test_that("CpD returns the expected data frame size", { # Number of iterations n <- sample(10:20, 20, replace = TRUE) # Creating empty lists to store CpD outputs CpD_M1 <- list() # And also lists to store phylogenies tree <- list() mat <- list() # Create 20 random assemblages for(i in 1:20){ # Create a random phylogeny tree[[i]] <- ape::rcoal(20) # Create a random matrix mat[[i]] <- matrix(sample(c(1, 0), 20 * 10, replace = TRUE), ncol = 20, nrow = 10) colnames(mat[[i]]) <- tree[[i]]$tip.label # Name its columns according to tip names } # Run the CpD algorithm while suppressing some warnings # (related to tips no present within the matrix, and vice-versa) suppressWarnings({for(i in 1:20){ CpD_M1[[i]] <- CpD(tree[[i]], n = n[i], mat = mat[[i]], criteria = "my") }}) # Test for(i in 1:20){ expect_equal(dim(CpD_M1[[i]]), c(nrow(mat[[i]]), 3)) } })