source(file.path("_helper", "init.R")) source(file.path("aammrtf", "mock.R")) toy.path <- file.path("_helper", "unitizers", "misc.unitizer") toy.stor <- readRDS(file.path(toy.path, "data.rds")) # - "Error Cases" -------------------------------------------------------------- try(get_unitizer(1)) try(get_unitizer(letters)) try(get_unitizer("_helper")) try(get_unitizer("t-get.R")) try(set_unitizer(1)) try(set_unitizer(letters)) # 4.3 changed reporting of missing argument errors tryCatch(set_unitizer("a"), error=function(e) conditionMessage(e)) try(set_unitizer("a", "blergh")) !file.exists("a") # TRUE try(suppressWarnings(set_unitizer("tests/# ;!./# \\/", toy.stor))) # - "Get works as expected" ---------------------------------------------------- tmp.dir <- tempfile() dir.create(tmp.dir) tmp.sub.dir <- paste0(tmp.dir, "/get.test.dir") tmp.fake.utz <- paste0(tmp.dir, "/fake.unitizer") # expect_false(get_unitizer("asldkfjskfa")) get_unitizer("asldkfjskfa") # FALSE all.equal(get_unitizer(toy.path), toy.stor) is(toy.stor, "unitizer") dir.create(tmp.fake.utz) fake.utz <- file.path(tmp.fake.utz, "data.rds") cat("# this is not an RDS\n", file = fake.utz) # expect_error(capture.output(get_unitizer(tmp.fake.utz), type = "message"), # "Failed loading unitizer") try(capture.output(get_unitizer(tmp.fake.utz), type = "message")) tmp.sub.dir <- paste0(tmp.dir, "/get.test.dir") tmp.sub.dir2 <- paste0(tmp.dir, "/get.test.dir2") tmp.sub.dir3 <- paste0(tmp.dir, "/load.dirs") # - "Set works as expected" ---------------------------------------------------- dir.create(tmp.sub.dir) set_unitizer(tmp.sub.dir, toy.stor) all.equal(readRDS(paste0(tmp.sub.dir, "/data.rds")), toy.stor) just.a.file <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(just.a.file)) cat("just a file\n", file = just.a.file) err <- capture.output(try(set_unitizer(just.a.file, toy.stor)), type='message') any(grepl('not a directory', err)) # - "load/store_unitizer" ------------------------------------------------------ # Several different stores in different states (i.e. requiring upgrade, # not unitizers, etc.) dir.create(tmp.sub.dir3) make.path <- lapply(file.path(tmp.sub.dir3, dir("_helper/ref-objs/load/")), dir.create) if (!all(unlist(make.path))) stop("Failed making paths") file.copy(list.files("_helper/ref-objs/load", full.names = TRUE), tmp.sub.dir3, recursive = TRUE) par.frame <- new.env() store.ids <- as.list(list.files(tmp.sub.dir3, full.names = TRUE)) # must be upgraded, but cannot load.try <- unitizer:::capture_output( try( unitizer:::load_unitizers(store.ids, rep(NA_character_, length(store.ids)), par.frame = par.frame, interactive.mode = FALSE, mode = "unitize", force.upgrade = FALSE, show.progress=0L, transcript=FALSE ) ) ) any(grepl('could not be loaded', load.try$message)) any(grepl('could not be upgraded', load.try$message)) any(grepl('Cannot proceed', load.try$message)) # handle failure in store_unitizer, we just try this on one of the store ids out <- unitizer:::capture_output( unitizer:::load_unitizers( store.ids[4], rep(NA_character_, length(store.ids))[4], par.frame = par.frame, interactive.mode = FALSE, mode = "unitize", force.upgrade = TRUE, show.progress=0L, transcript=FALSE ) ) any(grepl('Upgraded test file does not match original', out$message)) # try weird store ids out <- unitizer:::capture_output( <- try( unitizer:::load_unitizers( list(structure("hello", class = "unitizer_error_store")), NA_character_, par.frame = par.frame, interactive.mode = FALSE, mode = "unitize", force.upgrade = FALSE, show.progress=0L, transcript=FALSE ) ) ) inherits(, "try-error") any(grepl("returned something other than", out$message)) # Load mix of loadable and not loadable objects glob <- suppressWarnings(unitizer:::unitizerGlobal$new()) # with warning: "does not exist|test file does not") out <- unitizer:::capture_output( untzs <- try( unitizer:::load_unitizers( store.ids, rep(NA_character_, length(store.ids)), par.frame = par.frame, interactive.mode = FALSE, mode = "unitize", force.upgrade = TRUE, global = glob, show.progress=0L, transcript=FALSE ) ) ) inherits(untzs, "try-error") any(grepl('could not be loaded', out$message)) any(grepl('could not be upgraded', out$message)) any(grepl('Cannot proceed', out$message)) # Test failure of storage of a loaded and upgraded unitizers untzs <- unitizer:::load_unitizers( store.ids[4], NA_character_, par.frame = par.frame, interactive.mode = FALSE, mode = "unitize", force.upgrade = TRUE, global = glob, show.progress=0L, transcript=FALSE ) mock(unitizer:::set_unitizer, quote(stop("set fail"))) try(unitizer:::store_unitizer(untzs[[1]])) unmock(unitizer:::set_unitizer) # Try reloading already loaded unitisers reload <- unitizer:::as.list(untzs) # this creates a global object, hence warning untzs1a <- unitizer:::load_unitizers( reload, rep(NA_character_, length(reload)), par.frame = par.frame, interactive.mode = FALSE, mode = "unitize", force.upgrade = FALSE, show.progress=0L, transcript=FALSE ) all(vapply(unitizer:::as.list(untzs1a), is, logical(1L), "unitizer")) # misc tests # warning Instantiated global object without untzs2 <- unitizer:::load_unitizers( list(tmp.sub.dir2), NA_character_, par.frame, interactive.mode = FALSE, mode = "unitize", force.upgrade = FALSE, show.progress=0L, transcript=FALSE ) is(untzs2[[1L]], "unitizer") identical(parent.env(untzs2[[1L]]@zero.env), par.frame) # something that won't get reset on load so we can check our re-load untzs2[[1L]]@eval.time <- 33 unitizer:::store_unitizer(untzs2[[1L]]) # warning Instantiated global object without untzs2.1 <- unitizer:::load_unitizers( list(tmp.sub.dir2), NA_character_, par.frame, interactive.mode = FALSE, mode = "unitize", force.upgrade = FALSE, show.progress=0L, transcript=FALSE ) untzs2.1[[1L]]@eval.time # 33 unlink(c(tmp.sub.dir2, tmp.sub.dir3, tmp.sub.dir), recursive = TRUE) # - "is_package" --------------------------------------------------------------- unitizer:::is_package_dir(system.file(package = "stats")) unitizer:::is_package_dir(system.file(package = "methods")) ## Seems like some change now tests no longer installed by default with ## packages, at least in the unix distros, so can't easily test with ## has.tests==TRUE unitizer:::pretty_path(file.path(system.file(package = "stats"), "DESCRIPTION")) old.wd <- getwd() setwd(system.file(package = "stats")) unitizer:::pretty_path(file.path(system.file(package = "stats"), "DESCRIPTION")) unitizer:::pretty_path(file.path(system.file(package = "stats"))) setwd(old.wd) # just picked some folder we know will not work (No Desc) unitizer:::is_package_dir(file.path(system.file(package = "stats"), "R")) unitizer:::is_package_dir("ASDFASDF") unitizer:::is_package_dir(file.path(system.file(package = "unitizer"), "expkg", "baddescription1")) # *get_*package_dir pkg.f <- file.path(system.file(package = "unitizer"), "tests", "interactive", "run.R") length(unitizer:::get_package_dir(pkg.f)) == 1L length(unitizer:::get_package_dir(dirname(pkg.f))) == 1L f <- tempfile() cat("helloworld", file = f) length(unitizer:::get_package_dir(f)) == 0L unlink(f) # some more tests moved to t-demo.R to avoid reloading pkgs # - "is_unitizer_dir" ---------------------------------------------------------- base.dir <- file.path(system.file(package = "unitizer"), "expkg", "infer") unitizer:::is_unitizer_dir(base.dir) # FALSE unitizer:::is_unitizer_dir( file.path(base.dir, "tests", "unitizer", "infer.unitizer") ) # - "infer_unitizer_location" -------------------------------------------------- infer <- function(...) infer_unitizer_location(..., interactive.mode = FALSE) base.dir <- file.path(system.file(package = "unitizer"), "expkg", "infer") # Verify package is still in state we built tests on; need to sort b/c # different platforms have different lexical sorts identical( sort(c("aaa.R", "aaa.unitizer", "abc.R", "abc.unitizer", "inf.R", "inf.unitizer", "infer.R", "infer.unitizer", "zzz.R", "zzz.unitizer")), list.files(file.path(base.dir, "tests", "unitizer")) ) # Package dir unitizer:::capture_output(inf <- infer(base.dir)) basename(inf) unitizer:::capture_output(inf <- infer(base.dir, type = "d")) basename(inf) unitizer:::capture_output(inf <- infer(base.dir, type = "u")) basename(inf) inf.dir <- infer(file.path(base.dir, "*")) # warn identical(file.path(base.dir, "*"), inf.dir) unitizer:::capture_output(inf <- infer(file.path(base.dir, "z"))) basename(inf) unitizer:::capture_output(inf <- infer(file.path(base.dir, "z"), type = "u")) basename(inf) # Normal dir base.dir2 <- file.path(base.dir, "tests", "unitizer") # note don't need * to generate warning out <- unitizer:::capture_output(inf.dir2 <- infer(base.dir2)) # warn any(grepl("5 possible targets", out$message)) identical(base.dir2, inf.dir2) out <- unitizer:::capture_output(infer(file.path(base.dir2, "a"))) any(grepl("2 possible targets", out$message)) out <- unitizer:::capture_output(infer(file.path(base.dir2, "a"), type = "u")) any(grepl("2 possible targets", out$message)) out <- unitizer:::capture_output(fname <- basename(infer(file.path(base.dir2, "z")))) fname any(grepl('Inferred test file location:', out)) out <- unitizer:::capture_output( fname <- basename(infer(file.path(base.dir2, "z"), type="u")) ) fname any(grepl('Inferred unitizer location:', out)) # Random file without setting working dir first, in order for this to work # non-interactivel we need it to work with the R CMD check dir structure, # and possibly with the covr dir structure if (interactive()) infer("tests2") # Interactive mode unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("26", "Q")) # warn/output select <- unitizer:::infer_unitizer_location( file.path(base.dir, "*"), type = "f", interactive.mode = TRUE ) identical(select, file.path(base.dir, "*")) unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("5")) # output sel.loc <- unitizer:::infer_unitizer_location(file.path(base.dir, "*"), type = "f", interactive.mode = TRUE) basename(sel.loc) unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(NULL) # Non standard inferences # warn out <- unitizer:::capture_output( unitizer:::infer_unitizer_location(NULL, interactive = FALSE) ) any(grepl("too many to unambiguously", out$message)) fake.class <- structure(list(), class = "thisclassdoesn'texist") identical(infer(fake.class), fake.class) # no match since file can't exist (warn) f <- tempfile() out <- capture.output( invisible(unitizer:::infer_unitizer_location(f)), type='message' ) any(grepl("No possible matching files", out)) unlink(tmp.dir, recursive = TRUE)