---/+++ lines show expressions handed to ut_cmp_equal()") + + ok(cmp_lines(ut_cmp_equal(list(c(1, 2, 8), c(2, 3, 2), 10, 11, 12, 13), list(c(1, 2, 3), c(2, 3, 2), 10, 11, 12, 13)), + "Component 1: Mean relative difference: 0.625", + "--- list(c(1, 2, 8), c(2, 3, 2), 10, 11, 12, 13)", + "+++ list(c(1, 2, 3), c(2, 3, 2), 10, 11, 12, 13)", + "[[1]]", + "[1] 1 2 [-8-]{+3+}", + "", + "[[2]]", + "[1] 2 3 2", + "", + "[[3]]", + "[1] 10", + "", + "[[4]]", + "[1] 11", + "", + "[[5]]", + "[1] 12", + "", + "[[6]]", + "[1] 13", + NULL), "We return the whole file as context, not just the usual 3 lines") + + ok(cmp_lines(ut_cmp_equal(c("'Ouch!' he said,", "it was an iron bar."), c("Ooops!", "it was an accident.")), + '2 string mismatches', + '--- c("\'Ouch!\' he said,", "it was an iron bar.")', + '+++ c("Ooops!", "it was an accident.")', + "[-'Ouch!' he said,-]{+Ooops!+}", + 'it was an [-iron bar.-]{+accident.+}', + NULL), "Character vectors get compared one per line") + + ok(cmp_lines(ut_cmp_equal(as.environment(list(a=3, b=4)), as.environment(list(a=5, b=4, c=9))), + 'Length mismatch: comparison on first 2 components', + 'Component "a": Mean relative difference: 0.6666667', + '--- as.environment(list(a = 3, b = 4))', + '+++ as.environment(list(a = 5, b = 4, c = 9))', + '{+$c+}', + '{+[1] 9+}', + '', + '$b', + '[1] 4', + '', + '$a', + '[1] [-3-]{+5+}', + NULL), "Environments get converted to lists") + + cmp_helper <- function (a, b) ut_cmp_equal(a, b, deparse_frame = -2) + ok(cmp_lines(cmp_helper(2, 8), + 'Mean relative difference: 3', + '--- 2', + '+++ 8', + '[1] [-2-]{+8+}', + NULL), "A helper function can up deparse_frame to improve output") + })()) # ut_cmp_equal ok - Identical objects return true ok - Equivalent objects return true (i.e. integer vs. number) ok - Additional arguments passed through to all.equal ok - Vectors filtered by str, individual differences highlighted ok - Output of comparision isn't visible (we should print it at a real console though) ok - The ---/+++ lines show expressions handed to ut_cmp_equal() ok - We return the whole file as context, not just the usual 3 lines ok - Character vectors get compared one per line ok - Environments get converted to lists ok - A helper function can up deparse_frame to improve output > > # Mock git_binary(), so we don't find git even if it is available > ok_group("ut_cmp_equal:nogit", mock(unittest:::git_binary, function () "/not-here", { + ok(cmp_lines(ut_cmp_equal(c(2,4,2,8), c(5,4,2,1)), + 'Mean relative difference: 1', + '--- c(2, 4, 2, 8)', + '[1] 2 4 2 8', + '+++ c(5, 4, 2, 1)', + '[1] 5 4 2 1', + NULL), "No git available, so show outputs side by side") + + ok(cmp_lines(ut_cmp_equal(as.environment(list(a=3, b=4)), as.environment(list(a=5, b=4, c=9))), + 'Length mismatch: comparison on first 2 components', + 'Component "a": Mean relative difference: 0.6666667', + '--- as.environment(list(a = 3, b = 4))', + '$b', + '[1] 4', + '', + '$a', + '[1] 3', + '', + '+++ as.environment(list(a = 5, b = 4, c = 9))', + '$c', + '[1] 9', + '', + '$b', + '[1] 4', + '', + '$a', + '[1] 5', + '', + NULL), "Environments get converted to lists") + })) # ut_cmp_equal:nogit ok - No git available, so show outputs side by side ok - Environments get converted to lists > > ok_group("ut_cmp_identical", (function () { + if (!file.exists(unittest:::git_binary())) { + ok(TRUE, "# skip git not available") + return() + } + + ok(isTRUE(ut_cmp_identical(4, 4)), "Identical objects return true") + ok(cmp_lines(ut_cmp_identical(as.integer(4), 4), + '--- as.integer(4)', + '+++ 4', + ' [-int-]{+num+} 4', + NULL), "Equivalent objects do not, unlike ut_cmp_equal(). We also fall back to using str(), as print() will produce identical output") + + # NB: On r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 this produces 1.0000000001, + # not 1.000000000100000008274, regardless expecting this much + # numerical consistency is a bit enthusiastic. + ok(cmp_lines(gsub("1.0000000001[0-9]+", "1.0000000001", ut_cmp_identical(1, 1 + 1e-10)), + '--- 1', + '+++ 1 + 1e-10', + ' num [-1-]{+1.0000000001+}', + NULL), "Increase str() digits to 22 show a difference") + + ok(cmp_lines(ut_cmp_identical(1 + 1e-10, 1 + 1e-7), + '--- 1 + 1e-10', + '+++ 1 + 1e-07', + ' num [-1-]{+1.0000001+}', + NULL), "Increase str() digits (7 is enough) show a difference") + + cmp_helper <- function (a, b) ut_cmp_identical(a, b, deparse_frame = -2) + ok(cmp_lines(cmp_helper(2, 8), + '--- 2', + '+++ 8', + '[1] [-2-]{+8+}', + NULL), "A helper function can up deparse_frame to improve output") + })()) # ut_cmp_identical ok - Identical objects return true ok - Equivalent objects do not, unlike ut_cmp_equal(). We also fall back to using str(), as print() will produce identical output ok - Increase str() digits to 22 show a difference ok - Increase str() digits (7 is enough) show a difference ok - A helper function can up deparse_frame to improve output > > ok_group("output_diff", (function () { + if (!file.exists(unittest:::git_binary())) { + ok(TRUE, "# skip git not available") + return() + } + + options("cli.num_colors" = 256) + ok(any(grepl('\033\\[.*?m', ut_cmp_identical(1L, 2L), perl = TRUE)), "cli.num_colors honoured (escape code in output)") + + options("cli.num_colors" = 1) + ok(!all(grepl('\033\\[.*?m', ut_cmp_identical(1L, 2L), perl = TRUE)), "cli.num_colors honoured (no escape code in output)") + })()) # output_diff ok - cli.num_colors honoured (escape code in output) ok - cli.num_colors honoured (no escape code in output) > > ok_group("ut_cmp_identical:nogit", mock(unittest:::git_binary, function () "/not-here", { + ok(isTRUE(ut_cmp_identical(4, 4)), "Identical objects return true") + ok(cmp_lines(ut_cmp_identical(as.integer(4), 4), + '--- as.integer(4)', + ' int 4', + '+++ 4', + ' num 4', + NULL), "Equivalent objects do not, unlike ut_cmp_equal(). We also fall back to using str(), as print() will produce identical output") + })) # ut_cmp_identical:nogit ok - Identical objects return true ok - Equivalent objects do not, unlike ut_cmp_equal(). We also fall back to using str(), as print() will produce identical output > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.26 0.14 4.34 # Looks like you passed all 21 tests.