library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) library(survival) test_that("tsesimp: weibull aft", { # the eventual survival time shilong1 <- shilong %>% arrange(bras.f, id, tstop) %>% group_by(bras.f, id) %>% filter(row_number() == n()) %>% select(-c("ps", "ttc", "tran")) # the last value of time-dependent covariates before pd shilong2 <- shilong %>% filter(pd == 0 | tstart <= dpd) %>% arrange(bras.f, id, tstop) %>% group_by(bras.f, id) %>% filter(row_number() == n()) %>% select(bras.f, id, ps, ttc, tran) # combine baseline and time-dependent covariates shilong3 <- shilong1 %>% left_join(shilong2, by = c("bras.f", "id")) # apply the two-stage method fit1 <- tsesimp( data = shilong3, time = "tstop", event = "event", treat = "bras.f", censor_time = "dcut", pd = "pd", pd_time = "dpd", swtrt = "co", swtrt_time = "dco", base_cov = "", base2_cov = c("agerand", "sex.f", "tt_Lnum", "rmh_alea.c", "pathway.f", "ps", "ttc", "tran"), aft_dist = "weibull", alpha = 0.05, recensor = TRUE, swtrt_control_only = FALSE, offset = 1, boot = FALSE) # numeric code of treatment and apply administrative censoring data1 <- shilong3 %>% mutate(treat = ifelse(bras.f == "CT", 0, 1), swtrt = 1*co, censor_time = ifelse(event == 1, dcut, tstop)) tablist <- lapply(0:1, function(h) { df1 <- data1 %>% filter(treat == h & pd == 1) %>% mutate(time = tstop - dpd + 1) fit_aft <- survreg(Surv(time, event) ~ swtrt + agerand + sex.f + tt_Lnum + rmh_alea.c + pathway.f + ps + ttc + tran, data = df1, dist = "weibull") psi = -fit_aft$coefficients[2] data1 %>% filter(treat == h) %>% mutate(u = ifelse(swtrt == 1, ifelse(pd == 1, dpd-1 + (tstop-dpd+1)*exp(psi), dco-1 + (tstop-dco+1)*exp(psi)), tstop), c = pmin(censor_time, censor_time*exp(psi)), time_ts = pmin(u, c), event_ts = event*(u <= c)) }) data2 <-, tablist) fit <- coxph(Surv(time_ts, event_ts) ~ treat, data = data2) hr1 <- exp(as.numeric(c(fit$coefficients[1], confint(fit)[1,]))) expect_equal(hr1, c(fit1$hr, fit1$hr_CI)) })