language_source_set("en") withr::defer(language_source_set(NULL)) test_text <- function() { return( text( location("a", 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L), location("a", 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L), location("b", 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L), en = "Hello, world!", fr = "Bonjour, monde!", es = "¡Hola Mundo!", ja = "こんにちは世界!")) } # We use txt1 (and txt2 if two objects are required) # whenever the underlying test text does not induce # a permanent state change. Otherwise, a new object # is generated within the test_that() expression. txt1 <- test_text() txt2 <- text( location("c", 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L), location("d", 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L), en = "Hello, world!", el = "Γεια σου, Κόσμος!") translate_call <- call("translate") # Class: active bindings ------------------------------------------------------- test_that("active binding hash returns hash", { expect_identical(txt1$hash, "256e0d707386d0fcd9abf10ad994000bdaa25812") }) test_that("active binding hash throws an error if value is not missing", { expect_error(txt1$hash <- "new-hash") expect_snapshot(txt1$hash <- "new-hash", error = TRUE) }) test_that("active binding algorithm returns hashing algorithm", { expect_identical(txt1$algorithm, "sha1") }) test_that("active binding algorithm validates value", { expect_error(txt1$algorithm <- 1L) expect_error(txt1$algorithm <- "new-algo") expect_snapshot(txt1$algorithm <- 1L, error = TRUE) expect_snapshot(txt1$algorithm <- "new-algo", error = TRUE) }) test_that("active binding algorithm sets new value and new hash", { txt <- test_text() txt$algorithm <- "utf8" expect_identical(txt$algorithm, "utf8") expect_identical(txt$hash, "12351") }) test_that("active binding source_lang returns source language", { expect_identical(txt1$source_lang, "en") }) test_that("active binding source_lang validates value", { expect_error(txt1$source_lang <- 1L) expect_error(txt1$source_lang <- "new-lang") expect_snapshot(txt1$source_lang <- 1L, error = TRUE) expect_snapshot(txt1$source_lang <- "new-lang", error = TRUE) }) test_that("active binding source_lang sets new value and new hash", { txt <- test_text() txt$source_lang <- "fr" expect_identical(txt$source_lang, "fr") expect_identical(txt$hash, "f3c8754329c1b152887d35f00119fca783243d27") }) test_that("active binding source_text returns source text", { expect_identical(txt1$source_text, "Hello, world!") }) test_that("active binding source_text throws an error if value is not missing", { expect_error(txt1$source_text <- "new-text") expect_snapshot(txt1$source_text <- "new-text", error = TRUE) }) test_that("active binding languages returns languages", { # This implicitly checks that langs are also sorted. langs <- txt1$languages expect_identical(langs, c("en", "es", "fr", "ja"), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("active binding languages throws an error if value is not missing", { expect_error(txt1$languages <- "new-lang") expect_snapshot(txt1$languages <- "new-lang", error = TRUE) }) test_that("active binding translations returns translations", { # This implicitly checks that translations are # also sorted by their underlying names (langs). expect_identical(txt1$translations, c( en = "Hello, world!", es = "¡Hola Mundo!", fr = "Bonjour, monde!", ja = "こんにちは世界!")) }) test_that("active binding translations throws an error if value is not missing", { expect_error(txt1$translations <- "new translation") expect_snapshot(txt1$translations <- "new-translation", error = TRUE) }) test_that("active binding locations returns locations", { # This implicitly checks that locations are # also sorted by their underlying paths. expect_identical(txt1$locations, list( a = location("a", 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L), b = location("b", 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L))) }) test_that("active binding locations throws an error if value is not missing", { expect_error(txt1$locations <- location()) expect_snapshot(txt1$locations <- location(), error = TRUE) }) # Class: public methods -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("$initialize() works", { # It can only be tested indirectly via $new(). txt <- Text$new("utf8") expect_s3_class(txt, c("Text", "R6"), exact = TRUE) expect_identical(txt$algorithm, "utf8") expect_type(txt$.__enclos_env__$private$.translations, "environment") }) test_that("$get_translation() works", { expect_null(txt1$get_translation("error")) expect_identical(txt1$get_translation("en"), "Hello, world!") expect_identical(txt1$get_translation("es"), "¡Hola Mundo!") expect_identical(txt1$get_translation("fr"), "Bonjour, monde!") expect_identical(txt1$get_translation("ja"), "こんにちは世界!") }) test_that("$get_translation() validates lang", { expect_error(txt1$get_translation(1L)) expect_snapshot(txt1$get_translation(1L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("$set_translation() works", { txt <- Text$new() expect_null(txt$set_translation("en", "Hello, world!")) expect_invisible(txt$set_translation("en", "Hello, world!")) expect_identical(txt$get_translation("en"), "Hello, world!") }) test_that("$set_translation() validates lang", { expect_error(txt1$set_translation(1L)) expect_snapshot(txt1$set_translation(1L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("$set_translation() validates text", { expect_error(txt1$set_translation("de", 1L)) expect_snapshot(txt1$set_translation("de", 1L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("$set_translations() works", { txt <- Text$new() # Case ... is empty. expect_null(txt$set_translations()) expect_invisible(txt$set_translations()) # Case ... is not empty. expect_null(txt$set_translations(en = "Hello, world!")) expect_invisible(txt$set_translations(fr = "Bonjour, monde!")) expect_identical(txt$get_translation("en"), "Hello, world!") expect_identical(txt$get_translation("fr"), "Bonjour, monde!") }) test_that("$set_translations() validates ...", { txt <- Text$new() expect_error(txt$set_translations(1L)) expect_error(txt$set_translations("Hello, world!")) expect_snapshot(txt$set_translations(1L), error = TRUE) expect_snapshot(txt$set_translations("Hello, world!"), error = TRUE) }) test_that("$set_locations() returns a logical", { txt <- Text$new() # Case ... is empty. expect_null(Text$new()$set_locations()) expect_invisible(Text$new()$set_locations()) # Case ... is not empty. expect_null(txt$set_locations(location("z", 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L))) expect_invisible(txt$set_locations(location("z", 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L))) expect_length(txt$locations, 1L) expect_identical( txt$locations[[1L]], location("z", c(1L, 2L), c(1L, 2L), c(1L, 2L), c(1L, 2L))) }) test_that("$rm_translation() returns a logical", { expect_null(test_text()$rm_translation("es")) expect_invisible(test_text()$rm_translation("fr")) }) test_that("$rm_translation() validates lang", { expect_error(txt1$rm_translation(1L)) expect_error(txt1$rm_translation("en")) expect_error(txt1$rm_translation("error")) expect_snapshot(txt1$rm_translation(1L), error = TRUE) expect_snapshot(txt1$rm_translation("en"), error = TRUE) expect_snapshot(txt1$rm_translation("error"), error = TRUE) }) test_that("$rm_translation() removes translations as expected", { txt <- test_text() txt$rm_translation("es") expect_length(txt$translations, 3L) expect_identical(txt$translations, c( en = "Hello, world!", fr = "Bonjour, monde!", ja = "こんにちは世界!")) }) test_that("$rm_location() returns a logical", { expect_null(test_text()$rm_location("a")) expect_invisible(test_text()$rm_location("a")) }) test_that("$rm_location() validates path", { expect_error(txt1$rm_location(1L)) expect_error(txt1$rm_location("error")) expect_snapshot(txt1$rm_location(1L), error = TRUE) expect_snapshot(txt1$rm_location("error"), error = TRUE) }) test_that("$rm_location() removes locations as expected", { txt <- test_text() txt$rm_location("a") expect_length(txt$locations, 1L) expect_identical(txt$locations, list(b = location("b", 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L))) }) # text() ----------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("text() returns an R6 object of class Text", { txt <- text( location("a"), location("b"), en = "Hello, world!", fr = "Bonjour, monde!", # These arguments should be ignored silently. 1L, 1.0, 1.0 + 2i, raw(1L)) expect_s3_class(txt, c("Text", "R6"), exact = TRUE) expect_identical(txt$hash, "256e0d707386d0fcd9abf10ad994000bdaa25812") expect_identical(txt$algorithm, "sha1") expect_identical(txt$source_lang, "en") expect_identical(txt$source_text, "Hello, world!") expect_identical(txt$translations, c( en = "Hello, world!", fr = "Bonjour, monde!")) expect_identical(txt$locations, list(a = location("a"), b = location("b"))) }) test_that("text() validates source_lang", { expect_error(text(source_lang = "")) expect_snapshot(text(source_lang = ""), error = TRUE) }) test_that("text() checks that there is at least one translation corresponding to source_lang", { expect_error(text()) expect_snapshot(text(), error = TRUE) }) # is_text() -------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("is_text() works", { expect_true(is_text(Text$new())) expect_false(is_text(1L)) }) # format.Text() ---------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("format() returns a character", { # This test block is a little bit # fragile, but hardcoding expected # values is simpler. fmt_txt2 <- format(txt2) fmt_txt_empty <- format(Text$new()) expect_type(fmt_txt2, "character") expect_length(fmt_txt2, 16L) expect_identical(fmt_txt2, c( "", " Hash: 256e0d707386d0fcd9abf10ad994000bdaa25812", " Source Lang: en", " Algorithm: sha1", " Translations:", " el: Γεια σου, Κόσμος!", " en: Hello, world!", " Locations:", " c:", " ", " Path: c", " Ranges: Ln 1, Col 2 @ Ln 3, Col 4", " d:", " ", " Path: d", " Ranges: Ln 5, Col 6 @ Ln 7, Col 8")) expect_type(fmt_txt_empty, "character") expect_length(fmt_txt_empty, 6L) expect_identical(fmt_txt_empty, c( "", " Hash: ", " Source Lang: ", " Algorithm: sha1", " Translations: ", " Locations: [list]")) }) test_that("format() sets names of locations equal to base names", { txt <- text( location("/absolute/path/to/source/script/c", 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L), location("/absolute/path/to/source/script/d", 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L), en = "Hello, world!", el = "Γεια σου, Κόσμος!") expect_identical(format(txt), c( "", " Hash: 256e0d707386d0fcd9abf10ad994000bdaa25812", " Source Lang: en", " Algorithm: sha1", " Translations:", " el: Γεια σου, Κόσμος!", " en: Hello, world!", " Locations:", " c:", " ", " Path: /absolute/path/to/source/script/c", " Ranges: Ln 1, Col 2 @ Ln 3, Col 4", " d:", " ", " Path: /absolute/path/to/source/script/d", " Ranges: Ln 5, Col 6 @ Ln 7, Col 8")) expect_snapshot(print(txt)) }) test_that("format() escapes newlines", { txt <- text( en = "Hello,\n\nworld!", el = "Γεια σου,\n\nΚόσμος!") out <- format(txt) expect_match(out[[6L]], r"{\\n\\n}") ## el expect_match(out[[7L]], r"{\\n\\n}") ## en expect_snapshot(print(txt)) }) # print.Text() ----------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("print() works", { expect_output(print(txt1)) expect_snapshot(print(txt1)) }) test_that("print() returns x invisibly", { withr::local_output_sink(tempfile()) expect_invisible(print(txt1)) expect_identical(print(txt1), txt1) }) # c.Text() --------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("c.Text() returns a Text object", { out <- c(txt1, txt2) expect_s3_class(out, "Text") expect_identical(out$hash, txt1$hash) expect_identical(out$algorithm, txt1$algorithm) expect_identical(out$source_lang, txt1$source_lang) expect_identical(out$source_text, txt1$source_text) expect_identical(out$translations, c( el = "Γεια σου, Κόσμος!", en = "Hello, world!", es = "¡Hola Mundo!", fr = "Bonjour, monde!", ja = "こんにちは世界!")) expect_identical(out$locations, list( a = location("a", 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L), b = location("b", 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L), c = location("c", 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L), d = location("d", 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L))) }) test_that("c.Text() returns its single argument", { expect_identical(c(txt1), txt1) }) test_that("c.Text() validates ...", { # The first argument passed to c() must be # a Text object. Otherwise, S3 dispatching # won't work as expected. expect_error(c(txt1, 1L, txt2)) expect_snapshot(c(txt1, 1L, txt2), error = TRUE) }) test_that("c.Text() throws an error if hashes are not equal", { txt <- test_text() txt$source_lang <- "fr" expect_error(c(txt1, txt)) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { txt1 <- test_text() txt2 <- test_text() txt2$source_lang <- "fr" c(txt1, txt2) }) }) test_that("c.Text() throws an error if source languages are not set", { expect_error(c(Text$new(), Text$new())) expect_snapshot(c(Text$new(), Text$new()), error = TRUE) }) test_that("c.Text() does not mutate its arguments", { # This test was added after discovering c.Text() was # mutating and returning ..1 instead of returning a # new object (in a previous implementation). txt <- test_text() out <- c(txt, txt2) expect_identical(txt, test_text()) expect_identical(txt2, text( location("c", 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L), location("d", 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L), en = "Hello, world!", el = "Γεια σου, Κόσμος!")) }) # merge_texts() ---------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("merge_texts() returns a list of Text object", { txt <- test_text() txt$source_lang <- "ja" out <- merge_texts(txt1, txt) expect_type(out, "list") expect_length(out, 2L) }) test_that("merge_texts() validates ...", { expect_error(merge_texts(txt1, 1L, txt2)) expect_snapshot(merge_texts(txt1, 1L, txt2), error = TRUE) }) test_that("merge_texts() validates algorithm", { expect_error(merge_texts(txt1, txt2, algorithm = "error")) expect_snapshot(merge_texts(txt1, txt2, algorithm = "error"), error = TRUE) }) test_that("merge_texts() combines Text objects having different hashes", { txt1 <- text(location("en"), en = "Hello, world!") txt2 <- text(location("el"), en = "Hello, world!", el = "Γεια σου, Κόσμος!") txt3 <- text(location("fr"), fr = "Bonjour, monde!", source_lang = "fr") out <- merge_texts(txt1, txt2, txt3) langs <- vapply_1c(out, `[[`, i = "source_lang") expect_length(out, 2L) expect_identical(out[[which(langs == "fr")]], txt3) expect_identical(out[[which(langs == "en")]], text( location("en"), location("el"), en = "Hello, world!", el = "Γεια σου, Κόσμος!")) }) test_that("merge_texts() ignores Text objects with no set source language", { txt1 <- text(location("en"), en = "Hello, world!") txt2 <- text(location("el"), en = "Hello, world!", el = "Γεια σου, Κόσμος!") txt3 <- Text$new() out <- merge_texts(txt1, txt2, txt3) expect_length(out, 1L) expect_identical(out[[1L]], text( location("en"), location("el"), en = "Hello, world!", el = "Γεια σου, Κόσμος!")) }) # as_text() -------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("as_text() works", { expect_s3_class(as_text(translate_call), "Text") }) # --------------------------------------------------------------- test_that(" returns a Text object", { txt <- as_text( call("translate", "Hello, world!"), loc = location("test"), algorithm = "utf8") expect_s3_class(txt, "Text") expect_identical(txt$hash, "12351") expect_identical(txt$algorithm, "utf8") expect_identical(txt$source_lang, "en") expect_identical(txt$source_text, "Hello, world!") expect_identical(txt$locations, list(test = location("test"))) }) test_that(" validates loc", { expect_error(as_text(translate_call, loc = 1L)) expect_snapshot(as_text(translate_call, loc = 1L), error = TRUE) }) test_that(" extracts ... from x", { translate_call1 <- call("translate", "Hello,", "world!") expect_identical(as_text(translate_call1)$source_text, "Hello,\n\nworld!") }) test_that(" extracts source_lang from x or sets it if not found", { translate_call1 <- call("translate", "Hello", ", world!", source_lang = "test") translate_call2 <- call("translate", "Hello,", "world!") expect_identical(as_text(translate_call1)$source_lang, "test") expect_identical(as_text(translate_call2)$source_lang, "en") }) test_that(" sets source fields only if ... is not empty", { txt <- as_text(translate_call) expect_null(txt$source_text) expect_identical(txt$source_lang, .__STR_UNSET) })