library(workflows) library(dplyr) library(recipes) library(parsnip) library(rsample) library(yardstick) test_that("showing notes", { skip_if_not_installed("modeldata") skip_if(rankdeficient_version) data(Chicago, package = "modeldata") base_wflow <- workflow() %>% add_model(linear_reg()) role_rec <- recipe(ridership ~ ., data = Chicago) %>% step_date(date, id = "step_date") %>% update_role(date, new_role = "date") %>% update_role_requirements("date", bake = FALSE) role_bp_wflow <- base_wflow %>% add_recipe(role_rec) set.seed(1) rs <- vfold_cv(Chicago) skip_if(packageVersion("dplyr") < "1.1.1") skip_if(getRversion() <= "4.2.3") expect_snapshot(res_roles <- role_bp_wflow %>% fit_resamples(rs)) expect_snapshot(show_notes(res_roles)) # example with warnings simple_rec <- recipe(ridership ~ ., data = Chicago) %>% step_holiday(date) %>% step_date(date, keep_original_cols = FALSE) %>% step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors(), one_hot = TRUE) simple_wflow <- base_wflow %>% add_recipe(simple_rec) expect_snapshot(res_simple <- simple_wflow %>% fit_resamples(rs)) expect_snapshot(show_notes(res_simple)) # nothing to show clean_rec <- recipe(ridership ~ Austin + Belmont, data = Chicago) clean_wflow <- base_wflow %>% add_recipe(clean_rec) res_clean <- clean_wflow %>% fit_resamples(rs) expect_snapshot(show_notes(.Last.tune.result)) # Get cli lines right set.seed(1) dat <- modeldata::sim_classification(150, intercept = 15) rs <- rsample::vfold_cv(dat) expect_snapshot( fit_lr <- parsnip::logistic_reg() %>% fit_resamples(class ~ ., rs) ) expect_snapshot(show_notes(fit_lr)) }) test_that("notes are sorted in the correct order", { # set `apparent = TRUE` so that resamples aren't in alphabetical order by id mt_boots <- bootstraps(mtcars, 3, apparent = TRUE) # induce the size zero yardstick error in Bootstrap1 mt_boots$splits[[1]]$out_id <- numeric(0) suppressMessages({ mt_res <- fit_resamples(linear_reg(), mpg ~ ., mt_boots) }) boots_1_loc <- which(mt_res$id == "Bootstrap1") boots_1_notes <- mt_res$.notes[[boots_1_loc]] expect_equal(nrow(boots_1_notes), 1) })