* using log directory ‘/srv/hornik/tmp/CRAN/tutorialExtras.Rcheck’ * using R Under development (unstable) (2024-06-11 r86723) * using platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu * R was compiled by Debian clang version 18.1.5 (2) Debian flang-new version 18.1.5 (2) * running under: Debian GNU/Linux trixie/sid * using session charset: UTF-8 * checking for file ‘tutorialExtras/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK * checking extension type ... Package * this is package ‘tutorialExtras’ version ‘’ * package encoding: UTF-8 * checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... [3s/3s] NOTE Maintainer: ‘Danielle Sass ’ New submission Version contains large components ( Possibly misspelled words in DESCRIPTION: learnR (8:32) learnr (3:48) Unknown, possibly misspelled, fields in DESCRIPTION: ‘Remotes’ Suggests or Enhances not in mainstream repositories: gradethis Package has a VignetteBuilder field but no prebuilt vignette index. The Title field should be in title case. Current version is: ‘Custom questions and exam functions for learnr tutorials’ In title case that is: ‘Custom Questions and Exam Functions for Learnr Tutorials’ * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... NOTE Package suggested but not available for checking: ‘gradethis’ Vignette dependency required without any vignettes:: ‘knitr’ * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for executable files ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... NOTE Found the following hidden files and directories: .github These were most likely included in error. See section ‘Package structure’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual. CRAN-pack does not know about .github * checking for portable file names ... NOTE Found the following non-portable file paths: tutorialExtras/inst/tutorials/exam_tutorial_example/rsconnect/documents/exam_tutorial_example.Rmd/shinyapps.io/amkuyper/exam_tutorial_example.dcf tutorialExtras/inst/tutorials/grade_tutorial_example/rsconnect/documents/grade_tutorial_example.Rmd/shinyapps.io/amkuyper/grade_tutorial_example.dcf tutorialExtras/inst/tutorials/new_question_types/rsconnect/documents/new_question_types.Rmd/shinyapps.io/amkuyper/new_question_types.dcf tutorialExtras/inst/tutorials/exam_tutorial_example/rsconnect/documents/exam_tutorial_example.Rmd/shinyapps.io/amkuyper tutorialExtras/inst/tutorials/grade_tutorial_example/rsconnect/documents/grade_tutorial_example.Rmd/shinyapps.io/amkuyper tutorialExtras/inst/tutorials/new_question_types/rsconnect/documents/new_question_types.Rmd/shinyapps.io/amkuyper Tarballs are only required to store paths of up to 100 bytes and cannot store those of more than 256 bytes, with restrictions including to 100 bytes for the final component. See section ‘Package structure’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual. * checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK * checking serialization versions ... OK * checking whether package ‘tutorialExtras’ can be installed ... [3s/4s] OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking for future file timestamps ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... NOTE Non-standard files/directories found at top level: ‘_pkgdown.yml’ ‘images’ * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking code files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... [1s/1s] OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... [1s/1s] OK * checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... [1s/1s] OK * checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... [1s/1s] OK * checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... [1s/1s] OK * checking loading without being on the library search path ... [1s/1s] OK * checking whether startup messages can be suppressed ... [1s/1s] OK * checking use of S3 registration ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE Unexported objects imported by ':::' calls: ‘learnr:::.learnr_messages’ ‘learnr:::ace_html_dependency’ ‘learnr:::answer_labels’ ‘learnr:::answer_type_is_function’ ‘learnr:::answer_values’ ‘learnr:::answers_split_type’ ‘learnr:::cache_complete_exercise’ ‘learnr:::clipboardjs_html_dependency’ ‘learnr:::current_exercise_version’ ‘learnr:::dput_to_string’ ‘learnr:::evaluate_exercise’ ‘learnr:::event_trigger’ ‘learnr:::exercise_result_as_html’ ‘learnr:::filter_dependencies’ ‘learnr:::filter_state_objects’ ‘learnr:::forked_evaluator_factory’ ‘learnr:::get_all_state_objects’ ‘learnr:::get_exercise_submission’ ‘learnr:::get_object’ ‘learnr:::get_tutorial_path’ ‘learnr:::i18n_span’ ‘learnr:::inline_evaluator’ ‘learnr:::is_mac’ ‘learnr:::is_windows’ ‘learnr:::knitr_engine’ ‘learnr:::knitr_engine_caption’ ‘learnr:::question_button_label’ ‘learnr:::question_messages’ ‘learnr:::question_ui_loading’ ‘learnr:::quiz_text’ ‘learnr:::random_id’ ‘learnr:::random_question_id’ ‘learnr:::random_seed’ ‘learnr:::remove_all_objects’ ‘learnr:::retrieve_question_submission_answer’ ‘learnr:::save_object’ ‘learnr:::set_tutorial_state’ ‘learnr:::shuffle’ ‘learnr:::store_question_cache’ ‘learnr:::timestamp_utc’ ‘learnr:::tutorial_object’ ‘learnr:::verify_tutorial_chunk_label’ ‘learnr:::withLearnrMathJax’ See the note in ?`:::` about the use of this operator. There are ::: calls to the package's namespace in its code. A package almost never needs to use ::: for its own objects: ‘blank_question’ ‘drop_question’ ‘exercise_server_chunk’ ‘question_module_server’ ‘question_module_server_impl’ ‘question_module_ui’ ‘submissions’ ‘tutorial_knitr_options’ ‘wordbank_question’ * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... [6s/6s] NOTE exam: no visible global function definition for ‘quiz_text’ grade_calc: no visible global function definition for ‘map’ grade_calc: no visible binding for global variable ‘type’ grade_calc: no visible binding for global variable ‘partial_cred’ grade_calc: no visible binding for global variable ‘blanks’ grade_calc: no visible binding for global variable ‘pts_earned’ grade_server : : no visible binding for global variable ‘label’ grade_server : : no visible binding for global variable ‘pts_possible’ grade_server : : no visible binding for global variable ‘pts_earned’ grade_server : : : no visible binding for global variable ‘label’ grade_server : : : no visible binding for global variable ‘pts_possible’ grade_server : : : no visible binding for global variable ‘pts_earned’ lock_server : : no visible binding for global variable ‘label’ lock_server : : no visible binding for global variable ‘type’ lock_server : : no visible binding for global variable ‘partial_cred’ lock_server : : no visible binding for global variable ‘time_stamp’ lock_server : : : no visible binding for global variable ‘label’ lock_server : : : no visible binding for global variable ‘type’ lock_server : : : no visible binding for global variable ‘partial_cred’ lock_server : : : no visible binding for global variable ‘time_stamp’ lock_server : : : no visible binding for global variable ‘pts_possible’ lock_server : : : no visible binding for global variable ‘blanks’ lock_server : : : no visible binding for global variable ‘pts_earned’ lock_server : : : no visible binding for global variable ‘time’ lock_server : : : no visible global function definition for ‘enframe’ lock_server : : : no visible global function definition for ‘transpose’ lock_server : : : no visible global function definition for ‘map’ submissions: no visible global function definition for ‘map’ submissions : : no visible binding for global variable ‘answer_last’ submissions : : no visible binding for global variable ‘correct_last’ submissions : : no visible binding for global variable ‘label’ submissions : : no visible binding for global variable ‘time_last’ Undefined global functions or variables: answer_last blanks correct_last enframe label map partial_cred pts_earned pts_possible quiz_text time time_last time_stamp transpose type Consider adding importFrom("stats", "time") to your NAMESPACE file. * checking Rd files ... [0s/0s] OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd line widths ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking examples ... [1s/1s] OK * checking PDF version of manual ... [3s/3s] OK * checking HTML version of manual ... [0s/0s] OK * checking for non-standard things in the check directory ... OK * checking for detritus in the temp directory ... OK * DONE Status: 7 NOTEs