library(tsDyn) suppressMessages(library(dplyr)) library(purrr) library(tidyr) suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.3")) roundAll.Equal <- function(x, round=8){ isFALSE <- !isTRUE(x) xFalse <- x[isFALSE] # extract the number (i.e remove all the rest) xf<- gsub("(Component ([0-9]+)?([[:punct:]][[:alnum:]]+[[:punct:]])?: )?Mean relative difference: ", "", xFalse) xf2<- round(as.numeric(xf),round) x[isFALSE] <- paste("Mean relative difference at tol ", round, ": ", xf2, sep="") x } ############################ ### Load data ############################ path_mod_uni <- system.file("inst/testdata/models_univariate.rds", package = "tsDyn") if(path_mod_uni=="") path_mod_uni <- system.file("testdata/models_univariate.rds", package = "tsDyn") models_univariate <- readRDS(path_mod_uni) %>% filter(model %in% c("lineaar", "setar")) ################ ### run boot ################ models_univariate %>% mutate(boot = map(object, ~ tibble(n = 1:3, boot =head(setar.boot(., seed = 123), 3)))) %>% select(-object) %>% unnest(boot) %>% spread(include, boot) %>% %>% print(digits=3) models_univariate %>% mutate(boot = map(object, ~ tibble(n = 1:3, boot =head(setar.boot(., seed = 123, returnStarting = TRUE), 3)))) %>% select(-object) %>% unnest(boot) %>% spread(include, boot)%>% %>% print(digits=3) ## add regime models_univariate %>% mutate(boot = map(object, ~ setar.boot(., seed = 123, add.regime = TRUE) %>% head(3) %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate(n = 1:3))) %>% select(-object) %>% unnest(boot) %>% gather(stat, value, res, regime) %>% unite(stat_n, stat, n) %>% spread(stat_n, value) %>% %>% print(digits=3) ## add regime and starting models_univariate %>% mutate(boot = map(object, ~ setar.boot(., seed = 123, add.regime = TRUE, returnStarting = TRUE) %>% head(3) %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate(n = 1:3))) %>% select(-object) %>% unnest(boot) %>% gather(stat, value, res, regime) %>% unite(stat_n, stat, n) %>% spread(stat_n, value) %>% %>% print(digits=3) ################ ### test boot ################ setar.boot.check <- function(object, round_digits = 10, ...) { mod_boot <- setar.boot(object, boot.scheme = "check", round_digits = round_digits, returnStarting = TRUE) orig_series <- as.numeric(object$str$x) all.equal(mod_boot, orig_series, ...) } linear.boot.check <- function(object, round_digits = 10) { mod_boot <- linear.boot(object, boot.scheme = "check",round_digits = round_digits, returnStarting = TRUE) orig_series <- as.numeric(object$str$x) all.equal(mod_boot, orig_series) } ## nthresh ==0 ar_1_noInc <- linear(log(lynx), m = 1, include = "none") ar_2_noInc <- linear(log(lynx), m = 2, include = "none") ar_1_const <- linear(log(lynx), m = 1, include = "const") ar_2_const <- linear(log(lynx), m = 2, include = "const") setar.boot.check(object=ar_1_noInc) setar.boot.check(ar_2_noInc) setar.boot.check(ar_1_const) setar.boot.check(ar_2_const) linear.boot.check(ar_1_noInc) linear.boot.check(ar_2_noInc) linear.boot.check(ar_1_const) linear.boot.check(ar_2_const) ## nthresh ==1 set_1th_l1 <- setar(lynx, nthresh=1, m=1) set_1th_l2 <- setar(lynx, nthresh=1, m=2) set_1th_l1_tr <- setar(lynx, nthresh=1, m=1, include = "trend") roundAll.Equal(setar.boot.check(set_1th_l1), 2) setar.boot.check(set_1th_l1, round_digits = 2) roundAll.Equal(setar.boot.check(set_1th_l2), 0) roundAll.Equal(setar.boot.check(set_1th_l2, round_digits = 5), 0) setar.boot.check(set_1th_l1_tr, round_digits = 1) ## why difference? if(FALSE) { library(ggplot) getTh(set_1th_l2) filt_diff <- function(x, minus=2, tol =1) { x2 <- x %>% mutate(diff = x$boot - x$orig) first <- which(abs(x2$diff)>tol)[1] filter(x2, between(n_row, first -minus, first +minus)) } set_1th_l2_b <- setar.boot(setarObject = set_1th_l2, boot.scheme = "check", round_digits = 7) df_comp <- tibble(orig = lynx, boot = set_1th_l2_b) %>% mutate(n_row = 1:n(), th1 = getTh(set_1th_l1_tr)[1], th2 = getTh(set_1th_l1_tr)[2], reg = regime(set_1th_l1_tr)) df_comp %>% filt_diff(tol = 0.01) df_comp %>% qplot(x=n_row, y = as.numeric(orig), data =., geom = "line") + geom_point(aes(colour = as.numeric(reg) %>% factor)) geom_line(aes(y = boot), colour = "red") } ## nthresh == 2 ### boot set_2th_l1 <- setar(lynx, nthresh=2, m=1) set_2th_l2 <- setar(lynx, nthresh=2, m=2) set_2th_l1_tr <- setar(lynx, nthresh=2, m=1, include = "trend") setar.boot.check(set_2th_l1) setar.boot.check(set_2th_l2, round_digits = 2, tol=0.6) isTRUE(setar.boot.check(set_2th_l2, round_digits = 1)) isTRUE(setar.boot.check(set_2th_l1_tr)) setar.boot.check(set_2th_l1_tr, round_digits = 2, tol=0.0001) ################ ### tets sim ################ ## nthresh ==0 set.seed(123) innov_1 <- rnorm(200) sim_nth0 <- setar.sim(B=0.5, lag=1, nthresh=0, include ="none", starting= 0.4, innov=innov_1, show.parMat = TRUE) head(sim_nth0) ## nthresh ==1 Bvals <- c(2.9,-0.4,-0.1, 2, 0.2,0.3) sim_new <- setar.sim(B=Bvals,lag=2, nthresh=1, Thresh=2, starting=c(2.8,2.2), innov=innov_1, show.parMat = TRUE) head(sim_new)