library(testthat) library(tune) # The submission to CRAN has been rejected several times because the _total_ # time to check the package is too long (>10 min). Most of this is attributable # to the install time for dependencies. However, CRAN has been very inconsistent # about this with one submission stating that the rule is that the check time # should be less than 10 min while in another that the total check time, # _aggregated over all architectures_, should be under 10 min (e.g. adding the # windows check times for 32 and 64 bit to the linux test times and so on). # Since they have been undependable on this, we'll avoid running all tests on # CRAN. if (identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) { # emulates `testthat:::on_cran()` if (requireNamespace("xml2")) { test_check("tune", reporter = MultiReporter$new(reporters = list(JunitReporter$new(file = "test-results.xml"), CheckReporter$new()))) } else { test_check("tune") } }