idx_day <- seq.Date(ymd("2017-01-01"), ymd("2017-01-20"), by = 4) dat_x <- tibble( date = idx_day, value = rnorm(5) ) test_that("a tbl_df/data.frame", { expect_error(fill_gaps(dat_x), "data.frame") }) test_that("unknown interval", { tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x[1, ], index = date) expect_identical(fill_gaps(tsbl), tsbl) expect_equal(count_gaps(tsbl)$.n, integer(0)) expect_identical(scan_gaps(pedestrian[0L, ]), pedestrian[0L, 1:2]) expect_equal(has_gaps(tsbl), tibble(".gaps" = FALSE)) }) test_that("an irregular tbl_ts", { tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x, index = date, regular = FALSE) expect_identical(fill_gaps(tsbl), tsbl) expect_identical(has_gaps(tsbl), tibble(.gaps = FALSE)) }) test_that("a tbl_ts without implicit missing values", { tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x, index = date) expect_identical(fill_gaps(tsbl), tsbl) ref_tbl <- tibble( .from = as.Date(character(0)), .to = as.Date(character(0)), .n = integer(0) ) expect_identical(count_gaps(tsbl), ref_tbl) }) daylight <- pedestrian %>% filter( Sensor == "Birrarung Marr", Date == lubridate::ymd("20151004", tz = "Australia/Melbourne") ) standard <- pedestrian %>% filter( Sensor == "Birrarung Marr", Date == lubridate::ymd("20150405", tz = "Australia/Melbourne") ) test_that("daylight saving", { expect_identical(NROW(fill_gaps(daylight)), 23L) expect_identical(NROW(fill_gaps(standard)), 25L) }) dat_y <- dat_x[c(1:3, 5), ] tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_y, index = date) test_that("a tbl_ts of 4 day interval with no replacement", { full_tsbl <- fill_gaps(tsbl) expect_identical(dim(full_tsbl), c(5L, 2L)) expect_equal( as_tibble(full_tsbl[4, ]), tibble(date = ymd("2017-01-13"), value = NA_real_) ) }) test_that("a tbl_ts of 4 day interval with value replacement", { full_tsbl <- fill_gaps(tsbl, value = 0) expect_equal( as_tibble(full_tsbl[4, ]), tibble(date = ymd("2017-01-13"), value = 0) ) }) test_that("a tbl_ts of 4 day interval with function replacement", { full_tsbl <- fill_gaps(tsbl, value = sum(value)) expect_equal( as_tibble(full_tsbl[4, ]), tibble(date = ymd("2017-01-13"), value = sum(tsbl$value)) ) }) dat_x <- tibble( date = rep(idx_day, 2), group = rep(letters[1:2], each = 5), value = rep(1:2, each = 5) ) dat_y <- dat_x[c(2:8, 10), ] tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_y, key = group, index = date) test_that("fill_gaps() for corner case", { expect_identical(fill_gaps(tsbl[1:5, ]), tsbl[1:5, ]) }) tourism <- tourism %>% group_by_key() %>% slice(1:10) %>% ungroup() test_that("fill_gaps() for yearquarter", { full_tsbl <- tourism %>% fill_gaps() expect_s3_class(full_tsbl$Quarter, "yearquarter") }) test_that("fill_gaps() for a grouped_ts", { full_tsbl <- tsbl %>% group_by(group) %>% fill_gaps(value = sum(value), .full = TRUE) expect_identical(dim(full_tsbl), c(10L, 3L)) expect_equal( as_tibble(full_tsbl[c(1, 9), ]), tibble( date = c(ymd("2017-01-01"), ymd("2017-01-13")), group = c("a", "b"), value = c(4L, 8L) ), ignore_attr = TRUE ) }) test_that("fill.tbl_ts(.full = TRUE)", { full_tsbl <- tsbl %>% fill_gaps(.full = TRUE) %>% group_by(group) %>% tidyr::fill(value, .direction = "up") expect_equal( as_tibble(full_tsbl[c(1, 9), ]), tibble( date = c(ymd("2017-01-01"), ymd("2017-01-13")), group = c("a", "b"), value = c(1L, 2L) ), ignore_attr = TRUE ) }) test_that("fill.tbl_ts(.full = FALSE)", { full_tsbl <- tsbl %>% fill_gaps() %>% group_by(group) %>% tidyr::fill(value, .direction = "up") expect_equal( as_tibble(full_tsbl[8, ]), tibble( date = ymd("2017-01-13"), group = "b", value = 2L ), ignore_attr = TRUE ) }) test_that("count_gaps(.full = )", { full_tbl_t <- tsbl %>% count_gaps(.full = TRUE) expect_equal( full_tbl_t, tibble( group = c("a", "b"), .from = c(ymd("2017-01-01"), ymd("2017-01-13")), .to = c(ymd("2017-01-01"), ymd("2017-01-13")), .n = c(1L, 1L) ) ) full_tbl_f <- tsbl %>% count_gaps() b <- tibble( group = "b", .from = ymd("2017-01-13"), .to = ymd("2017-01-13"), .n = 1L ) expect_equal(full_tbl_f, b) expect_error(count_gaps(tsbl, .name = NULL)) expect_error(count_gaps(tsbl, .name = 1:4)) expect_named( count_gaps(tsbl, .name = c("from", "to", "n")), c("group", "from", "to", "n") ) expect_equal( count_gaps(tsbl, .full = start())$.from, tsbl$date[c(5, 3)] ) expect_equal( count_gaps(tsbl, .full = end())$.from, tsbl$date[c(3)] ) }) harvest <- tsibble( year = c(2010, 2011, 2013, 2011, 2012, 2013), fruit = rep(c("kiwi", "cherry"), each = 3), kilo = sample(1:10, size = 6), key = fruit, index = year ) test_that("has_gaps()", { expect_error(has_gaps(harvest, .name = NULL), "not TRUE") expect_named(has_gaps(harvest, .name = "gap"), c("fruit", "gap")) expect_equal(has_gaps(harvest)$.gaps, c(FALSE, TRUE)) expect_equal(has_gaps(harvest, .full = TRUE)$.gaps, c(TRUE, TRUE)) expect_equal(has_gaps(harvest, .full = start())$.gaps, c(TRUE, TRUE)) expect_equal(has_gaps(harvest, .full = end())$.gaps, c(FALSE, TRUE)) }) test_that("Error in tbl_gaps()", { expect_error(tbl_gaps(x = 1:4, y = 1:3), "must not be greater than") }) test_that("seq_generator()", { x <- nanotime::nanotime("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000001+00:00") + c(0:3, 5:9) expect_length(seq_generator(x, default_time_units(interval_pull(x))), 10) y <- structure(c("x", "y"), class = "xxx") <- function(x) { new_interval(unit = 1) } expect_error(seq_generator(y, default_time_units(interval_pull(y))), "defined") })