context("format parsing") test_that("no annotations when there is no formatting", { ogsprdsht <- readxl::read_excel("./dog_test_plain.xlsx") annot <- annotate_mf("./dog_test_plain.xlsx", orig = Task, new = Task_annotated ) expect_identical(ogsprdsht$Task, annot$Task_annotated) }) test_that("error when spreadsheet has empty or NA values in the header row", { expect_error( annotate_mf("./dog_testNAvar.xlsx", orig = emptyvar, new = Task_annotated), "Check the spreadsheet for empty values in the header row" ) }) test_that("error when spreadsheet has multiple sheets", { expect_error( annotate_mf("./dog_test_mult.xlsx", orig = emptyvar, new = Task_annotated) ) }) test_that("error when path does not exist", { expect_error(annotate_mf("./wrongpath.xlsx", orig = emptyvar, new = Task_annotated )) }) test_that("all formatting options are annotated", { df_ann <- annotate_mf("./dog_test_f.xlsx", orig = Task, new = Task_annotated) expect_equal(sum(lengths(regmatches( df_ann$Task_annotated, gregexpr( pattern = "bold|highlight|italic|underlined", text = df_ann$Task_annotated ) ))), 4) }) test_that("v0.2.2 formatting options are annotated", { df_ann2 <- annotate_mf("./dog_test_f2.xlsx", orig = Task, new = Task_annotated) expect_equal(sum(lengths(regmatches( df_ann2$Task_annotated, gregexpr( pattern = "bold|highlight|italic|strikethrough|color|underlined-double|underlined-single", text = df_ann2$Task_annotated ) ))), 7) })