context("Build ubmsFit object") skip_on_cran() #Set up a submodel list covs <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(3), x2=factor(c("a","b","c")), x3=factor(c("a","b","c"))) pint <- uniform(-5,5) pcof <- normal(0,2.5) psig <- gamma(1,1) sm1 <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", covs, ~x1+(1|x2), "plogis", pint, pcof, psig) sm2 <- ubmsSubmodel("Occ", "state", covs, ~x1, "plogis", pint, pcof, psig) sm3 <- ubmsSubmodel("Occ", "state", covs, ~x1+(1|x2), "plogis", pint, pcof, psig) sm4 <- ubmsSubmodel("Occ", "state", covs, ~(1|x2)+(1|x3), "plogis", pint, pcof, psig) #Set up response and stan inputs umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y=matrix(c(1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0), nrow=3)) umf <- process_umf(umf) dm <- ubmsSubmodel("Det", "det", obsCovs(umf), ~1, "plogis", pint, pcof, psig) sm <- ubmsSubmodel("Occ", "state", siteCovs(umf), ~1, "plogis", pint, pcof, psig) sl <- ubmsSubmodelList(sm,dm) resp <- ubmsResponse(umf@y,"binomial","binomial",max_primary=1) #Build a stanfit object set.seed(123) inp <- build_stan_inputs("occu", resp, sl, log_lik=FALSE) good_fit <- TRUE tryCatch({ sf <- suppressWarnings(rstan::sampling(stanmodels[["single_season"]], inp$stan_data, inp$pars,chains=2, iter=40, refresh=0)) test <- process_stanfit(sf, sl) }, error=function(e){ good_fit <<- FALSE }) skip_if(!good_fit, "Test setup failed") test_that("ubmsFit object is constructed correctly",{ ufit <- suppressWarnings(ubmsFit("occu","stan_occu(formula = ~1 ~ 1, data = umf, chains = 2, iter = 40)")), umf, resp, sl, chains=2, iter=40, refresh=0)) expect_true(inherits(ufit, "ubmsFit")) expect_true(inherits(ufit@stanfit, "stanfit")) expect_equal(ufit@data, umf) expect_equivalent(ufit@submodels, sl) expect_equivalent(ufit@response, resp) expect_true(inherits(ufit@loo, "psis_loo")) }) test_that("fit_class generates class from model name",{ expect_equal(fit_class("occu"), "ubmsFitOccu") }) test_that("remove_placeholders removes placeholder submodels from list",{ ps <- placeholderSubmodel("fake") list_ps <- ubmsSubmodelList(sm, dm, ps) list_remove <- remove_placeholders(list_ps) expect_equal(list_remove, sl) }) #test_that("get_loo generates loo object from stanfit",{ # loo_obj <- suppressWarnings(get_loo(sf)) # expect_true(inherits(loo_obj, "psis_loo")) #}) test_that("fit_model builds model correctly",{ ufit <- suppressWarnings( fit_model("occu", resp, sl, log_lik=FALSE, chains=2, iter=20, refresh=0)) expect_true(inherits(ufit, "stanfit")) nms <- stanfit_names(sl) expect_equal(ufit@sim$fnames_oi[1:length(nms)], nms) #Check MCMC options are passed arg <- ufit@stan_args expect_equal(length(arg), 2) expect_equal(arg[[1]]$warmup, 10) expect_equal(arg[[1]]$iter, 20) expect_equal(arg[[1]]$refresh, 0) }) test_that("specific model name is shown in console output",{ # e.g. 'occu' instead of 'single_season' out <- capture.output(ufit <- suppressWarnings( fit_model("occu", resp, sl, log_lik=FALSE, chains=2, iter=20))) expect_true(any(grepl("occu", out))) expect_false(any(grepl("single_season", out))) }) test_that("process_stanfit cleans up fitted stan model",{ expect_true(inherits(sf, "stanfit")) psf <- process_stanfit(sf, sl) nms <- stanfit_names(sl) expect_equal(psf@sim$fnames_oi[1:length(nms)], nms) #test model failure sf2 <- sf sf2@mode = 1L expect_error(process_stanfit(sf2, sl)) }) test_that("stanfit_names for params in stan object are correct",{ sl <- ubmsSubmodelList(sm1, sm2) expect_equal(stanfit_names(sl), c("beta_det[(Intercept)]", "beta_det[x1]", "b_det[(Intercept) x2:a]", "b_det[(Intercept) x2:b]", "b_det[(Intercept) x2:c]", "sigma_det[sigma [1|x2]]", "beta_state[(Intercept)]", "beta_state[x1]")) }) test_that("beta names for ubmsSubmodel are generated correctly",{ expect_equal(beta_names(sm1), c("(Intercept)", "x1")) expect_equal(beta_names(sm4), c("(Intercept)")) }) test_that("b names for ubmsSubmodel are generated correctly",{ # No random effect expect_true( # One random effect expect_equal(b_names(sm1), paste0("(Intercept) x2:",levels(covs$x2))) # Two random effects expect_equal(b_names(sm4), c(paste0("(Intercept) x2:",levels(covs$x2)), paste0("(Intercept) x3:", levels(covs$x3)))) }) test_that("sigma names for stanfit are generated correctly",{ # No random effect expect_true( # One random effect expect_equal(sigma_names(sm1), "sigma [1|x2]") # Two random effects expect_equal(sigma_names(sm4), c("sigma [1|x2]", "sigma [1|x3]")) })