context("Get posterior of linear predictor") skip_on_cran() #Setup umf set.seed(123) sc <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(3), x2=factor(c("a","b","c"))) oc <- data.frame(x3=rnorm(9)) umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y=matrix(c(1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0), nrow=3), siteCovs=sc, obsCovs=oc) #Fit model good_fit <- TRUE tryCatch({ fit <- suppressWarnings(stan_occu(~x3~x1+(1|x2), umf, chains=2, iter=40, refresh=0)) }, error=function(e){ good_fit <<- FALSE }) skip_if(!good_fit, "Test setup failed") test_that("predict correctly wraps sim_lp",{ expect_error(predict(fit, "fake")) pr <- predict(fit, "state") expect_is(pr, "data.frame") expect_equal(names(pr), c("Predicted","SD","2.5%","97.5%")) expect_equal(dim(pr), c(3,4)) #Newdata nd <- data.frame(x1=0) #Missing random effect expect_error(predict(fit, "state", newdata=nd)) #Should work now pr2 <- predict(fit, "state", newdata=nd, re.form=NA) expect_is(pr2, "data.frame") expect_equal(dim(pr2), c(1,4)) #Change level pr3 <- predict(fit, "state", newdata=nd, re.form=NA, level=0.8) expect_equal(names(pr3)[3:4], c("10%","90%")) }) test_that("posterior_linpred correctly wraps sim_lp",{ expect_error(posterior_linpred(fit, "fake")) expect_equal(posterior_linpred(fit, FALSE,"state",NULL, NULL,NULL), sim_lp(fit,"state",FALSE,NULL,1:40,NULL)) #Check that smaller number of draws works set.seed(123) pl <- posterior_linpred(fit, FALSE,"state",NULL,draws=3,NULL) set.seed(123) lp <- sim_lp(fit,"state",FALSE,NULL,get_samples(fit,3),NULL) expect_equal(pl, lp) }) test_that("sim_lp generates posterior correctly",{ #For all iterations samp <- get_samples(fit, NULL) lp <- sim_lp(fit, "state", transform=FALSE, newdata=NULL, samp, re.form=NULL) expect_is(lp, "matrix") expect_equal(dim(lp), c(40,3)) #For a few iterations samp <- c(1,2,3) lp <- sim_lp(fit, "state", transform=FALSE, newdata=NULL, samp, re.form=NULL) expect_is(lp, "matrix") expect_equal(dim(lp), c(3,3)) }) test_that("sim_lp transforms parameters correctly",{ samp <- c(1,2,3) lp <- sim_lp(fit, "state", transform=FALSE, newdata=NULL, samp, re.form=NULL) lpt_compare <-["state"]@link, list(lp)) lpt <- sim_lp(fit, "state", transform=TRUE, newdata=NULL, samp, re.form=NULL) expect_equal(lpt, lpt_compare) }) test_that("sim_lp can remove random effects from linear predictor",{ samp <- c(1,2,3) lp_rand <- sim_lp(fit, "state", transform=FALSE, newdata=NULL, samp, re.form=NULL) lp_norand <- sim_lp(fit, "state", transform=FALSE, newdata=NULL, samp, re.form=NA) expect_equal(dim(lp_norand), dim(lp_rand)) expect_true(all(lp_rand != lp_norand)) #Unchanged when submodel has no random effects lp_rand <- sim_lp(fit, "det", transform=FALSE, newdata=NULL, samp, re.form=NULL) lp_norand <- sim_lp(fit, "det", transform=FALSE, newdata=NULL, samp, re.form=NA) expect_equal(dim(lp_norand), dim(lp_rand)) expect_equal(lp_rand, lp_norand) }) test_that("sim_lp handles newdata",{ nd <- data.frame(x1=c(0,1)) samp <- c(1,2,3) #Missing covariate expect_error(sim_lp(fit, "state", transform=FALSE, newdata=nd, samp, re.form=NULL)) nd$x2 <- factor(c("a","b"), levels=c("a","b","c")) lp <- sim_lp(fit,"state",transform=FALSE, newdata=nd, samp, re.form=NULL) expect_equal(dim(lp), c(3,2)) })