source(file.path("_helper", "init.R")) source(file.path("aammrtf", "ref.R")); make_ref_obj_funs("refobjs") test.file.dir <- file.path("_helper", "ref-objs", "translate") test.file <- file.path(test.file.dir, "testthat", "test-translate2.R") test.file.min <- file.path(test.file.dir, "testthat2", "test-translate-min.R") target.dir.base <- file.path(TMP.DIR, basename(tempfile())) target.dir <- file.path(target.dir.base, "helper", "translate", "unitizer") # - "Prompt to create dir" ----------------------------------------------------- try( testthat_translate_file( test.file, target.dir, prompt = "always", interactive.mode = FALSE ) ) # translations have to be outside of `testthat`; second translation should fail # except we allow manual input # - "translate a file" --------------------------------------------------------- unitizer:::capture_output({ unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("Y")) res1 <- testthat_translate_file(test.file, target.dir, prompt = "always", interactive.mode = TRUE) res1.txt <- readLines(res1) unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("Y")) res2 <- testthat_translate_file(test.file, target.dir, prompt = "overwrite", interactive.mode = TRUE) res2.txt <- readLines(res2) unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(NULL) }) dummy <- new("unitizerDummy") all.equal(res1.txt, rds("translate_res1")) all.equal(res1.txt, res2.txt) # Can't do this twice in a row without prompting in non-interactive mode # note test above does work because we use interactive mode to accept prompt any( grepl( "already exists", capture.output( try( testthat_translate_file( test.file, target.dir, prompt = "always", interactive.mode = FALSE ) ), type='message' ) ) ) untz <- get_unitizer(file.path(target.dir, "translate2.unitizer")) all.equal(untz@items.ref.calls.deparse, rds("translate_res2")) lapply(unitizer:::as.list(untz@items.ref), function(x) x@data@value[[1L]]) unlink(target.dir, recursive = TRUE) target.dir.base <- file.path(TMP.DIR, basename(tempfile())) target.dir <- file.path(target.dir.base, "_helper", "translate", "unitizer") test.dir <- file.path("_helper", "ref-objs", "translate", "testthat") # - "translate a dir" ---------------------------------------------------------- unitizer:::capture_output(res2 <- testthat_translate_dir(test.dir, target.dir)) all.equal(lapply(res2, readLines), rds("translate_res3")) untz <- get_unitizer(file.path(target.dir, "translate2.unitizer")) all.equal(untz@items.ref.calls.deparse, rds("translate_res4")) # Note not the same as when we did just the single file because the helper # file is loaded so `fun0` and `fun1` are actually defined lapply(unitizer:::as.list(untz@items.ref), function(x) x@data@value[[1L]]) # Can't do it again since there are files there any( grepl( "safety feature to ensure files are not accidentally overwritten", capture.output( try(testthat_translate_dir(test.dir, target.dir)), type='message' ) ) ) # - minimal -------------------------------------------------------------------- # to test parameters writeLines( readLines( testthat_translate_file( test.file.min, target.dir, prompt = "never", interactive.mode = TRUE, unitize = FALSE ) ) ) writeLines( readLines( testthat_translate_file( test.file.min, target.dir, prompt = "never", interactive.mode = TRUE, use.sects = FALSE, unitize = FALSE ) ) ) writeLines( readLines( testthat_translate_file( test.file.min, target.dir, prompt = "never", interactive.mode = TRUE, use.sects = FALSE, = FALSE, unitize = FALSE ) ) )