source(file.path("_helper", "init.R")) source(file.path("aammrtf", "ref.R")); make_ref_obj_funs("refobjs") txt <- "# This is an early comment\n\n hello <- 25\n\n # multi\n # line\n # comment\n\n matrix(1:9, 3) # and another!\n\n unitizer_sect(\"here is a section\", {\n # test that were not crazy\n\n 1 + 1 == 2 # TRUE hopefully\n\n # Still not crazy\n\n 2 * 2 == 2 ^ 2\n # Tada\n } )\n sample(1:10)\n\n # and this comment belongs to whom?\n\n runif(20)\n print(\"woo\") # and I?\n " all <- unitizer:::parse_dat_get(text = txt) prs <- all$expr dat <- all$dat dat$parent <- pmax(0L, dat$parent) # With R4.0 some of the ids started changing normalize_id <- function(dat) { idu <- sort(unique(dat[["id"]])) id <- with(dat, match(id, idu)) parent <- with(dat, ifelse(parent == 0L, 0L, match(parent, idu))) dat[["id"]] <- id dat[["parent"]] <- parent dat } dat <- normalize_id(dat) dat.split <- dat.split.2 <- par.ids.3 <- NULL if.text <- "if # IFFY\n(x > 3 # ifcond\n){ hello\n #whome to attach?\n} else #final\ngoodbye" # - "Top Level Parents Identified Correctly" ----------------------------------- # "Identified top level parents?" par.ids <- with(dat, unitizer:::top_level_parse_parents(id, parent)) par.ids dat.split <- split(dat, par.ids) # "Identified sub-level top level parents correctly" par.ids.2 <- with(dat.split$`64`, unitizer:::top_level_parse_parents(id, parent, 64L)) par.ids.2 dat.split.2 <- split(dat.split$`64`, par.ids.2) # "Parent relationships in `unitizer_sect` piece." par.ids.3 <- with(dat.split.2$`62`, unitizer:::top_level_parse_parents(id, parent, 62L)) par.ids.3 # - "Comments Are Assigned" ---------------------------------------------------- # "Did we assign comments correctly to topmost level?" lapply(unitizer:::comments_assign(prs, dat.split$`0`), attr, "comment") # "No comments here so no changes should occur" all.equal(unitizer:::comments_assign(prs[[3]], dat.split.2$`64`), prs[[3]]) # "Comments in `unitizer_sect` body assigned correctly" lapply(unitizer:::comments_assign(prs[[3]][[3]], split(dat.split.2$`62`, par.ids.3)$`62`), attr, "comment") # - "Ancestry Descend" --------------------------------------------------------- x <- unitizer:::parse_dat_get(text = "1 + 1; fun(x, fun(y + z))")$dat x <- normalize_id(x) unitizer:::ancestry_descend(x$id, x$parent, 0) # - "Clean up Parse Data" ------------------------------------------------------ dat <- unitizer:::parse_dat_get(text = "{function(x) NULL;; #comment\n}")$dat # set negative ids to be top level parents dat <- transform(dat, parent = ifelse(parent < 0, 0L, parent)) dat <- normalize_id(dat) # "Ancestry Descend" dat.anc <- unitizer:::ancestry_descend(dat$id, dat$parent, 0L) dat.anc # "Excise `exprlist`" unitizer:::prsdat_fix_exprlist(dat, dat.anc)$token dat.1 <- unitizer:::parse_dat_get(text = "{1 ; ; ;2;}")$dat # set negative ids to be top level parents dat.1 <- transform(dat.1, parent = ifelse(parent < 0, 0L, parent)) dat.1 <- normalize_id(dat.1) # "Another `exprlist` test" unname( as.list( unitizer:::prsdat_fix_exprlist( dat.1, unitizer:::ancestry_descend(dat.1$id, dat.1$parent, 0L) )[c("parent", "token")] ) ) dat.2 <- unitizer:::parse_dat_get(text = "{NULL; yowza; #comment\nhello\n}")$dat # set negative ids to be top level parents dat.2 <- transform(dat.2, parent = ifelse(parent < 0, 0L, parent)) dat.2 <- normalize_id(dat.2) # "Yet another `exprlist`" unname( as.list( unitizer:::prsdat_fix_exprlist( dat.2, unitizer:::ancestry_descend(dat.2$id, dat.2$parent, 0L) )[c("parent", "token")] ) ) dat.2a <- normalize_id( unitizer:::parse_dat_get(text = "for(i in x) {if(x) break else next}")$dat ) # "`for` cleanup" as.list(unitizer:::prsdat_fix_for(dat.2a[-1L, ])) dat.3 <- normalize_id(unitizer:::parse_dat_get(text = if.text)$dat) # "`if` cleanup" unname(as.list(unitizer:::prsdat_fix_if(dat.3[-1, ])[c("id", "token")])) # - "Full Parse Works Properly" ------------------------------------------------ # "Full Comment Parse" unitizer:::comm_extract(unitizer:::parse_with_comments(text = txt)) # "EQ_SUB and SYMBOL_SUB test" unitizer:::comm_extract( unitizer:::parse_with_comments( text = "structure(1:3, # the data\nclass # the label\n=#the equal sign\n'hello' # the class\n)" ) ) # "Function with `exprlist`" unitizer:::comm_extract( unitizer:::parse_with_comments( text = "function(x #first arg\n, y=25 #second arg with default\n) {x + y; # first comment\n; yo #second comment\n x / y; #lastcomment \n;}" ) ) # "`for` loop" unitizer:::comm_extract( unitizer:::parse_with_comments( text = "for(i #in counter\nin 1:10#incounter again\n) {x + y; # first comment\n; next; yo #second comment\n x / y; break; #lastcomment \n;}" ) ) # "`if` statement" unitizer:::comm_extract(unitizer:::parse_with_comments(text = if.text)) # "formula" unitizer:::comm_extract( unitizer:::parse_with_comments( text = ". + x # hello\n#yowza\n~#bust a move\ny" ) ) # "`repeat`" unitizer:::comm_extract( unitizer:::parse_with_comments( text = "repeat #first\n{runif(10); #comm\nbreak;}" ) ) # "S4 slot" unitizer:::comm_extract( unitizer:::parse_with_comments(text = "test@#comment\nhello <- 3") ) # "`while`" unitizer:::comm_extract( unitizer:::parse_with_comments( text = "while(x > 5 # a comment\n) { hello; goodbye } #yay" ) ) txt2 <- "library(functools)\n fun <- function(a=1, bravo, card=25, ..., xar=list(\"aurochs\", 1), z) {}\n\n # Need to add tests:\n # - with complex objects? (did I mean in the definition? Or the call??)\n (NULL)\n # These should be identical to\n\n body(fun) <- parse(text=\"{print(match_call()); print(}\")\n\n calls <- c(\n 'fun(54, \"hello\", \"wowo\", \"blergh\", 8, 9)',\n 'fun(54, \"hello\", \"wowo\", \"blergh\", a=8, z=9)',\n 'fun(54, \"hello\", z=\"wowo\", \"blergh\", 8, 9)',\n 'fun(54, \"hello\", z=\"wowo\", x=\"blergh\", 8, 9)',\n 'fun(54, c=\"hello\", z=\"wowo\", xar=3, 8, 9)'\n )\n invisible(lapply(calls, function(x){cat(\"-- New Call --\", x, sep=\"\n\"); eval(parse(text=x))}))\n " test.comp <- unitizer:::comm_extract(unitizer:::parse_with_comments(text = txt2)) # "A more complex test" lapply(test.comp[4:5], `[[`, 1) # "Added SYMBOL_PACKAGE token" unitizer:::comm_extract( unitizer:::parse_with_comments( text = "# a comment before\nunitizer:::browse() #a comment after" ) ) # "Added SYMBOL_PACKAGE token v2" unitizer:::comm_extract( unitizer:::parse_with_comments( text = "# a comment before\nunitizer::browse() #a comment after" ) ) # LBB used to break stuff txt3 <- "# This is an early comment\n hello <- 25\n # multi\n hello[[1]] # and another!" # "LBB test" unitizer:::comm_extract(unitizer:::parse_with_comments(text = txt3)) # - "Weird missing comment on `res` works" ------------------------------------- txt3 <- "# Calls to `library` and assignments are not normally considered tests, so\n# you will not be prompted to review them\n\nlibrary(utzflm)\nx <- 1:100\ny <- x ^ 2\nres <- fastlm(x, y)\n\nres # first reviewable expression\nget_slope(res)\nget_rsq(res)\n\nfastlm(x, head(y)) # This should cause an error; press Y to add to store" expr <- unitizer:::parse_with_comments(text = txt3) my.unitizer <- new("unitizer", id = 1, zero.env = new.env()) capture.output(my.unitizer <- my.unitizer + expr) lapply(unitizer:::as.list(, slot, "comment") # - "exprlist excission with negative par ids" --------------------------------- txt <- "# For random tests\n\nunitizer_sect(\"blah\", {\n identity(1);\n})\n" prs.dat <- unitizer:::parse_dat_get(text = txt)$dat # set negative ids to be top level parents prs.dat <- transform(prs.dat, parent = ifelse(parent < 0, 0L, parent)) prs.dat <- normalize_id(prs.dat) ancestry <- with(prs.dat, unitizer:::ancestry_descend(id, parent, 0L)) x <- unitizer:::prsdat_fix_exprlist(prs.dat, ancestry) unname(as.matrix(x[, 5:6])) # - "empty symbols handled okay" ----------------------------------------------- # the empty second argument to `[` caused problems before txt <- "mtcars[1:10,]\n" # shouldn't cause error unitizer:::parse_with_comments(text = txt) # - "uncommenting works" ------------------------------------------------------- unitizer:::uncomment(expr[[1]]) # "don't blow away function arg names" unitizer:::uncomment(quote(function(a, b) NULL)) # # Recover comments and uncomment txt <- ".alike( # FALSE, disabled\n quote(fun(b=fun2(x, y), 1, 3)), # first\n quote(fun(NULL, fun2(a, b), 1)), # second\n alike_settings(lang.mode=1))" exp <- unitizer:::parse_with_comments(text = txt) candc <- unitizer:::comm_and_call_extract(exp) candc$call[[1L]] candc$comments # - "failing parses produce proper errors" ------------------------------------- txt <- "this is a + syntax error that cannot be parsed" try(capture.output(unitizer:::parse_tests(text = txt), type = "message")) f <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(f)) cat(txt, "\n", sep = "", file = f) try(capture.output(unitizer:::parse_tests(f), type = "message")) # try in normal mode (just fall back to normal parse) try(unitizer:::parse_tests(text = txt, comments = FALSE)) any( grepl( "unexpected symbol", capture.output(try(unitizer:::parse_tests(f, comments = FALSE)), type='message'), ) ) # - "NULL, constants, and new tokens" ------------------------------------------ # These were added with 3.6.3? Previously, it seems that the equal assign did # not generate a master expression to wrap all the pieces, which means these # tests just don't work because all the eq_assign at the top level end up with # the same parent and the parser gets confused. txt <- c("a = 2", "# ho how", "b = 3", "", "b + a # oh here", "", "b + # oh there", "a # bear", "", "NULL") if(getRversion() >= "3.6.3") { identical( unitizer:::comm_extract(unitizer:::parse_with_comments(text = txt)), rds('parse-eq') ) } else TRUE with.const <- unitizer:::parse_with_comments(text = "3 # comment on const") unitizer:::symb_mark_rem(with.const[[1]])