test_that("percentile intervals - resamples only", { skip_if_not_installed("modeldata") skip_if_not_installed("rsample", minimum_version = "1.3.0") library(rsample) library(parsnip) data(Sacramento, package = "modeldata") set.seed(13) sac_rs <- vfold_cv(Sacramento) lm_res <- linear_reg() %>% fit_resamples( log10(price) ~ beds + baths + sqft + type + latitude + longitude, resamples = sac_rs, control = control_resamples(save_pred = TRUE) ) template <- dplyr::tibble( .metric = character(0), .estimator = character(0), .lower = numeric(0), .estimate = numeric(0), .upper = numeric(0), .config = character(0) ) set.seed(1) expect_snapshot(int_res_1 <- int_pctl(lm_res, times = 500)) expect_equal(int_res_1[0,], template) expect_equal(nrow(int_res_1), 2) expect_snapshot(int_pctl(lm_res, times = 2000, metrics = "rmse"), error = TRUE) # check to make sure that alpha works set.seed(1) expect_snapshot(int_res_2 <- int_pctl(lm_res, times = 500, alpha = .25)) expect_true(int_res_2$.lower[1] > int_res_1$.lower[1]) expect_true(int_res_2$.upper[1] < int_res_1$.upper[1]) }) test_that("percentile intervals - last fit", { skip_if_not_installed("modeldata") skip_if_not_installed("rsample", minimum_version = "1.3.0") library(rsample) library(parsnip) library(yardstick) data(Sacramento, package = "modeldata") set.seed(1) sac_split <- initial_split(Sacramento) lm_res <- linear_reg() %>% last_fit( log10(price) ~ beds + baths + sqft + type + latitude + longitude, metrics = metric_set(mae), split = sac_split ) template <- dplyr::tibble( .metric = character(0), .estimator = character(0), .lower = numeric(0), .estimate = numeric(0), .upper = numeric(0), .config = character(0) ) set.seed(1) expect_snapshot(int_res_1 <- int_pctl(lm_res, times = 200)) expect_equal(int_res_1[0,], template) expect_equal(nrow(int_res_1), 1) set.seed(1) expect_snapshot(int_res_2 <- int_pctl(lm_res, times = 200)) expect_equal(int_res_1, int_res_2) }) test_that("percentile intervals - grid + bayes tuning", { skip_if_not_installed("modeldata") skip_if_not_installed("C50") skip_if_not_installed("rsample", minimum_version = "1.3.0") library(rsample) library(parsnip) library(yardstick) data("two_class_dat", package = "modeldata") set.seed(1) cls_rs <- vfold_cv(two_class_dat) c5_res <- decision_tree(min_n = tune()) %>% set_engine("C5.0") %>% set_mode("classification") %>% tune_grid( Class ~., resamples = cls_rs, grid = dplyr::tibble(min_n = c(5, 20, 40)), metrics = metric_set(sens), control = control_grid(save_pred = TRUE) ) template <- dplyr::tibble( .metric = character(0), .estimator = character(0), .lower = numeric(0), .estimate = numeric(0), .upper = numeric(0), .config = character(0), min_n = numeric(0) ) expect_snapshot(int_res_1 <- int_pctl(c5_res)) expect_equal(int_res_1[0,], template) expect_equal(nrow(int_res_1), 3) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ set.seed(92) c5_bo_res <- decision_tree(min_n = tune()) %>% set_engine("C5.0") %>% set_mode("classification") %>% tune_bayes( Class ~., resamples = cls_rs, initial = c5_res, iter = 1, metrics = metric_set(sens), control = control_bayes(save_pred = TRUE) ) template <- dplyr::tibble( .metric = character(0), .estimator = character(0), .lower = numeric(0), .estimate = numeric(0), .upper = numeric(0), .config = character(0), .iter = integer(0), min_n = integer(0) ) set.seed(1) int_res_2 <- int_pctl(c5_bo_res) expect_equal(int_res_2[0,], template) expect_equal(nrow(int_res_2), 4) set.seed(1) int_res_3 <- int_pctl(c5_bo_res, event_level = "second") expect_true(all(int_res_3$.estimate < int_res_2$.estimate)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c5_mixed_res <- decision_tree(min_n = tune()) %>% set_engine("C5.0") %>% set_mode("classification") %>% tune_grid( Class ~., resamples = cls_rs, grid = dplyr::tibble(min_n = c(20, 40)), metrics = metric_set(roc_auc, sens), control = control_grid(save_pred = TRUE) ) template <- dplyr::tibble( .metric = character(0), .estimator = character(0), .lower = numeric(0), .estimate = numeric(0), .upper = numeric(0), .config = character(0), min_n = numeric(0) ) set.seed(2093) int_res_4 <- int_pctl(c5_mixed_res) expect_equal(int_res_4[0,], template) expect_equal(nrow(int_res_4), 4) }) test_that("percentile intervals - grid tuning with validation set", { skip_if_not_installed("modeldata") skip_if_not_installed("C50") skip_if_not_installed("rsample", minimum_version = "1.3.0") library(rsample) library(parsnip) library(yardstick) data("two_class_dat", package = "modeldata") set.seed(1) cls_split <- initial_validation_split(two_class_dat, prop = c(.8, .15)) cls_rs <- validation_set(cls_split) c5_res <- decision_tree(min_n = tune()) %>% set_engine("C5.0") %>% set_mode("classification") %>% tune_grid( Class ~., resamples = cls_rs, grid = dplyr::tibble(min_n = c(5, 20, 40)), metrics = metric_set(sens), control = control_grid(save_pred = TRUE) ) template <- dplyr::tibble( .metric = character(0), .estimator = character(0), .lower = numeric(0), .estimate = numeric(0), .upper = numeric(0), .config = character(0), min_n = numeric(0) ) expect_snapshot(int_res_1 <- int_pctl(c5_res)) expect_equal(int_res_1[0,], template) expect_equal(nrow(int_res_1), 3) })