context("stan_colext function and methods") skip_on_cran() #Simulate dataset set.seed(123) M <- 150; T <- 3; J <- 3 z <- matrix(NA, M, T) z[,1] <- rbinom(M, 1, 0.3) for (i in 1:M){ for (t in 1:(T-1)){ if(z[i, t] == 1) z[i,(t+1)] <- rbinom(1, 1, 0.75) if(z[i, t] == 0) z[i,(t+1)] <- rbinom(1, 1, 0.6) } } x3 <- matrix(rnorm(M*T*J), M, T*J) pest <- plogis(0 + x3*0.7) zrep <- z[,rep(1:T, each=J)] y <- matrix(NA, M, T*J) for (i in 1:M){ idx <- 1 for (t in 1:T){ for (j in 1:J){ y[i,idx] <- rbinom(1, 1, pest[i,idx]*zrep[i,idx]) idx <- idx + 1 } } } sc <- data.frame(x1=factor(sample(letters[1:10], M, replace=TRUE)), x2=rnorm(M)) oc <- list(x3=x3) ysc <- data.frame(x4=rnorm(M*T)) umf <- unmarkedMultFrame(y, numPrimary=T, siteCovs=sc, obsCovs=oc, yearlySiteCovs=ysc) umf2 <- umf umf2@y[1,] <- NA umf2@y[2,1] <- NA good_fit <- TRUE tryCatch({ fit <- suppressWarnings(stan_colext(~x2,~x4,~1,~1, umf[1:10,], chains=2, iter=100, refresh=0)) fit_na <- suppressWarnings(stan_colext(~x2,~x4,~1,~1, umf2[1:10,], chains=2, iter=100, refresh=0)) }, error=function(e){ good_fit <<- FALSE }) skip_if(!good_fit, "Test setup failed") test_that("stan_pcount output structure is correct",{ expect_is(fit, "ubmsFitColext") expect_is(fit, "ubmsFitOccu") expect_equal(nsamples(fit), 100) }) test_that("stan_colext produces accurate results",{ skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() skip_on_covr() set.seed(123) fit_long <- suppressWarnings(stan_colext(~x2,~x4,~1,~1, umf, chains=2, iter=300, refresh=0)) fit_unm <- colext(~x2,~x4,~1,~1, umf) #similar to truth beta <- c(log(0.3/0.7), 0, log(0.6/0.4), 0, log(0.25/0.75), 0) expect_RMSE(coef(fit_long), beta, 0.15) #similar to unmarked expect_RMSE(coef(fit_long), coef(fit_unm), 0.03) #similar to previous known values known <- c(-0.86420,-0.0755,0.58441,0.13419,-1.04717,0.04023) expect_RMSE(coef(fit_long), known, 0.03) }) test_that("stan_colext handles NA values",{ expect_RMSE(coef(fit_na), coef(fit), 1.5) }) test_that("extract_log_lik method works",{ ll <- extract_log_lik(fit) expect_is(ll, "matrix") expect_equal(dim(ll), c(100/2 * 2, numSites(fit@data))) expect_between(sum(ll), -5700, -5500) }) test_that("ubmsFitColext gof method works",{ set.seed(123) g <- gof(fit, draws=5, quiet=TRUE) expect_between(g@estimate, 10, 50) gof_plot_method <- methods::getMethod("plot", "ubmsGOF") pdf(NULL) pg <- gof_plot_method(g) expect_is(pg, "gg") }) test_that("ubmsFitColext gof method works with missing values",{ set.seed(123) g <- gof(fit_na, draws=5, quiet=TRUE) expect_is(g, "ubmsGOF") }) test_that("ubmsFitColext predict method works",{ pr <- predict(fit_na, "state") expect_is(pr, "data.frame") expect_equal(dim(pr), c(10, 4)) expect_between(pr[1,1], 0, 1) pr <- predict(fit_na, "det") expect_equal(dim(pr), c(90,4)) expect_between(pr[1,1], 0, 1) #with newdata nd <- data.frame(x2=c(0,1)) pr <- predict(fit_na, "state", newdata=nd) expect_equal(dim(pr), c(2,4)) expect_between(pr[1,1], 0, 1) }) test_that("ubmsFitColext sim_z method works",{ set.seed(123) samples <- get_samples(fit, 5) zz <- sim_z(fit, samples, re.form=NULL) expect_is(zz, "matrix") expect_equal(dim(zz), c(length(samples), 10*umf@numPrimary)) expect_between(mean(zz), 0.5, 1 ) expect_equal(max(zz), 1) set.seed(123) pz <- posterior_predict(fit, "z", draws=5) expect_equivalent(zz, pz) }) test_that("ubmsFitColext sim_y method works",{ set.seed(123) samples <- get_samples(fit, 5) yy <- sim_y(fit, samples, re.form=NULL) expect_is(yy, "matrix") expect_equal(dim(yy), c(length(samples), 10*obsNum(umf))) expect_equal(max(yy), 1) set.seed(123) py <- posterior_predict(fit, "y", draws=5) expect_equivalent(yy, py) }) test_that("Posterior sim methods for ubmsFitColext work with NAs",{ zna <- posterior_predict(fit_na, "z", draws=3) expect_equal(dim(zna), c(3,10*umf2@numPrimary)) expect_true(all(![,1]))) yna <- posterior_predict(fit_na, "y", draws=3) expect_equal(dim(yna), c(3, 10*obsNum(umf2))) expect_equal(sum([1,])), 10) expect_equal(sum([2,])), 10) }) test_that("Posterior linear pred methods work for ubmsFitColext",{ set.seed(123) samples <- get_samples(fit, 3) lp1 <- sim_lp(fit, "state", transform=TRUE, samples=samples, newdata=NULL, re.form=NULL) expect_equal(dim(lp1), c(length(samples), 10)) set.seed(123) pl <- posterior_linpred(fit, draws=3, submodel="state") }) test_that("Fitted/residual methods work with ubmsFitColext",{ ubms_fitted <- methods::getMethod("fitted", "ubmsFit") ubms_residuals <- methods::getMethod("residuals", "ubmsFit") ubms_plot <- methods::getMethod("plot", "ubmsFit") ft <- ubms_fitted(fit, "state", draws=5) ft2 <- ubms_fitted(fit, "det", draws=5) expect_equal(dim(ft), c(5,10*umf@numPrimary)) expect_equal(dim(ft2), c(5,10*obsNum(umf))) res <- ubms_residuals(fit, "state", draws=5) res2 <- ubms_residuals(fit, "det", draws=5) expect_equal(dim(res), c(5,10*umf@numPrimary)) expect_equal(dim(res2), c(5,10*obsNum(umf))) pdf(NULL) rp <- plot_residuals(fit, "state") mp <- plot_marginal(fit, "state") expect_is(rp, "gg") expect_is(mp, "gg") }) test_that("projected function and sim_state works with ubmsFitColext",{ set.seed(123) samples <- get_samples(fit, 3) pro <- sim_projected(fit, samples, NULL) expect_equal(dim(pro), c(3, 10*umf@numPrimary)) expect_between(mean(pro), 0.5, 1) set.seed(123) expect_equivalent(projected(fit, 3), pro) pro_na <- sim_projected(fit_na, samples, NULL) expect_equal(dim(pro), dim(pro_na)) set.seed(123) expect_equivalent(sim_state(fit, samples), pro) set.seed(123) expect_equal(dim(sim_state(fit_na, samples)), dim(pro)) }) test_that("turnover function works with ubmsFitColext",{ set.seed(123) samples <- get_samples(fit, 3) turn <- sim_turnover(fit, samples, NULL) expect_equal(dim(turn), c(3, 10*(umf@numPrimary-1))) expect_between(mean(turn), 0, 0.5) set.seed(123) expect_equivalent(turnover(fit, 3), turn) turn_na <- sim_turnover(fit_na, samples, NULL) expect_equal(dim(turn), dim(turn_na)) }) test_that("attempt to fit spatial model fails", { expect_error(stan_colext(~x2+RSR(x,y,1),~x4,~1,~1, umf[1:10,], chains=2, iter=100, refresh=0)) })