context("Submodel construction and methods") pri <- uniform(-5,5) prc <- normal(0,2.5) prs <- gamma(1,1) test_that("ubmsSubmodel can be built",{ sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3)), ~x1, "plogis", prior_intercept=normal(0,10), prior_coef=normal(0,2.5), prs) expect_true(inherits(sm, "ubmsSubmodel")) expect_equal(sm@data, data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3))) expect_equal(sm@type, "det") expect_equal(sm@link, "plogis") expect_equal(, list(0)), 0.5) expect_equivalent(sm@missing, rep(FALSE, 3)) expect_equal(sm@prior_intercept, list(dist=1,par1=0,par2=10,par3=0,autoscale=TRUE)) expect_equal(sm@prior_coef, list(dist=1,par1=0,par2=2.5,par3=0,autoscale=TRUE)) expect_equal(sm@prior_sigma, list(dist=5, par1=1, par2=1, par3=0, autoscale=FALSE)) }) test_that("ubmsSubmodelTransition can be built",{ sm <- ubmsSubmodelTransition("Col", "col", data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3)), ~x1, "plogis", 3, pri, prc, prs) expect_true(inherits(sm, "ubmsSubmodelTransition")) expect_equal(nrow(sm@data), 2) }) test_that("ubmsSubmodelTransition errors if NAs in yearlySiteCovs",{ sm <- ubmsSubmodelTransition("Col", "col", data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3)), ~x1, "plogis", 3, pri, prc, prs) sm@data$x1[1] <- NA expect_error(ubmsSubmodelTransition("Col", "col", data.frame(x1=c(1,NA,3)), ~x1, "plogis", 3, pri, prc, prs)) expect_error(ubmsSubmodel("Col", "col", data.frame(x1=c(1,NA,3)), ~x1, "plogis", pri, prc, prs), NA) }) test_that("ubmsSubmodelScalar built correctly",{ ss <- ubmsSubmodelScalar("Fake", "fake", "plogis", normal(0,2.5)) expect_is(ss, "ubmsSubmodelScalar") expect_equal(ss@data, data.frame(X1=1)) expect_equal(ss@formula, ~1) expect_equivalent(ss@missing, c(FALSE)) expect_equivalent(ss@prior_intercept, list(dist=1,par1=0,par2=2.5,par3=0, autoscale=TRUE)) expect_equivalent(ss@prior_coef, null_prior()) expect_equivalent(ss@prior_sigma, null_prior()) }) test_that("placeholderSubmodel creates blank submodel",{ ps <- placeholderSubmodel("fake") expect_is(ps, "ubmsSubmodel") expect_equal(ps@data, data.frame()) expect_equal(ps@formula, ~1) expect_equal(ps@link, "identity") expect_equal(ps@prior_intercept, null_prior()) expect_equal(ps@prior_coef, null_prior()) expect_equal(ps@prior_sigma, null_prior()) }) test_that("drop_final_year removes final year of yearly site covs",{ M <- 5; T <- 3 test_df <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(M*T), x2=factor(rep(c("1","2","3"), M))) expect_equal(levels(test_df$x2), c("1","2","3")) dr <- drop_final_year(test_df, T) expect_is(dr, "data.frame") expect_equal(dim(dr), c(M*(T-1), 2)) expect_equal(levels(dr$x2), c("1","2")) }) test_that("Missing values are detected when submodel is built",{ sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", data.frame(x1=c(NA,2,3)), ~x1, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_equivalent(sm@missing, c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE)) }) test_that("model_frame method works",{ covs <- data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3),x2=c(NA,2,4)) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) mf <- model_frame(sm) expect_equal(mf, structure(list(x1 = c(1, 2, 3)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 3L), terms = ~x1)) }) test_that("model_frame method works with newdata", { covs <- data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3),x2=c(NA,2,4)) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) nd <- data.frame(x1=4, x2=5) mf <- model_frame(sm, nd) expect_equal(mf, structure(list(x1 = 4), class = "data.frame", row.names= c(NA,1L), terms = ~x1)) }) test_that("model.matrix method works",{ covs <- data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3),x2=c(NA,2,4)) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) mm <- model.matrix(sm) ref <- structure(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3), .Dim = 3:2, .Dimnames =list(c("1","2", "3"), c("(Intercept)", "x1")), assign = 0:1) expect_equal(mm, ref) }) test_that("model.matrix works with newdata",{ covs <- data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3),x2=c(NA,2,4)) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) nd <- data.frame(x1=4, x2=5) mm <- model.matrix(sm, nd) ref <- structure(c(1, 4), .Dim = 1:2, .Dimnames = list("1", c("(Intercept)", "x1")), assign = 0:1) expect_equal(mm, ref) #Missing covariate nd <- data.frame(x2=5) expect_error(model.matrix(sm, nd)) }) test_that("model.matrix errors if variables in newdata are missing",{ covs <- data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3),x2=c(NA,2,4)) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) nd <- data.frame(x1=4, x2=5) expect_error(model.matrix(sm, nd), NA) nd <- data.frame(x3=4) expect_error(model.matrix(sm, nd)) }) test_that("check_newdata identifies missing variables in newdata",{ covs <- data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3),x2=c(NA,2,4)) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+x2, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) nd <- data.frame(x3=4) expect_error(check_newdata(nd, sm@formula), "newdata: x1, x2") }) test_that("model.matrix handles NAs",{ covs <- data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3),x2=c(NA,2,4)) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+x2, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) mm <- model.matrix(sm) ref <- structure(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, NA, 2, 4), .Dim = c(3L, 3L), .Dimnames = list(c("1", "2", "3"), c("(Intercept)", "x1", "x2")), assign = 0:2) expect_equal(mm, ref) sm@missing[1] <- TRUE mm <- model.matrix(sm, na.rm=TRUE) ref <- structure(c(1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 4), .Dim = 2:3, .Dimnames = list(c("2","3"), c("(Intercept)", "x1", "x2"))) expect_equal(mm, ref) }) test_that("model.matrix catches invalid factor levels", { covs <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(3), x2=factor(c("a","b","c"))) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+x2, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) nd <- data.frame(x1=1, x2="a") mm <- ubms:::model.matrix(sm, nd) ref <- structure(c(1, 1, 0, 0), .Dim = c(1L, 4L), .Dimnames =list("1",c("(Intercept)", "x1", "x2b", "x2c")), assign = c(0L, 1L,2L, 2L), contrasts = list(x2 = "contr.treatment")) expect_equal(mm, ref) nd <- data.frame(x1=1, x2="d") expect_error(model.matrix(sm, nd)) }) test_that("model.matrix handles functions in formulas", { covs <- data.frame(x1=c(2,1)) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~scale(x1), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) mm <- model.matrix(sm) ref <- structure(c(1, 1, 0.707106781186547, -0.707106781186547), .Dim = c(2L,2L), .Dimnames = list(c("1", "2"), c("(Intercept)", "scale(x1)")), assign = 0:1) expect_equal(mm,ref) expect_equal(model.matrix(sm, covs), ref) }) test_that("model.matrix warns on unstandardized covariates",{ covs <- data.frame(x1=c(1,2,2),x2=c(3,4,5)) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_warning(model.matrix(sm), regexp=NA) expect_warning(model.matrix(sm, warn=TRUE), regexp=NA) sm2 <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x2, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_warning(model.matrix(sm2), regexp=NA) expect_warning(model.matrix(sm2, warn=TRUE)) }) test_that("get_xlev gets levels from factor columns",{ ref_df <- data.frame(x1=factor(c("a","a","b")),x2=c(1,2,3), x3=factor(c("c","d","e"))) mf <- model.frame(~x1+x2, ref_df) lvls <- get_xlev(ref_df, mf) expect_equal(lvls, list(x1=c("a","b"))) }) test_that("model_offset method works", { covs <- data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3),area=c(1.3,2,4)) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+offset(area), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) mo <- model_offset(sm) expect_equal(mo, covs$area) # With a function in formula sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+offset(log(area)), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) mo <- model_offset(sm) expect_equal(mo, log(covs$area)) }) test_that("model_offset method works with newdata", { covs <- data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3),area=c(1.3,2,4)) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+offset(log(area)), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) nd <- data.frame(x1=4, area=5) mo <- model_offset(sm, nd) expect_equal(mo, log(nd$area)) }) test_that("model_offset returns vector of 0s with no offset", { covs <- data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3),area=c(NA,2,4)) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_equal(model_offset(sm), c(0,0,0)) nd <- data.frame(x1=4, area=NA) expect_equal(model_offset(sm, nd), 0) }) test_that("model_offset resized if other covariates are missing and na.rm=T", { covs <- data.frame(x1=c(1,NA,3),area=c(0.5,2,4)) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+offset(area), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_equal(model_offset(sm, na.rm=TRUE), c(0.5,4)) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_equal(model_offset(sm, na.rm=TRUE), c(0,0)) }) test_that("model_offset errors with missing values", { covs <- data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3),area=c(NA,2,4)) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+offset(log(area)), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_error(model_offset(sm)) nd <- data.frame(x1=4, area=NA) expect_error(model_offset(sm, nd)) }) test_that("get_reTrms works",{ dat <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(3), x2=c("a","b","c")) rt <- get_reTrms(~(1|x2), dat) expect_is(rt, "list") expect_equal(names(rt)[c(1,4,8)], c("Zt","Gp","cnms")) }) test_that("get_reTrms works with NAs",{ dat <- data.frame(x1=c(NA,1,2), x2=c("a","b",NA)) rt <- get_reTrms(~(1|x2), dat) expect_is(rt, "list") expect_equal(names(rt)[c(1,4,8)], c("Zt","Gp","cnms")) rt <- get_reTrms(~(1+x1|x2), dat) expect_is(rt, "list") expect_equal(names(rt)[c(1,4,8)], c("Zt","Gp","cnms")) }) test_that("correct Z matrix is built",{ covs <- data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3),x2=c(NA,2,4),x3=c('a','a','b')) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) #No random effect expect_equal(Z_matrix(sm), matrix(0, nrow=0,ncol=0)) #Random intercept sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~(1|x3), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) ref <- structure(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), .Dim = 3:2, .Dimnames =list(c("1","2", "3"), c("a", "b"))) expect_equal(Z_matrix(sm), ref) #Random slope + intercept sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~(1+x1||x3), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) ref <- structure(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3), .Dim =3:4, .Dimnames = list(c("1", "2", "3"), c("a", "b", "a", "b"))) expect_equal(Z_matrix(sm), ref) }) test_that("Missing values are handled when Z matrix is built", { covs <- data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3),x2=c(NA,2,4),x3=c('a',NA,'b')) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~(1|x3), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) #Random intercept ref <- structure(c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), .Dim = 3:2, .Dimnames =list(c("1","2", "3"), c("a", "b"))) #Random slope + intercept sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~(1+x1||x3), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) ref <- structure(c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3), .Dim =3:4, .Dimnames = list(c("1", "2", "3"), c("a", "b", "a", "b"))) expect_equal(Z_matrix(sm), ref) #With missing removed sm@missing[1] <- TRUE expect_equal(Z_matrix(sm), ref) ref <- structure(c(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3), .Dim = c(2L, 4L), .Dimnames = list(c("2", "3"), c("a", "b", "a", "b"))) expect_equal(Z_matrix(sm, na.rm=T), ref) }) test_that("Generating Z matrix from newdata works", { covs <- data.frame(x1=c(1,2,3),x2=c(NA,2,4),x3=factor(c('a','a','b'))) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~(1|x3), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) nd <- data.frame(x1=4, x3='b') ref <- structure(c(0, 1), .Dim = 1:2, .Dimnames = list("1", c("a", "b"))) expect_equal(Z_matrix(sm, nd), ref) }) test_that("beta names are correct",{ covs <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(3), x2=factor(c("a","b","c"))) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+x2, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_equal(beta_names(sm), c("(Intercept)", "x1", "x2b", "x2c")) }) test_that("b names are correct",{ covs <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(3), x2=factor(c("a","b","c")), x3=factor(c("d","e","d"))) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_equal(b_names(sm), NA_character_) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+(1|x2), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_equal(b_names(sm), paste("(Intercept)", c("x2:a", "x2:b", "x2:c"))) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+(1+x1||x2), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_equal(b_names(sm), c(paste("(Intercept)", c("x2:a", "x2:b", "x2:c")), c(paste("x1", c("x2:a", "x2:b", "x2:c"))))) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~(1|x2) + (1|x3), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_equal(b_names(sm), c(paste("(Intercept)", c("x2:a","x2:b","x2:c","x3:d","x3:e")))) #Test when there is a random slope for a factor sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+(x1+x3||x2), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_equal(b_names(sm), c(paste("(Intercept)", c("x2:a", "x2:b", "x2:c")), paste("x1", c("x2:a", "x2:b", "x2:c")), c("x3d x2:a", "x3e x2:a", "x3d x2:b", "x3e x2:b", "x3d x2:c", "x3e x2:c"))) }) test_that("sigma names are correct", { covs <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(3), x2=factor(c("a","b","c"))) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_equal(sigma_names(sm), NA_character_) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+(1|x2), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_equal(sigma_names(sm),"sigma [1|x2]") sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+(1+x1||x2), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_equal(sigma_names(sm), paste0("sigma [", c("1|x2]", "x1|x2]"))) }) test_that("submodels with random effects are identified",{ covs <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(3), x2=factor(c("a","b","c"))) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_false(has_random(sm)) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+(1|x2), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_true(has_random(sm)) }) test_that("submodels with intercepts are identified",{ covs <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(3), x2=factor(c("a","b","c"))) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1-1, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_false(has_intercept(sm)) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1, "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_true(has_intercept(sm)) }) test_that("generating parameter names works",{ covs <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(3), x2=factor(c("a","b","c"))) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+(1|x2), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) expect_equal(b_par(sm), "b_det") expect_equal(sig_par(sm), "sigma_det") expect_equal(beta_par(sm), "beta_det") }) test_that("check_formula identifies unsupported formulas",{ dat <- data.frame(y=rnorm(10), x1=rnorm(10), x2=rnorm(10), x3=sample(letters[1:3], 10, replace=T), x4=sample(letters[4:6], 10, replace=T)) expect_error(check_formula(~x1+(1|x2), dat), NA) expect_error(check_formula(~x1+(x1|x2),dat)) expect_error(check_formula(~x1+(x1||x2),dat), NA) expect_error(check_formula(~(1|x1 / x2), dat)) expect_error(check_formula(~(1|x1 : x2), dat)) }) test_that("check_formula allows : in non-random effects part of formula",{ dat <- data.frame(y=rnorm(10), x1=rnorm(10), x2=rnorm(10), x3=sample(letters[1:3], 10, replace=T), x4=sample(letters[4:6], 10, replace=T)) expect_error(check_formula(~x1*x2 + (1|x3), dat), NA) expect_error(check_formula(~x1:x2 + (1|x3), dat), NA) expect_error(check_formula(~x1:x2 + (1|x3:x2), dat)) }) test_that("check_formula handles very long formulas",{ dat <- data.frame(y=rnorm(10), longcovariate1=rnorm(10), longcovariate2=rnorm(10), longcovariate3=rnorm(10), longcovariate4=rnorm(10), group=sample(letters[1:5], 10, replace=T)) form_long <- formula("~ (longcovariate1 + longcovariate2 + longcovariate3 + longcovariate4 || group)") expect_error(check_formula(form_long, dat), NA) expect_warning(check_formula(form_long, dat), NA) form_long2 <- formula("~ (longcovariate1 + longcovariate2 + longcovariate3 + longcovariate4 | group)") expect_error(check_formula(form_long2, dat)) }) test_that("check_formula errors when there are R factors specified as random slopes",{ dat <- data.frame(y=rnorm(10), cov1=rnorm(10), cov2=sample(c("ag","for"), 10, replace=T), group=sample(letters[1:5], 10, replace=T)) dat$cov2for <- ifelse(dat$cov2=="ag",0,1) expect_error(check_formula(~(cov2||group), dat)) expect_error(check_formula(~cov2+(cov2||group), dat)) expect_error(check_formula(~(cov2-1||group), dat)) expect_error(check_formula(~(cov1+cov2||group), dat)) expect_error(check_formula(~cov2+(cov1||group), dat), NA) expect_error(check_formula(~(cov1+cov2for||group), dat), NA) }) test_that("submodel list creation works", { covs <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(3), x2=factor(c("a","b","c"))) sm1 <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+(1|x2), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) covs <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(3), x2=factor(c("a","b","c"))) sm2 <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "state", covs, ~x1+(1|x2), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) sl <- ubmsSubmodelList(sm1, sm2) expect_is(sl, "ubmsSubmodelList") expect_equal(names(sl@submodels), c("det","state")) }) test_that("submodel [ works",{ covs <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(3), x2=factor(c("a","b","c"))) sm1 <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+(1|x2), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) covs <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(3), x2=factor(c("a","b","c"))) sm2 <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "state", covs, ~x1+(1|x2), "plogis", pri, prc, prs) sl <- ubmsSubmodelList(sm1, sm2) expect_equal(sl["state"], sl@submodels[[2]]) expect_error(sl["fake"]) })