library(tsDyn) suppressMessages(library(dplyr)) library(purrr) library(tidyr) select <- dplyr::select suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.3")) ############################ ### Load data ############################ path_mod_uni <- system.file("inst/testdata/models_univariate.rds", package = "tsDyn") if(path_mod_uni=="") path_mod_uni <- system.file("testdata/models_univariate.rds", package = "tsDyn") models_univariate <- readRDS(path_mod_uni) ############################ ### Test irf univariate ############################ ## boot: many models instable! had to search for a while to find seed with no errors... df_regs <- tibble(model = c("linear", "setar", "setar"), regime = c("all", "L", "H")) models_irf <- models_univariate %>% filter(!model %in% c("aar", "lstar" )) %>% merge(df_regs, by = "model") %>% as_tibble() %>% relocate(model, .after = include) %>% mutate(irf = map2(object, regime, ~suppressWarnings(irf(.x, boot = TRUE, runs = 5, seed = 7, regime = .y)))) ## IRF df_irf <- map_df(models_irf$irf, ~ head(.$irf[[1]], 2) %>% as_tibble) %>% ## Lower df_all <- models_irf %>% mutate(irf_irf = map(irf, ~ head(.$irf[[1]], 5)), irf_low = map(irf, ~ head(.$Lower[[1]], 5)), irf_upp = map(irf, ~ head(.$Upper[[1]], 5))) %>% select(-irf) %>% gather(irf_stat, value, irf_irf, irf_low, irf_upp) %>% mutate(value = map(value, ~tibble(x=.) %>% mutate(n.ahead = 0:4))) %>% select(-object) %>% unnest(value) %>% spread(irf_stat, x) df_all %>% filter(n.ahead %in% c( 1)) %>% %>% print(digits=3) df_all %>% mutate(is_in = irf_irf >= irf_low & irf_irf <= irf_upp) %>% count(model, regime, is_in) %>% %>% print(digits=3) ## try plot irf_1 <- irf(models_univariate$object[[1]]) irf_10 <- irf(models_univariate$object[[10]]) plot(irf_1) plot(irf_10)