source(file.path("_helper", "init.R")) source(file.path("aammrtf", "ref.R")); make_ref_obj_funs("exec") suppressWarnings(glob <- unitizer:::unitizerGlobal$new()) # - "Invisible Expression" ----------------------------------------------------- e <- new.env() exp <- quote(x <- 1:30) all.equal(1:30, unitizer:::eval_user_exp(exp, e, global = glob)$value) # `eval_user_exp` must be evaluated outside of test_that; also note that by # design this will output stuff to stderr and stdout out.err <- capture.output(type = "message", out.std <- capture.output({ test.obj.s3 <- structure("hello", class = "test_obj") setClass("testObj", list(a = "character")) test.obj.s4 <- new("testObj", a = "goodday") print.test_obj <- function(x, ...) stop("Error in Print") setMethod("show", "testObj", function(object) stop("Error in Show")) fun_signal <- function() signalCondition(simpleError("Error in Function", fun_error <- function() stop("Error in function 2") fun_error_cond <- function() stop(simpleError("Error in function 2", fun_error_cond_call <- function() fun_error_cond() fun_s3 <- function() test.obj.s3 fun_s4 <- function() test.obj.s4 fun_msg <- function() message("This is a Message") fun_warn <- function() warning("This is a warning", immediate. = TRUE) eval.env <- sys.frame(sys.nframe()) ex0 <- unitizer:::eval_user_exp(quote(stop()), eval.env, global = glob) unitizer:::set_trace(ex0$trace) trace0 <- unitizer:::unitizer_traceback() ex1 <- unitizer:::eval_user_exp(quote(fun_signal()), eval.env, global = glob) unitizer:::set_trace(ex1$trace) trace1 <- unitizer:::unitizer_traceback() ex2 <- unitizer:::eval_user_exp(quote(fun_error()), eval.env, global = glob) unitizer:::set_trace(ex2$trace) trace2 <- unitizer:::unitizer_traceback() ex2a <- unitizer:::eval_user_exp(expression(fun_error()), eval.env, global = glob) unitizer:::set_trace(ex2a$trace) trace2a <- unitizer:::unitizer_traceback() ex6 <- unitizer:::eval_user_exp(quote(fun_error_cond()), eval.env, global = glob) unitizer:::set_trace(ex6$trace) trace6 <- unitizer:::unitizer_traceback() ex7 <- unitizer:::eval_user_exp(quote(fun_error_cond_call()), eval.env, global = glob) unitizer:::set_trace(ex7$trace) trace7 <- unitizer:::unitizer_traceback() ex3 <- unitizer:::eval_user_exp(quote(fun_s3()), eval.env, global = glob) unitizer:::set_trace(ex3$trace) trace3 <- unitizer:::unitizer_traceback() ex3a <- unitizer:::eval_user_exp(expression(fun_s3()), eval.env, global = glob) unitizer:::set_trace(ex3a$trace) trace3a <- unitizer:::unitizer_traceback() ex4 <- unitizer:::eval_user_exp(quote(fun_s4()), eval.env, global = glob) ex4a <- unitizer:::eval_user_exp(expression(fun_s4()), eval.env, global = glob) unitizer:::set_trace(ex4a$trace) trace4a <- unitizer:::unitizer_traceback() ex5 <- unitizer:::eval_user_exp(quote(sum(1:20)), eval.env, global = glob) ex9 <- unitizer:::eval_user_exp(quote(fun_warn()), eval.env, global = glob) ex10 <- unitizer:::eval_user_exp(quote(fun_msg()), eval.env, global = glob) ex11 <- unitizer:::eval_user_exp(quote((function() quote(stop("shouldn't error")))()), eval.env, global = glob) })) # NOTE: deparsed test values generated with unitizer:::deparse_mixed # - "User Expression Evaluation" ----------------------------------------------- # a condition error, signaled, not stop (hence no aborted, etc.) identical(ex1, rds(100)) # a stop identical(ex2, rds(200)) # ex3 and ex3a are a total PITA because the calls need to be manually copied # b/c they don't deparse properly even with control="all", the trace and # call component loose the `structure` part in the quoted portions... # a stop in print; identical(ex3, rds(300)) identical(ex3a, rds(400)) # S4 objects; these originally caused problems since they don't deparse identical(ex4, rds(500)) identical(ex4a, rds(600)) # a normal expression identical(ex5, rds(700)) identical(ex9, rds(800)) all.equal(ex10, rds(900)) # not sure why identical doesn't work here # expect_false(ex11$aborted) ex11$aborted # FALSE # - "Trace Setting" ------------------------------------------------------------ identical(trace0, trace1) # expect_identical(trace2, list("stop(\"Error in function 2\")", # "fun_error()")) trace2 trace6 trace7 trace3a # needed to tweak this one so it would pass in R-devel 3.4.1 # expect_true(all(mapply(function(x, y) grepl(y, x), trace4a, list("stop\\(\"Error in Show\"\\)", # "show\\(.*\"testObj\".*\\)", "show\\(.*\"testObj\".*\\)")))) all( mapply( function(x, y) grepl(y, x), trace4a, list( "stop\\(\"Error in Show\"\\)", "show\\(.*\"testObj\".*\\)", "show\\(.*\"testObj\".*\\)") ) ) # - "Clean Top Level Message" -------------------------------------------------- old.width <- options(width = 80L) a <- unitizer:::eval_with_capture( expression(stop("short stop message")), global = glob ) b <- unitizer:::eval_with_capture( expression(stop("short stop .* with regex message")), global = glob ) c <- unitizer:::eval_with_capture( expression(stop("this is a long error message that is supposed to cause R to add a new line after the error: part")), global = glob ) d <- unitizer:::eval_with_capture( expression(warning("short warning message")), global = glob ) e <- unitizer:::eval_with_capture( expression(warning("short warning message .* with regex")), global = glob ) f <- unitizer:::eval_with_capture( expression( warning("this is a long error message that is supposed to cause R to add a new line after the error: part") ), global = glob ) g <- unitizer:::eval_with_capture( quote(stop("short stop message")), global = glob ) h <- unitizer:::eval_with_capture( quote(stop("short stop .* with regex message")), global = glob ) i <- unitizer:::eval_with_capture( quote(stop("this is a long error message that is supposed to cause R to add a new line after the error: part")), global = glob ) j <- unitizer:::eval_with_capture( quote(warning("short warning message")), global = glob ) k <- unitizer:::eval_with_capture( quote(warning("short warning message .* with regex")), global = glob ) l <- unitizer:::eval_with_capture( quote(warning("this is a long error message that is supposed to cause R to add a new line after the error: part")), global = glob ) m <- unitizer:::eval_with_capture(expression("a"/3), global = glob) exp.q <- quote({ fun <- function() warning("error in fun") message("boo hay \n there \n") warning("this is a fairly long warning wladsfasdfasd that might wrap if we keep typing humpty dumpty sat on a wall and had a big fall") warning("ashorter warning blah") message("boo hay \n there \n") warning() fun() suppressWarnings(warning("quiet warn")) message("boo hay \n there \n") error(3) }) x <- unitizer:::eval_with_capture(exp.q, global = glob) exp.exp <- expression({ fun <- function() warning("error in fun") message("boo hay \n there \n") warning("this is a fairly long warning wladsfasdfasd that might wrap if we keep typing humpty dumpty sat on a wall and had a big fall") warning("ashorter warning blah") message("boo hay \n there \n") warning() fun() suppressWarnings(warning("quiet warn")) message("boo hay \n there \n") error(3) }) y <- unitizer:::eval_with_capture(exp.exp, global = glob) options(old.width) a$message b$message c$message d$message e$message f$message g$message h$message i$message j$message k$message l$message m$message # `sub` needed due to inconsistencies in R 3.4 and 3.3 for top level error # messages writeLines(sub("\\bError.*: ", "", x$message)) writeLines(sub("\\bError.*: ", "", y$message))