source(file.path("_helper", "init.R")) # - "read_line works" ---------------------------------------------------------- # read through prompt vals unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(letters[1:3]) u.ns <- asNamespace("unitizer") unitizer:::read_line() identical(u.ns$.global$prompt.vals, letters[2:3]) unitizer:::read_line() u.ns$.global$prompt.vals unitizer:::read_line() u.ns$.global$prompt.vals try(unitizer:::read_line()) # - "simple prompts" ----------------------------------------------------------- unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("y", "Y", "n", "N")) try(unitizer:::simple_prompt(1:5)) try(unitizer:::simple_prompt("hello", attempts = 1:5)) try(unitizer:::simple_prompt("hello", values = NA_character_)) try(unitizer:::simple_prompt("hello", case.sensitive = 1)) unitizer:::simple_prompt("hello") unitizer:::simple_prompt("hello")# unitizer:::simple_prompt("hello") unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("y", "y", "n")) try(unitizer:::simple_prompt("hello", attempts = 1L, case.sensitive = TRUE)) try(unitizer:::simple_prompt("hello", attempts = 1L, case.sensitive = TRUE), silent = TRUE) try(unitizer:::simple_prompt("hello", attempts = 1L, case.sensitive = TRUE)) # - "faux prompt" -------------------------------------------------------------- unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("1 +", "1")) unitizer:::faux_prompt(prompt = "> ", continue = "+ ")[[1L]] unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("(})")) try(unitizer:::faux_prompt(prompt = "> ", continue = "+ ")) ## Test the new readLines based read_line ## This test will not work in interactive mode, requiring input unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("1 +", "1")) unitizer:::faux_prompt() ## This one embeds a CTRL+C to test interrupt, but we can't test this without ## read_line_setvals unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("1 +", "\x03", "2 + ", "1")) unitizer:::faux_prompt() unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("\x03", "2 + ", "1")) unitizer:::faux_prompt() ## Test that changing language doesn't affect partial parsing lang <- Sys.getenv("LANGUAGE", unset=NA) Sys.setenv("LANGUAGE"="fr") unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("1 +", "1")) unitizer:::faux_prompt(prompt = "> ", continue = "+ ") if( Sys.unsetenv("LANGUAGE") else Sys.setenv("LANGUAGE"=lang) # - "unitizer prompt" ---------------------------------------------------------- # Some of this needs to be done outside of testthat due to sinking suppressWarnings(glob <- unitizer:::unitizerGlobal$new()) unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("1 +", "1", "H", "Y")) unitizer:::unitizer_prompt( "hello", valid.opts = c(Y = "[Y]es", N = "[N]o"), global = glob ) unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("1 +", "1", "H", "Q")) unitizer:::unitizer_prompt("hello", valid.opts = c(Y = "[Y]es", N = "[N]o"), help = "This is all the help you get", global = glob) unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("hell())", "Q")) txt3 <- unitizer:::capture_output(unitizer:::unitizer_prompt("hello", valid.opts = c(Y = "[Y]es", N = "[N]o"), global = glob)) txt3$message # and multiline stuff (#242) unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("{\n 1 + 1\n 2 + 1\n}", "N")) unitizer:::unitizer_prompt( "hello", valid.opts = c(Y = "[Y]es", N = "[N]o"), global = glob ) try( unitizer:::unitizer_prompt( "hello", valid.opts = c(Y = "[Y]es", N = "[N]o"), browse.env = "not an env", global = glob ) ) unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(character()) try( unitizer:::unitizer_prompt( "hello", valid.opts = c(Y = "[Y]es", N = "[N]o"), global = glob ) ) unitizer:::read_line_set_vals("1L") try( unitizer:::unitizer_prompt( "hello", valid.opts = c(Y = "[Y]es", N = "[N]o"), exit.condition = unitizer:::exit_fun, valid.vals = 2:3, global = glob ) ) unitizer:::read_line_set_vals("2L") unitizer:::unitizer_prompt("hello", valid.opts = c(Y = "[Y]es", N = "[N]o"), exit.condition = unitizer:::exit_fun, valid.vals = 2:3, global = glob)