test_that("Works with a single sample",{ urlb_results <- define_rb(nice_tidy) expect_no_error(plot_ulrb(urlb_results, sample_id = "ERR2044669", taxa_col = "OTU", plot_all = FALSE)) }) test_that("Works for all samples",{ urlb_results <- define_rb(nice_tidy) expect_no_error( suppressWarnings( ## there is an expected warning plot_ulrb(urlb_results, taxa_col = "OTU", plot_all = TRUE))) }) test_that("Throws error if wrong taxa_col is provided",{ urlb_results <- define_rb(nice_tidy) expect_error( suppressWarnings( ## there is an expected warning plot_ulrb(urlb_results, taxa_col = "ASV", plot_all = TRUE))) }) test_that("Log scales works for all samples",{ urlb_results <- define_rb(nice_tidy) expect_no_error( suppressWarnings( ## there is an expected warning plot_ulrb(urlb_results, taxa_col = "OTU", plot_all = TRUE, log_scaled = TRUE))) }) test_that("Stops if taxa_col is missing",{ urlb_results <- define_rb(nice_tidy) expect_error( plot_ulrb(urlb_results, plot_all = TRUE, log_scaled = TRUE)) }) test_that("Stops if dataset is a matrix",{ urlb_results <- define_rb(nice_tidy) %>% as.matrix() expect_error( plot_ulrb(urlb_results, taxa_col = "OTU", plot_all = TRUE, log_scaled = TRUE)) }) test_that("Stops if log scales argument is not logical",{ urlb_results <- define_rb(nice_tidy) %>% as.matrix() expect_error( plot_ulrb(urlb_results, taxa_col = "OTU", plot_all = TRUE, log_scaled = 1)) }) test_that("Error if silhouette score column is wrong",{ urlb_results <- define_rb(nice_tidy) %>% as.matrix() expect_error( plot_ulrb(urlb_results, taxa_col = "OTU", plot_all = TRUE, log_scaled = TRUE, silhouette_score = "Sil")) }) test_that("Stops if number of colors is wrong in extra arguments does not correspond to the size of the classification vector",{ urlb_results <- define_rb(nice_tidy) %>% as.matrix() expect_error( plot_ulrb(urlb_results, taxa_col = "OTU", plot_all = TRUE, log_scaled = TRUE, colors = c(1,2))) }) test_that("Stops if multiple samples are used, but plot_all is not set to TRUE",{ urlb_results <- define_rb(nice_tidy) %>% as.matrix() expect_error( plot_ulrb(urlb_results, taxa_col = "OTU", plot_all = FALSE, log_scaled = TRUE, colors = c(1,2))) })