context("String length") data(anolis) td <- as.treedata.table(tree = anolis$phy, data = anolis$dat) tdt_output <- tdt( td, geiger::fitContinuous( phy, extractVector(td, "SVL"), model = "BM", ncores = 1 ) ) test_that("The resulting td object is of class treedata.table", { expect_is(td, "treedata.table") }) test_that("Trees are the same", { expect_true(all.equal.phylo(td$phy, anolis$phy)) }) test_that("Species in tree and trait dataframe are the same", { expect_equal(td$phy$tip.label, td$dat$tip.label) }) test_that("datasets are the same", { expect_true(all(colnames(anolis$dat)[-1] == colnames($dat))[-1])) }) test_that("Check the match between tree and dataset", { expect_true(attr(td, "tree_not_data") == "OK") expect_true(attr(td, "data_not_tree") == "OK") }) test_that("tdt function works fine", { expect_is(tdt_output, "list") }) test_that("Extracting a single column from the treedata.table object", { expect_equal(ncol(td[, SVL]$dat), 1) }) test_that( "The number of rows is the same after filtering the original and tdt object under the same criteria", { expect_equal( nrow(anolis$dat[anolis$dat$island == "Cuba" & anolis$dat$ecomorph == "TG", ]), nrow(td[island == "Cuba" & ecomorph == "TG", ]$dat) ) } ) test_that("[[ extracts a named character vector", { expect_is(names(td[["SVL"]]), "character") expect_is(td[["SVL"]], "numeric") }) test_that("phy and dat objects can be extracted correctly using pulltreedata.table", { expect_is(pulltreedata.table(td, type = "phy"), "phylo") expect_is(pulltreedata.table(td, type = "dat"), "data.table") }) test_that("Column containing tip labs can be correctly detected", { tre <- anolis$phy dat1 <- anolis$dat dat2 <- dat1[, sample(ncol(dat1), ncol(dat1))] td1 <- as.treedata.table(tre, dat1) td2 <- as.treedata.table(tre, dat2) expect_equal(td1$phy, td2$phy) }) test_that("Find the correct number of discrete/continuous characters in the anolis dataset", { expect_equal( detectCharacterType(anolis$dat[, 1]), detectAllCharacters(anolis$dat)[1] ) }) test_that("head() returns a data.table object", { expect_is(head(td), "data.table") }) test_that("tail() returns a data.table object", { expect_is(tail(td), "data.table") }) test_that("Error is shown when tips with different tip labels are used", { anolis2 <- anolis$phy anolis2$tip.label[1] <- "NAA" tree2 <- list(anolis$phy, anolis2) class(tree2) <- "multiPhylo" expect_error(as.treedata.table(tree = tree2, data = as.anolis$dat), "Tip labels must be equivalent across trees in multiPhylo object", fixed = T) }) test_that("Error is a non-phylo (or multiPhylo) object is used in the phy",{ expect_error(as.treedata.table(tree = anolis$dat, data = as.anolis$dat), "Please use a class 'phylo' or 'multiPhylo' tree \n", fixed=T) }) test_that("Error is a non-data.frame is used in as.treedata.table", { expect_error(as.treedata.table( tree = anolis$phy, data = as.matrix(anolis$dat) ), "Your data MUST be of class data.frame", fixed = T ) }) test_that("Normal as.treedata.table", { expect_is( as.treedata.table(tree = anolis$phy, data = anolis$dat), "treedata.table" ) }) test_that("Normal as.treedata.table but data without column names", { data <- anolis$dat colnames(data) <- NULL expect_is( as.treedata.table(tree = anolis$phy, data = data), "treedata.table" ) }) test_that("Normal as.treedata.table with data.frame without row.names but testing the no tips dropped message", { data <- anolis$dat row.names(data) <- NULL expect_message(as.treedata.table(tree = anolis$phy, data = data), "All tips from original tree/dataset were preserved", fixed = T ) }) test_that("Normal as.treedata.table but testing if the tips dropped message is shown for trees dropped from tree", { anolis1 <- anolis$phy anolis1$tip.label[1] <- "NAA" expect_message(as.treedata.table(tree = anolis1, data = anolis$dat), " tip(s) dropped from the original tree", fixed = T ) }) test_that("Normal as.treedata.table but testing if the tips dropped message is shown for trees dropped from data",{ anolis1 <- anolis$phy anolis1$tip.label[1] <- "NAA" expect_message(as.treedata.table(tree = anolis1, data = anolis$dat), "dropped from the original dataset", fixed=T) }) test_that("Message when dropping taxa droptreedata.table", { expect_message(droptreedata.table(tdObject = td, taxa = c( "chamaeleonides", "eugenegrahami" )), "2 taxa were dropped from the treedata.table object", fixed = T ) }) test_that("Error when a non-treedata.table object is used in droptreedata.table", { expect_error(droptreedata.table(tdObject = td$phy, taxa = c( "chamaeleonides", "eugenegrahami" )), "Please use a class 'treedata.table' object \n", fixed = T ) }) test_that("Expect a phylo object when dropping taxa from phylo in droptreedata.table", { expect_is( droptreedata.table(tdObject = td, taxa = c( "chamaeleonides", "eugenegrahami" ))$phy, "phylo" ) }) test_that("Expect a multiphylo object when dropping taxa from phylo in droptreedata.table", { treesFM <- list(anolis$phy, anolis$phy) class(treesFM) <- "multiPhylo" td <- as.treedata.table(treesFM, anolis$dat) expect_is( droptreedata.table(tdObject = td, taxa = c( "chamaeleonides", "eugenegrahami" ))$phy, "multiPhylo" ) }) test_that("Error when a non-character vector is used in droptreedata.table", { expect_error(droptreedata.table(tdObject = td, taxa = 1), "Please use a class 'character' object for taxa \n", fixed = T ) }) test_that("Error when a non-treedata.table object in extractVector", { expect_error(extractVector(td$phy, "SVL", "ecomorph"), "Please use a class 'treedata.table' object \n", fixed = T ) }) test_that("Expect list when using extractVector with multiple arguments", { expect_is(extractVector(td, "SVL", "ecomorph"), "list") }) test_that("Expect list when using extractVector with multiple arguments (for SVL)", { expect_is(extractVector(td, "SVL"), "numeric") }) test_that("Test if extractVector works with multiPhylo", { treesFM <- list(anolis$phy, anolis$phy) class(treesFM) <- "multiPhylo" td <- as.treedata.table(treesFM, anolis$dat) expect_is(extractVector(td, "SVL"), "numeric") }) test_that("[.treedata.table for multiphylo produces a data.table as output", { treesFM <- list(anolis$phy, anolis$phy) class(treesFM) <- "multiPhylo" td <- as.treedata.table(treesFM, anolis$dat) expect_is(td[, SVL]$dat, "data.table") }) test_that("[.treedata.table for multiphylo produces a multiphylo", { treesFM <- list(anolis$phy, anolis$phy) class(treesFM) <- "multiPhylo" td <- as.treedata.table(treesFM, anolis$dat) expect_is(td[, SVL]$phy, "multiPhylo") }) test_that("[.treedata.table for multiphylo produces a vector as output", { treesFM <- list(anolis$phy, anolis$phy) class(treesFM) <- "multiPhylo" td <- as.treedata.table(treesFM, anolis$dat) expect_is(td[["SVL"]], "numeric") }) test_that("Error when a non-treedata.table object in tdt", { expect_error(tdt(td$phy, geiger::fitContinuous(phy, extractVector(td, "SVL"), model = "BM", ncores = 1 )), "Please use a class 'treedata.table' object \n", fixed = T ) }) test_that("Single list when using tdt on phylo", { expect_is( tdt(td, geiger::fitContinuous(phy, extractVector(td, "SVL"), model = "BM", ncores = 1 )), "list" ) }) test_that("Expect list with lenght >1 when using tdt on multiPhylo", { treesFM <- list(anolis$phy, anolis$phy) class(treesFM) <- "multiPhylo" td <- as.treedata.table(treesFM, anolis$dat) out <- tdt(td, geiger::fitContinuous(phy, extractVector(td, "SVL"), model = "BM", ncores = 1 )) expect_equal(length(td), length(out)) }) test_that("Message when using tdt on multiPhylo", { treesFM <- list(anolis$phy, anolis$phy) class(treesFM) <- "multiPhylo" td <- as.treedata.table(treesFM, anolis$dat) expect_message(tdt(td, geiger::fitContinuous(phy, extractVector(td, "SVL"), model = "BM", ncores = 1 )), "Multiphylo object detected. Expect a list of function outputs", fixed = T ) }) test_that("detectCharacterType", { data(anolis) expect_is(detectCharacterType(anolis$dat[, 1]), "character") }) test_that("detectCharacterType warning", { dat <- c(rep("1", 20, ), rep("2", 20)) expect_warning(detectCharacterType(dat), "Guessing this is a discrete character based on repeated values", fixed = T ) }) test_that("filterMatrix testing", { expect_equal(ncol(filterMatrix(anolis$dat, "discrete")), 3) }) test_that("hasNames anolis$dat rows with rownames", { expect_true(hasNames(anolis$dat, "row")) }) test_that("hasNames anolis$dat rows without rownames", { df <- as.matrix(data.frame(a = c(2, 3, 5), b = c("A", "f", "E"))) expect_false(hasNames(df, "row")) }) test_that("hasNames anolis$dat cols with colnames", { expect_true(hasNames(anolis$dat, "col")) }) test_that("hasNames anolis$dat cols without colnames", { df <- as.matrix(data.frame(a = c(2, 3, 5), b = c("A", "f", "E"))) colnames(df) <- NULL expect_false(hasNames(df, "col")) }) test_that("hasNames anolis$dat rows and cols with names", { expect_true(hasNames(anolis$dat, "rowcol")) }) test_that("hasNames anolis$dat rows and cols with names", { df <- as.matrix(data.frame(a = c(2, 3, 5), b = c("A", "f", "E"))) colnames(df) <- NULL expect_false(hasNames(df, "rowcol")) }) test_that("forcenames anolis$dat rows and cols with names", { expect_equal(forceNames(anolis$dat, "row"), anolis$dat) }) test_that("forcenames without rownames", { df <- as.matrix(data.frame(a = c(2, 3, 5), b = c("A", "f", "E"))) expect_is(row.names(forceNames(df, "row")), "character") }) test_that("Print() prints the phylo", { expect_output(print(td), "$phy \n", fixed = T) }) test_that("Print() prints the data", { expect_output(print(td), "$dat \n", fixed = T) }) test_that("Summary() using a treedata.table object", { expect_message(summary(td), "A treedata.table object", fixed = T) }) test_that("Summary() detecting continuous characters", { expect_message(summary(td), "Continuous traits: ", fixed = T) }) test_that("Summary() detecting discrete characters", { expect_message(summary(td), "Discrete traits: ", fixed = T) }) test_that("Summary() detecting discrete characters", { expect_message(summary(td), "The following traits have missing values:", fixed = T ) }) test_that("Summary() detecting taxa dropped", { expect_message(summary(td), "Taxa dropped from the tree:", fixed = T) })