language_source_set("en") withr::defer(language_source_set(NULL)) withr::local_options(transltr.verbose = FALSE) tr <- translator( id = "test-translator", el = "Ελληνικά", en = "English", es = "Español", fr = "Français", text( location("a", 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L), en = "Hello, world!", es = "¡Hola Mundo!", fr = "Bonjour, monde!"), text( location("b", 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L), en = "Farewell, world!", fr = "Au revoir, monde!")) # Comments below are copied and pasted from the source script. # This is a little bit fragile, but hardcoding expected values is simpler. comments_translator_file <- c( "# Translator", "#", "# - You may edit fields Identifier and Languages.", "# - Do not edit other fields by hand. Edit source scripts instead.", "%YAML 1.1") comments_translations_file <- c( "# Translations", "#", "# - Edit each 'Translation' subsection below.", "# - Do not edit 'Source Text' subsections.", "# - Choose UTF-8 whenever you have to select a character encoding.", "# - You may use any text editor.", "# - You may split long sentences with single new lines.", "# - You may separate paragraphs by leaving a blank line between them.", "# - You may include comments.", "# - What follows an octothorpe (#) is ignored until the next line.", "# - An escaped octothorpe (\\#) is treated as normal text.") # translations_paths() --------------------------------------------------------- test_that("translations_paths() returns a named character", { # translations_paths() exclude the source language # because it does not require a translations file. out <- translations_paths(tr) expect_type(out, "character") expect_length(out, length(tr$native_languages) - 1L) expect_named(out) }) test_that("translations_paths() validates tr", { tr <- translator( en = "English", fr = "Français", text( location("a", 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L), en = "Hello, world!", fr = "Bonjour, monde!", source_lang = "en"), text( location("b", 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L), en = "Farewell, world!", fr = "Au revoir, monde!", source_lang = "fr")) expect_error(translations_paths(1L)) expect_error(translations_paths(tr)) expect_snapshot(translations_paths(1L), error = TRUE) expect_snapshot(translations_paths(tr), error = TRUE) }) test_that("translations_paths() validates parent_dir", { expect_error(translations_paths(tr, 1L)) expect_snapshot(translations_paths(tr, 1L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("translations_paths() does not include source language", { out <- translations_paths(tr) expect_named(out, c("el", "es", "fr")) expect_identical(out["en"], NA_character_, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("translations_paths() returns expected file paths", { # normalizePath() is required on Windows because # dirname(), and file.path() respectively uses \\ # and / as the file separator. This inconsistency # must be fixed for testing purposes. temp_file <- normalizePath( file.path(tempdir(), "_translator.yml"), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE) withr::local_options(transltr.path = temp_file) expect_identical( translations_paths(tr), structure( normalizePath( file.path(tempdir(), c("el.txt", "es.txt", "fr.txt")), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE), names = c("el", "es", "fr"))) }) # translator_write() ----------------------------------------------------------- test_that("translator_write() returns null invisibly", { temp_file <- withr::local_tempfile(pattern = "_translator_", fileext = ".yml") withr::defer(file.remove(translations_paths(tr, dirname(temp_file)))) expect_null(translator_write(tr, temp_file, TRUE, FALSE)) expect_invisible(translator_write(tr, temp_file, TRUE, FALSE)) }) test_that("translator_write() validates path", { expect_error(translator_write(tr, 1L)) expect_snapshot(translator_write(tr, 1L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("translator_write() validates overwrite", { expect_error(translator_write(tr, overwrite = 1L)) expect_snapshot(translator_write(tr, overwrite = 1L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("translator_write() validates verbose", { expect_error(translator_write(tr, verbose = 1L)) expect_snapshot(translator_write(tr, verbose = 1L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("translator_write() validates translations", { expect_error(translator_write(tr, translations = 1L)) expect_snapshot(translator_write(tr, translations = 1L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("translator_write() throws an error if path exists and overwrite is false", { temp_file <- withr::local_tempfile(pattern = "_translator_", fileext = ".yml") withr::defer(file.remove(translations_paths(tr, dirname(temp_file)))) translator_write(tr, temp_file) expect_error(translator_write(tr, temp_file, FALSE)) expect_snapshot(translator_write(tr, temp_file, FALSE), error = TRUE) }) test_that("translator_write() throws an error if parent directories cannot be created", { # Sys.chmod() is incompatible with Windows, # but is required for testing purposes. See # doc for more information. skip_on_os("windows") # Create a directory with permissions 444. # 444 = read-only for owner / group / other. # It can still be deleted afterwards. temp_dir <- withr::local_tempdir("test-dir") Sys.chmod(temp_dir, mode = "444") # Set path to Translator file in a subdirectory of # temp_dir that must be created by translator_write(). # This is (obviously) not possible (mode is 444). temp_file <- file.path(temp_dir, "transltr", "_translator.yml") expect_error(translator_write(tr, temp_file)) expect_snapshot(translator_write(tr, temp_file), error = TRUE) }) test_that("translator_write() includes comments", { temp_file <- withr::local_tempfile(pattern = "_translator_", fileext = ".yml") withr::defer(file.remove(translations_paths(tr, dirname(temp_file)))) translator_write(tr, temp_file) text <- text_read(temp_file) expect_identical( text[seq_along(comments_translator_file)], comments_translator_file) }) test_that("translator_write() serializes tr", { temp_file <- withr::local_tempfile(pattern = "_translator_", fileext = ".yml") withr::defer(file.remove(translations_paths(tr, dirname(temp_file)))) translator_write(tr, temp_file) expect_snapshot_file( temp_file, name = "translator-write-translator.yml", compare = testthat::compare_file_text) }) test_that("translator_write() serializes translations", { temp_file <- withr::local_tempfile(pattern = "_translator_", fileext = ".yml") withr::defer(file.remove(translations_files)) translations_files <- translations_paths(tr, dirname(temp_file)) translator_write(tr, temp_file) expect_snapshot_file(translations_files[["el"]], "translator-write-el.txt") expect_snapshot_file(translations_files[["es"]], "translator-write-es.txt") expect_snapshot_file(translations_files[["fr"]], "translator-write-fr.txt") }) test_that("translator_write() outputs basic information if verbose is true", { withr::local_options(transltr.verbose = TRUE) # dirname() returns "." when a single filename is # passed to it (with no other reference). This is # used below to ensure snapshotted outputs remain # constant (no matter the parent directory). withr::local_dir(tempdir()) withr::defer(file.remove(temp_file, translations_paths(tr, getwd()))) temp_file <- "_translator.yml" expect_output(translator_write(tr, temp_file)) expect_snapshot(translator_write(tr, temp_file, TRUE)) }) test_that("translator_write() does not write translations files if translations is false", { temp_file <- withr::local_tempfile(pattern = "_translator_", fileext = ".yml") translations_files <- translations_paths(tr, dirname(temp_file)) # There should be no output. expect_silent(translator_write(tr, temp_file, TRUE, translations = FALSE)) # Translations files should not exist. expect_true(all(!file.exists(translations_files))) }) # translator_read() ------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("translator_read() returns an R6 object of class Translator", { withr::local_options( transltr.path = withr::local_tempfile( pattern = "_translator_", fileext = ".yml")) withr::defer(file.remove(translations_paths(tr))) translator_write(tr) expect_s3_class(translator_read(), "Translator") }) test_that("translator_read() validates verbose", { expect_error(translator_read(verbose = 1L)) expect_snapshot(translator_read(verbose = 1L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("translator_read() validates translations", { expect_error(translator_read(translations = 1L)) expect_snapshot(translator_read(translations = 1L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("translator_read() reads all related translations files", { withr::local_options( transltr.path = withr::local_tempfile( pattern = "_translator_", fileext = ".yml")) withr::defer(file.remove(translations_paths(tr))) translator_write(tr) tr2 <- translator_read() expect_identical(tr$native_languages, tr2$native_languages) expect_identical(tr$hashes, tr2$hashes) expect_identical( tr$get_text("256e0d7")$translations, tr2$get_text("256e0d7")$translations) expect_identical( tr$get_text("2ac373a")$translations, tr2$get_text("2ac373a")$translations) }) test_that("translator_read() outputs basic information if verbose is true", { withr::local_options(transltr.verbose = TRUE) # dirname() returns "." when a single filename is # passed to it (with no other reference). This is # used below to ensure snapshotted outputs remain # constant (no matter the parent directory). withr::local_dir(tempdir()) withr::defer(file.remove(temp_file, translations_paths(tr, getwd()))) temp_file <- "_translator.yml" translator_write(tr, temp_file, verbose = FALSE) expect_output(translator_read(temp_file)) expect_snapshot(translator_read(temp_file)) }) test_that("translator_read() reports errors", { # This only relates to reading translations files. # Step 1: get absolute paths to invalid files before # changing the working directory (temporarily). invalid_files <- c( get_mock_path(file.path("translator-io", "el-invalid"), "txt"), get_mock_path(file.path("translator-io", "es-invalid"), "txt"), get_mock_path(file.path("translator-io", "fr-invalid"), "txt")) # dirname() returns "." when a single filename is # passed to it (with no other reference). This is # used below to ensure snapshotted outputs remain # constant (no matter the parent directory). withr::local_dir(tempdir()) withr::defer(file.remove(temp_file, translations_paths(tr, getwd()))) temp_file <- "_translator.yml" # Step 2: export the Translator object and its translations. translator_write(tr, temp_file) # Step 3: overwrite translations files with invalid files. file.copy( from = invalid_files, to = translations_paths(tr, getwd()), overwrite = TRUE) # Step 4: check how errors are reported. # When verbose is TRUE, errors are reported as console outputs. expect_output(translator_read(temp_file, verbose = TRUE)) expect_snapshot(translator_read(temp_file, verbose = TRUE)) # When verbose is FALSE, errors are reported as such. expect_error(translator_read(temp_file, verbose = FALSE)) expect_snapshot(translator_read(temp_file, verbose = FALSE), error = TRUE) }) test_that("translator_read() does not read translations files if translations is false", { withr::local_options( transltr.path = withr::local_tempfile( pattern = "_translator_", fileext = ".yml")) translator_write(tr) # There should be no output. expect_silent(translator_read(translations = FALSE)) # There should be no translations (aside from source text). expect_identical(translator_read(translations = FALSE)$languages, "en") }) # translations_write() --------------------------------------------------------- test_that("translations_write() returns null invisibly", { temp_file <- withr::local_tempfile(pattern = "el_", fileext = ".txt") expect_null(translations_write(tr, temp_file, "el")) expect_invisible(translations_write(tr, temp_file, "el")) }) test_that("translations_write() includes comments", { temp_file <- withr::local_tempfile(pattern = "el_", fileext = ".txt") translations_write(tr, temp_file, "el") text <- text_read(temp_file) expect_identical( text[seq_along(comments_translations_file)], comments_translations_file) }) test_that("translations_write() serializes translations", { temp_file <- withr::local_tempfile(pattern = "el_", fileext = ".txt") translations_write(tr, temp_file, "el") expect_snapshot_file(temp_file, "translations-write-el.txt") }) # translations_read() ---------------------------------------------------------- test_that("translations_read() returns a S3 object of class ExportedTranslations", { temp_file <- withr::local_tempfile(pattern = "el_", fileext = ".txt") translations_write(tr, temp_file, "el") expect_s3_class(translations_read(temp_file), "ExportedTranslations") }) test_that("translations_read() registers translations in tr", { # Step 1: export, and write 'fr' translations of tr. temp_file <- withr::local_tempfile(pattern = "fr_", fileext = ".txt") translations_write(tr, temp_file, "fr") # Step 2: create a new Translator object with no 'fr' translations. tr2 <- translator( id = "test-translator", en = "English", text(en = "Hello, world!"), text(en = "Farewell, world!")) # Step 3: call translations_read() and pass the new Translator to it. translations_read(temp_file, tr = tr2) # Step 4: check that translations were read AND registered. expect_identical(tr2$native_languages[["fr"]], "Français") expect_identical(tr2$get_translation("256e0d7", "fr"), "Bonjour, monde!") expect_identical(tr2$get_translation("2ac373a", "fr"), "Au revoir, monde!") })