language_source_set("en") withr::defer(language_source_set(NULL)) test_translator <- function() { return( translator( id = "test-translator", en = "English", fr = "Français", text( location("a", 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L), en = "Hello, world!", fr = "Bonjour, monde!"), text( location("b", 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L), en = "Farewell, world!", fr = "Au revoir, monde!"))) } # We use tr1 (and tr2 if two objects are required) whenever # the underlying test translator does not induce a permanent # state change. Otherwise, a new object is generated within # the test_that() block. tr1 <- test_translator() tr2 <- translator( id = "test-translator-2", en = "English", el = "Ελληνικά", text( location("c", 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L), en = "Hello, world!", el = "Γεια σου, Κόσμος!")) # Extract private methods for testing purposes. hash_compress <- tr1$.__enclos_env__$private$.hash_reduce hash_decompress <- tr1$.__enclos_env__$private$.hash_expand # Class: active bindings ------------------------------------------------------- test_that("active binding id returns id", { expect_identical(tr1$id, "test-translator") }) test_that("active binding id sets new value", { tr <- test_translator() tr$id <- "new-id" expect_identical(tr$id, "new-id") }) test_that("active binding id validates value", { expect_error(tr1$id <- 1L) expect_snapshot(tr1$id <- 1L, error = TRUE) }) test_that("active binding algorithm returns algorithm", { expect_identical(tr1$algorithm, "sha1") }) test_that("active binding algorithm sets new value", { tr <- test_translator() tr$algorithm <- "utf8" expect_identical(tr$algorithm, "utf8") # Test that Texts objects' algorithm are updated. expect_identical(tr$hashes, c(`12351` = "12351", `17818` = "17818")) expect_identical(tr$get_text("12351")$hash, "12351") expect_identical(tr$get_text("17818")$hash, "17818") # Test that Text objects are reassigned to new hashes. expect_null(tr$get_text("256e0d7")) expect_null(tr$get_text("2ac373a")) }) test_that("active binding algorithm validates value", { expect_error(tr1$algorithm <- 1L) expect_error(tr1$algorithm <- "new-algo") expect_snapshot(tr1$algorithm <- 1L, error = TRUE) expect_snapshot(tr1$algorithm <- "new-algo", error = TRUE) }) test_that("active binding hashes returns hashes", { expect_null(Translator$new()$hashes) expect_identical(tr1$hashes, c( `256e0d7` = "256e0d707386d0fcd9abf10ad994000bdaa25812", `2ac373a` = "2ac373aa699a6712cdaddbead28031d537de29bc")) }) test_that("active binding hashes validates value", { expect_error(tr1$hashes <- "error") expect_snapshot(tr1$hashes <- "error", error = TRUE) }) test_that("active binding source_texts returns source texts", { expect_null(Translator$new()$source_texts) expect_identical(tr1$source_texts, c( `256e0d7` = "Hello, world!", `2ac373a` = "Farewell, world!")) }) test_that("active binding source_texts validates value", { expect_error(tr1$source_texts <- 1L) expect_snapshot(tr1$source_texts <- 1L, error = TRUE) }) test_that("active binding source_langs returns source languages", { tr <- translator( en = "English", fr = "Français", text( en = "Hello, world!", fr = "Bonjour, monde!", source_lang = "en"), text( en = "Farewell, world!", fr = "Au revoir, monde!", source_lang = "fr")) expect_null(Translator$new()$source_langs) expect_identical(tr1$source_langs, "en") expect_identical(tr$source_langs, c(`256e0d7` = "en", f3ae57a = "fr")) }) test_that("active binding source_langs validates value", { expect_error(tr1$source_langs <- "new-source-lang") expect_snapshot(tr1$source_langs <- "new-source-lang", error = TRUE) }) test_that("active binding languages returns languages", { # This implicitly checks that hashes are also sorted. expect_null(Translator$new()$languages) expect_identical(tr1$languages, c("en", "fr")) }) test_that("active binding languages drops duplicated languages", { tr <- test_translator() tr$set_text(en = "Hello, world!", el = "Γεια σου, Κόσμος!") expect_identical(tr$languages, c("el", "en", "fr")) }) test_that("active binding languages validates value", { expect_error(tr1$languages <- "error") expect_snapshot(tr1$languages <- "error", error = TRUE) }) test_that("active binding native_languages returns native languages", { # This implicitly checks that hashes are also sorted. expect_null(Translator$new()$native_languages) expect_identical(tr1$native_languages, c(en = "English", fr = "Français")) }) test_that("active binding native_languages validates value", { expect_error(tr1$native_languages <- "error") expect_snapshot(tr1$native_languages <- "error", error = TRUE) }) # Class: private methods ------------------------------------------------------- test_that("$.hash_reduce() works", { hashes <- c("256e0d707386d0", "2ac373aa699a67") expect_identical( hash_compress(hashes), c(`256e0d707386d0` = "256e0d7", `2ac373aa699a67` = "2ac373a")) expect_identical( hash_compress(c("short", "hashes")), c(short = "short", hashes = "hashes")) }) test_that("$.hash_expand() works", { expect_identical(hash_decompress("256e0d7"), "256e0d707386d0fcd9abf10ad994000bdaa25812") expect_identical(hash_decompress("2ac373a"), "2ac373aa699a6712cdaddbead28031d537de29bc") }) test_that("$.hash_expand() returns <notfound> if hash has no match", { expect_identical(hash_decompress("test-hash"), "<notfound>") }) # Class: public methods -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("$initialize() works", { # It can only be tested indirectly via $new(). tr <- Translator$new("test-id", "utf8") expect_s3_class(tr, c("Translator", "R6"), exact = TRUE) expect_identical(tr$id, "test-id") expect_identical(tr$algorithm, "utf8") expect_type(tr$.__enclos_env__$private$.native_langs, "environment") expect_type(tr$.__enclos_env__$private$.texts, "environment") }) test_that("$translate() returns a character string if translation is available", { # By design, this also checks that # inputs are hashed accordingly. expect_identical(tr1$translate("Hello, world!", lang = "en"), "Hello, world!") expect_identical(tr1$translate("Hello, world!", lang = "fr"), "Bonjour, monde!") expect_identical(tr2$translate("Hello, world!", lang = "el"), "Γεια σου, Κόσμος!") expect_identical(tr1$translate("Farewell, world!", lang = "en"), "Farewell, world!") expect_identical(tr1$translate("Farewell, world!", lang = "fr"), "Au revoir, monde!") }) test_that("$translate() returns null if translation is not available", { expect_null(tr1$translate("Hello, world!", lang = "el")) }) test_that("$translate() validates source_lang", { expect_error(tr1$translate(lang = "en", source_lang = 1L)) expect_snapshot(tr1$translate(lang = "en", source_lang = 1L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("$get_translation() works", { expect_null(tr1$get_translation("bad-hash", "en")) expect_null(tr1$get_translation(hash("en", "bad-hash", "sha1"), "en")) expect_identical(tr1$get_translation("2ac373a", "en"), "Farewell, world!") expect_identical(tr1$get_translation("2ac373a", "fr"), "Au revoir, monde!") expect_identical(tr1$get_translation("256e0d7", "en"), "Hello, world!") expect_identical(tr1$get_translation("256e0d7", "fr"), "Bonjour, monde!") }) test_that("$get_text() works", { expect_null(tr1$get_text(hash("en", "bad-hash", "sha1"))) expect_identical(tr1$get_text("2ac373a")$hash, "2ac373aa699a6712cdaddbead28031d537de29bc") expect_identical(tr1$get_text("256e0d7")$hash, "256e0d707386d0fcd9abf10ad994000bdaa25812") }) test_that("$get_text() validates hash", { expect_error(tr1$get_text(hash = 1L)) expect_snapshot(tr1$get_text(hash = 1L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("$set_text() returns null invisibly", { expect_null(test_translator()$set_text(en = "Bye bye!")) expect_invisible(test_translator()$set_text(en = "Bye bye!")) }) test_that("$set_text() creates and registers a Text object", { tr <- test_translator() tr$set_text(en = "Bye bye!", location("a")) txt <- tr$get_text(hash("en", "Bye bye!", "sha1")) expect_s3_class(txt, "Text") expect_identical(txt$source_lang, "en") expect_identical(txt$source_text, "Bye bye!") expect_identical(txt$locations, list(a = location("a"))) }) test_that("$set_texts() returns null invisibly", { tr <- Translator$new() txt1 <- text(en = "Bye bye!", location("a")) txt2 <- text(fr = "À la prochaine!", location("b"), source_lang = "fr") # Case ... is empty. expect_null(tr$set_texts()) expect_invisible(tr$set_texts()) # Case ... is not empty. expect_null(tr$set_texts(txt1, txt2)) expect_invisible(tr$set_texts(txt1, txt2)) }) test_that("$set_texts() registers Text objects", { tr <- Translator$new() txt1 <- text(en = "Bye bye!", location("a")) txt2 <- text(fr = "À la prochaine!", location("b"), source_lang = "fr") tr$set_texts(txt1, txt2) expect_identical(tr$get_text(hash("en", "Bye bye!", "sha1")), txt1) expect_identical(tr$get_text(hash("fr", "À la prochaine!", "sha1")), txt2) }) test_that("$set_texts() validates ...", { expect_error(Translator$new()$set_texts(1L, text(en = "Bye bye!"))) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { Translator$new()$set_texts(1L, text(en = "Bye bye!")) }) }) test_that("$set_native_languages() returns null invisibly", { tr <- Translator$new() # Case ... is empty. expect_null(tr$set_native_languages()) expect_invisible(tr$set_native_languages()) # Case ... is not empty. expect_null(tr$set_native_languages(en = "English")) expect_invisible(tr$set_native_languages(en = "English")) }) test_that("$set_native_languages() registers native languages", { tr <- Translator$new() tr$set_native_languages( en = "English", # Test whether duplicate keys work and # silently overwrites previous values. en = "English-dup", fr = "Français", ja = "日本語") expect_identical( tr$native_languages, c(en = "English-dup", fr = "Français", ja = "日本語")) }) test_that("$set_native_languages() removes native languages", { tr <- test_translator() tr$set_native_languages(fr = NULL) expect_identical(tr$native_languages, c(en = "English")) }) test_that("$set_native_languages() validates ...", { expect_error(tr1$set_native_languages(1L)) expect_error(tr1$set_native_languages("English")) expect_snapshot(tr1$set_native_languages(1L), error = TRUE) expect_snapshot(tr1$set_native_languages("English"), error = TRUE) }) test_that("$rm_text() returns null invisibly", { tr <- test_translator() expect_null(tr$rm_text("256e0d7")) expect_invisible(tr$rm_text("2ac373a")) }) test_that("$rm_text() throws an error if there are no Text objects to remove", { expect_error(Translator$new()$rm_text("error")) expect_snapshot(Translator$new()$rm_text("error"), error = TRUE) }) test_that("$rm_text() validates hash", { expect_error(tr1$rm_text(1L)) expect_error(tr1$rm_text("error")) expect_snapshot(tr1$rm_text(1L), error = TRUE) expect_snapshot(tr1$rm_text("error"), error = TRUE) }) test_that("$rm_text() removes Text objects as expected", { tr <- test_translator() tr$rm_text("256e0d7") expect_length(tr$hashes, 1L) expect_identical(tr$hashes, c(`2ac373a` = "2ac373aa699a6712cdaddbead28031d537de29bc")) }) # translator() ----------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("translator() returns an R6 object of class Translator", { tr <- translator( id = "test-translator", en = "English", fr = "Français", text( location("a", 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L), en = "Hello, world!", fr = "Bonjour, monde!"), algorithm = "utf8", # These arguments should be ignored silently. 1L, 1.0, 1.0 + 2i, raw(1L)) expect_s3_class(tr, c("Translator", "R6"), exact = TRUE) expect_identical(tr$id, "test-translator") expect_identical(tr$algorithm, "utf8") expect_identical(tr$hashes, c(`12351` = "12351")) expect_identical(tr$source_texts, c(`12351` = "Hello, world!")) expect_identical(tr$languages, c("en", "fr")) expect_identical(tr$native_languages, c(en = "English", fr = "Français")) }) test_that("translator() throws a warning if a language does not have a corresponding native language", { expect_warning( translator( id = "test-translator", en = "English", text(en = "Hello, world!", fr = "Bonjour, monde!"))) expect_snapshot( translator( id = "test-translator", en = "English", text(en = "Hello, world!", fr = "Bonjour, monde!"))) }) # is_translator() -------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("is_translator() works", { expect_true(is_translator(Translator$new())) expect_false(is_translator(1L)) }) # format.Translator() ---------------------------------------------------------- test_that("format() returns a character", { # This test block is a little bit # fragile, but hardcoding expected # values is simpler. fmt_tr1 <- format(tr1) fmt_tr_empty <- format(Translator$new(id = "test-translator")) expect_type(fmt_tr1, "character") expect_length(fmt_tr1, 9L) expect_identical(fmt_tr1, c( "<Translator>", " Identifier: test-translator", " Algorithm: sha1", " Languages:", " en: English", " fr: Français", " Source Texts:", " 256e0d7 [en, fr]: Hello, world!", " 2ac373a [en, fr]: Farewell, world!")) expect_type(fmt_tr_empty, "character") expect_length(fmt_tr_empty, 5L) expect_identical(fmt_tr_empty, c( "<Translator>", " Identifier: test-translator", " Algorithm: sha1", " Languages: <null>", " Source Texts: <null>")) }) # print.Translator() ----------------------------------------------------------- test_that("print() works", { expect_output(print(tr1)) expect_snapshot(print(tr1)) }) test_that("print() returns x invisibly", { withr::local_output_sink(tempfile()) expect_invisible(print(tr1)) expect_identical(print(tr1), tr1) })