source(file.path("aammrtf", "mock.R")) source(file.path("_helper", "init.R")) source(file.path("_helper", "pkgs.R")) # Mostly makes sure the demo steps work, but since it is a convenient way of # generating a unitizer with actual errors and so forth, we use it to test a few # other things as well in the context of those unitizers # - "in_pkg" ------------------------------------------------------------------- base.dir <- file.path(FLM, "tests", "extra") in.pkg.file <- file.path(base.dir, "inpkg.R") unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("Q")) txt1 <- unitizer:::capture_output(unitize(in.pkg.file, interactive.mode = TRUE)) # `sub` needed due to inconsistencies in R 3.4 and 3.3 for top level error # messages txt1$message <- sub("^Error.*:", "", txt1$message) txt1 unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("Q")) unitize(in.pkg.file, state = in_pkg(), interactive.mode = TRUE) unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("Q")) try(unitize(in.pkg.file, state = in_pkg("ASDFASDFA"), interactive.mode = TRUE)) # - "copy fastlm dir works" ---------------------------------------------------- sort(tolower(list.files("."))) readLines(file.path(".", "DESCRIPTION"))[[5L]] # v0.1.0 update_fastlm(".", version = "0.1.1") readLines(file.path(".", "DESCRIPTION"))[[5L]] update_fastlm(".", version = "0.1.2") readLines(file.path(".", "DESCRIPTION"))[[5L]] # - "show_file" ---------------------------------------------------------------- f <- tempfile() cat("this is a\ntest code\nfile\n", file = f) <- capture.output(show_file(f))[[1L]] start.file <- grep("+---+-----------+",, fixed = TRUE) length(start.file) # 2 writeLines([start.file[[1L]]:start.file[[2L]]]) unlink(f) # Run actual demo bits; note we want to force `interactive.mode=TRUE` so that # `read_line_vals` values are used as user input; note that until we fix # / rationalize how sinking behaves within unitizer when the standard streams # come in sunk, we won't be able to fully test everything, since for example # the display of the captured stdout just won't happen. # - "demo create worked" ------------------------------------------------------- # In tests, initial version of package should be 0.1.0; the test store # does not exist so it doesn't get overwritten with subsequent updates # Note the initial install happens in the test running script unitizer:::update_fastlm(".", version = "0.1.0") inst_pak(".") unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y")) untz <- unitize(FLM.TEST.FILE, interactive.mode = TRUE) is(untz, "unitizer_result") print(untz) # Re-running doesn't change unitizer untz2 <- unitize(FLM.TEST.FILE, interactive.mode = TRUE) print(untz2) # Rejecting failed tests does not change unitizer update_fastlm(".", version = "0.1.1") inst_pak(".") unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("N", "N", "Y")) unitizer:::capture_output( untz3 <- unitize(FLM.TEST.FILE, interactive.mode = TRUE) ) print(untz3) # - "demo review" -------------------------------------------------------------- # review is always in interactive mode unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("5", "Q")) review(FLM.TEST.STORE) # - "use.diff" ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Use this opportunity to make sure `use.diff=FALSE` works as intended unitizer:::read_line_set_vals("Q") unitize(FLM.TEST.FILE, interactive.mode = TRUE, use.diff = FALSE) unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c(".DIFF$state", "Q")) unitize(FLM.TEST.FILE, interactive.mode = TRUE, use.diff = FALSE) # - "failing diff" ------------------------------------------------------------- unitizer:::read_line_set_vals("Q") mock(diffobj::diffObj, quote(stop("A failing diff."))) unitize(FLM.TEST.FILE, interactive.mode = TRUE) unmock(diffobj::diffObj) # - "multi-accept" ------------------------------------------------------------- # Test what happens if we back out of a multi-accept unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("YY", "N", "Q")) unitize(FLM.TEST.FILE, interactive.mode = TRUE) # - "multi-input" -------------------------------------------------------------- # Or if we request to go to unreviewed when there are none unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("YY", "Y", "B", "U", "Q")) unitize(FLM.TEST.FILE, interactive.mode = TRUE) # - "warn in parse" ------------------------------------------------------------ # Make sure parse warnings are issued unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("-2147483648L", "Q")) txt8 <- unitizer:::capture_output(unitize(FLM.TEST.FILE, interactive.mode = TRUE)) any(grepl("qualified with L", txt8$message)) # - "demo changes" ------------------------------------------------------------- # # Now actually accept the changes unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(c("Y", "Y", "Y")) untz5 <- unitize(FLM.TEST.FILE, interactive.mode = TRUE) unitizer:::read_line_set_vals(NULL) # - "get_package_dir" ---------------------------------------------------------- # These were in t-get but we moved them here to avoid re-loading pkgs.R unitizer:::get_package_dir(f) # empty test.dir.1 <- file.path(".", "utzflm.Rcheck", "utzflm", "R") identical( unitizer:::get_package_dir(test.dir.1), normalizePath(dirname(test.dir.1), winslash = "/") ) test.dir.2 <- file.path(".", "utzflm.Rcheck") identical( unitizer:::get_package_dir(file.path(test.dir.2, "tests", "tests.R")), normalizePath(file.path(test.dir.2, "utzflm"), winslash = "/") )