path <- "tests/testthat/my-test-file" # We use extreme dummy ranges to test whether # values are appropriately padded or not by format(). loc1 <- location(path, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L) loc2 <- location(path, c(1L, 11L), c(22L, 222L), c(10L, 3333L), c(1L, 4L)) ranges <- c( "Ln 1, Col 22 @ Ln 10, Col 1", "Ln 11, Col 222 @ Ln 3333, Col 4") # location() ------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("location() returns a S3 object of class Location", { expect_s3_class(loc2, "Location") expect_type(loc2, "list") expect_length(loc2, 5L) expect_identical(loc2$path, path) expect_identical(loc2$line1, c(1L, 11L)) expect_identical(loc2$col1, c(22L, 222L)) expect_identical(loc2$line2, c(10L, 3333L)) expect_identical(loc2$col2, c(1L, 4L)) }) test_that("location() validates path", { expect_error(location(1L)) expect_snapshot(location(1L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("location() validates line1", { expect_error(location(line1 = "")) expect_error(location(line1 = 0L)) expect_snapshot(location(line1 = ""), error = TRUE) expect_snapshot(location(line1 = 0L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("location() validates col1", { expect_error(location(col1 = "")) expect_error(location(col1 = 0L)) expect_snapshot(location(col1 = ""), error = TRUE) expect_snapshot(location(col1 = 0L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("location() validates line2", { expect_error(location(line2 = "")) expect_error(location(line2 = 0L)) expect_snapshot(location(line2 = ""), error = TRUE) expect_snapshot(location(line2 = 0L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("location() validates col2", { expect_error(location(col2 = "")) expect_error(location(col2 = 0L)) expect_snapshot(location(col2 = ""), error = TRUE) expect_snapshot(location(col2 = 0L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("location() validates line1, col1, line2, and col2 have the same length", { expect_error(location(line1 = c(1L, 2L))) expect_snapshot(location(line1 = c(1L, 2L)), error = TRUE) }) test_that("location() drops duplicated ranges", { loc <- location(path, c(1L, 1L), c(2L, 2L), c(3L, 3L), c(4L, 4L)) expect_identical(loc$line1, 1L) expect_identical(loc$col1, 2L) expect_identical(loc$line2, 3L) expect_identical(loc$col2, 4L) }) test_that("location() orders ranges", { loc <- location(path, c(2L, 1L), c(4L, 3L), c(6L, 5L), c(8L, 7L)) expect_identical(loc$line1, c(1L, 2L)) expect_identical(loc$col1, c(3L, 4L)) expect_identical(loc$line2, c(5L, 6L)) expect_identical(loc$col2, c(7L, 8L)) }) # is_location() ---------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("is_location() returns a logical", { expect_true(is_location(location())) expect_false(is_location(1L)) }) # format.Location() ------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("format() returns a character", { # This test block is a little bit # fragile, but hardcoding expected # values is simpler. fmt_loc1 <- format(loc1) fmt_loc2 <- format(loc2) expect_type(fmt_loc1, "character") expect_type(fmt_loc2, "character") expect_length(fmt_loc1, 3L) expect_length(fmt_loc2, 5L) expect_identical(fmt_loc1, c( "", " Path: tests/testthat/my-test-file", " Ranges: Ln 1, Col 2 @ Ln 3, Col 4")) expect_identical(fmt_loc2, c( "", " Path: tests/testthat/my-test-file", " Ranges:", " Ln 1, Col 22 @ Ln 10, Col 1", " Ln 11, Col 222 @ Ln 3333, Col 4")) }) # print.Location() ------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("print() works", { expect_output(print(loc1)) expect_snapshot(print(loc1, "short")) expect_snapshot(print(loc2, "long")) }) test_that("print() returns x invisibly", { withr::local_output_sink(tempfile()) expect_invisible(print(loc1)) expect_identical(print(loc1), loc1) }) # c.Location ------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("c.Location() returns a Location object", { out <- c(loc1, loc2) expect_s3_class(out, "Location") expect_identical(out$path, loc1$path) expect_identical(out$line1, c(1L, 1L, 11L)) expect_identical(out$col1, c(2L, 22L, 222L)) expect_identical(out$line2, c(3L, 10L, 3333L)) expect_identical(out$col2, c(4L, 1L, 4L)) }) test_that("c.Location() returns its single argument", { expect_identical(c(loc1), loc1) }) test_that("c.Location() validates ...", { # The first argument passed to c() must be a # Location object. Otherwise, S3 dispatching # won't work as expected. expect_error(c(loc1, 1L, loc2)) expect_snapshot(c(loc1, 1L, loc2), error = TRUE) }) test_that("c.Location() throws an error if paths are not equal", { expect_error(c(location("a"), location("b"))) expect_snapshot(c(location("a"), location("b")), error = TRUE) }) # merge_locations() ------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("merge_locations() returns a list of Location object", { out <- merge_locations(location("a"), location("b")) expect_type(out, "list") expect_length(out, 2L) }) test_that("merge_locations() validates ...", { expect_error(merge_locations(loc1, 1L, loc2)) expect_snapshot(merge_locations(loc1, 1L, loc2), error = TRUE) }) test_that("merge_locations() combines Location objects having different paths", { loc1 <- location("a", 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L) loc2 <- location("a", 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L) loc3 <- location("b", 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L) loc4 <- location("b", 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L) loc5 <- location("c", 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L) out <- merge_locations(loc1, loc2, loc3, loc4, loc5) expect_length(out, 3L) expect_identical(out[[1L]], location("a", c(1L, 2L), c(1L, 2L), c(1L, 2L), c(1L, 2L))) expect_identical(out[[2L]], location("b", c(3L, 4L), c(3L, 4L), c(3L, 4L), c(3L, 4L))) expect_identical(out[[3L]], location("c", 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L)) }) # range_format() --------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("range_format() returns a character", { out1 <- range_format(loc1) out2 <- range_format(loc2) expect_type(out1, "character") expect_type(out2, "character") expect_length(out1, 1L) expect_length(out2, 2L) }) test_that("range_format() validates x", { expect_error(range_format(1L)) expect_snapshot(range_format(1L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("range_format() creates ranges according to the expected format", { expect_identical(range_format(loc1), "Ln 1, Col 2 @ Ln 3, Col 4") expect_identical(range_format(loc2), c( "Ln 1, Col 22 @ Ln 10, Col 1", "Ln 11, Col 222 @ Ln 3333, Col 4")) }) # range_parse() ---------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("range_parse() returns a list of integers", { out <- range_parse(ranges) expect_type(out, "list") expect_length(out, 2L) expect_true(all(vapply_1l(out, is.integer))) }) test_that("range_parse() validates strings", { expect_error(range_parse(1L)) expect_snapshot(range_parse(1L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("range_parse() suppresses warnings", { expect_no_warning(range_parse("Line 1, Column 2 @ Line 3, Column 4")) }) test_that("range_parse() parses strings appropriately", { out <- range_parse(ranges) expect_identical(out[[1L]], c(1L, 22L, 10L, 1L)) expect_identical(out[[2L]], c(11L, 222L, 3333L, 4L)) expect_identical( range_parse("Ln 1, Col 2 @ Ln 3, Col 4")[[1L]], c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L)) expect_identical( range_parse("Ln 1, Col 2 @ Ln 3, Col 4")[[1L]], c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L)) expect_identical( range_parse("Ln 1.0, Col 2.34 @ Ln 3.14, Col 4.3")[[1L]], c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L)) expect_identical( range_parse("Line 1, Column 2 @ Line 3, Column 4")[[1L]],, 4L)) expect_identical( range_parse("Ln 1, Col 2 @ Ln 3, Col")[[1L]],, 4L)) expect_identical( range_parse("Ln X, Col 2 @ Ln 3, Col 4")[[1L]],, 4L)) expect_identical( range_parse("Ln X, Col 2 @@ Ln 3, Col 4")[[1L]],, 4L)) }) # range_is_parseable() --------------------------------------------------------- test_that("range_is_parseable() returns an logical", { out <- range_is_parseable(ranges) expect_type(out, "logical") expect_length(out, 2L) }) test_that("range_is_parseable() validates strings", { expect_error(range_is_parseable(1L)) expect_snapshot(range_is_parseable(1L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("range_is_parseable() checks that strings can be parsed", { expect_true(range_is_parseable("Ln 1, Col 2 @ Ln 3, Col 4")) expect_true(range_is_parseable("Ln 1, Col 2 @ Ln 3, Col 4")) expect_true(range_is_parseable("Ln 1.0, Col 2.34 @ Ln 3.14, Col 4.3")) expect_false(range_is_parseable("Line 1, Column 2 @ Line 3, Column 4")) expect_false(range_is_parseable("Ln 1, Col 2 @ Ln 3, Col")) expect_false(range_is_parseable("Ln X, Col 2 @ Ln 3, Col 4")) expect_false(range_is_parseable("Ln X, Col 2 @@ Ln 3, Col 4")) })