context("Wald and LR tests") library(uGMAR) ## A(M)(p)_(p)(M)(d) # Structural GMVAR(2, 2), d=2 model identified with sign-constraints: params12 <- c(1.7041595, 0.8492518, 0.3006342, 4.1194618, 0.7271892, 1.9817267, 0.6331898) mod12 <- GSMAR(simudata, p=1, M=2, params=params12, model="GMAR") A1 <- rbind(c(0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0), c(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0)) c1 <- c(0.1, -2.4) wald1 <- Wald_test(mod12, A1, c1) test_that("Wald_test works correctly", { expect_equal(unname(wald1$parameter), 2) expect_equal(unname(wald1$statistic), 1.32194, tolerance=1e-1) expect_equal(wald1$p.value, 0.5163504, tolerance=1e-1) }) # The same model as above but with the AR parameters restricted to be the # same in both regimes. params12r <- c(2.1849744, 2.9342138, 0.8052687, 0.2948068, 1.9019095, 0.6437754) mod12r <- GSMAR(simudata, p=1, M=2, params=params12r, model="GMAR", restricted=TRUE) lr1 <- LR_test(mod12, mod12r) test_that("LR_test works correctly", { expect_equal(unname(lr1$parameter), 1) expect_equal(unname(lr1$statistic), 1.378559, tolerance=1e-4) expect_equal(lr1$p.value, 0.2403468, tolerance=1e-4) })