# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # .use_case_weights_with_yardstick() test_that("knows about importance weights", { x <- hardhat::importance_weights(1) expect_false(.use_case_weights_with_yardstick(x)) }) test_that("knows about frequency weights", { x <- hardhat::frequency_weights(1) expect_true(.use_case_weights_with_yardstick(x)) }) test_that("gives informative default error", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { .use_case_weights_with_yardstick(1) }) }) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # extract_case_weights() test_that("`extract_case_weights()` errors if `col` doesn't exist", { skip_if(packageVersion("rlang") < "") wf <- workflows::workflow() expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { extract_case_weights(mtcars, wf) }) }) test_that("`extract_case_weights()` errors if case weights column isn't the right class", { mtcars$weight <- 1L wf <- workflows::workflow() wf <- workflows::add_case_weights(wf, weight) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { extract_case_weights(mtcars, wf) }) }) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Passed on during tuning test_that("weights are used during tuning", { set.seed(1) mtcars$weight <- hardhat::frequency_weights(1:32) folds <- rsample::vfold_cv(mtcars, v = 2) spec <- parsnip::linear_reg() metrics <- yardstick::metric_set(yardstick::rmse) wf <- workflows::workflow() wf <- workflows::add_variables(wf, mpg, c(disp, cyl)) wf <- workflows::add_model(wf, spec) wf <- workflows::add_case_weights(wf, weight) res <- fit_resamples( object = wf, resamples = folds, metrics = metrics, control = control_resamples(save_pred = TRUE) ) predictions <- res$.predictions[[1]] new_data <- rsample::assessment(res$splits[[1]]) new_data[["predictions"]] <- predictions$.pred expected_metric <- res$.metrics[[1]] expect_true(nrow(expected_metric) == 1) expected_metric <- expected_metric$.estimate actual_metric <- yardstick::rmse(new_data, mpg, predictions, case_weight = weight) actual_metric <- actual_metric$.estimate expect_identical(actual_metric, expected_metric) }) test_that("weights work with multi-predict", { # glmnet depends on >= 3.6.0 so we don't test on CRAN skip_if_not_installed("glmnet") set.seed(1) mtcars$weight <- hardhat::frequency_weights(1:32) folds <- rsample::vfold_cv(mtcars, v = 2) spec <- parsnip::linear_reg(penalty = tune(), mixture = tune()) spec <- parsnip::set_engine(spec, "glmnet") grid <- expand.grid(penalty = 1:3, mixture = (1:5) / 5) metrics <- yardstick::metric_set(yardstick::rmse) wf <- workflows::workflow() wf <- workflows::add_variables(wf, mpg, c(disp, cyl)) wf <- workflows::add_model(wf, spec) wf <- workflows::add_case_weights(wf, weight) res <- tune_grid( object = wf, resamples = folds, grid = grid, control = control_grid(save_pred = TRUE), metrics = metrics ) penalty <- grid$penalty[[1]] mixture <- grid$mixture[[1]] predictions <- res$.predictions[[1]] predictions <- dplyr::filter(predictions, penalty == !!penalty, mixture == !!mixture) new_data <- rsample::assessment(res$splits[[1]]) new_data[["predictions"]] <- predictions$.pred expected_metric <- res$.metrics[[1]] expected_metric <- dplyr::filter(expected_metric, penalty == !!penalty, mixture == !!mixture) expect_true(nrow(expected_metric) == 1) expected_metric <- expected_metric$.estimate actual_metric <- yardstick::rmse(new_data, mpg, predictions, case_weight = weight) actual_metric <- actual_metric$.estimate expect_identical(actual_metric, expected_metric) })