R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-24 r87814 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library("tram") Loading required package: mlt Loading required package: basefun Loading required package: variables Loading required package: mvtnorm > library("mvtnorm") > library("multcomp") Loading required package: survival Loading required package: TH.data Loading required package: MASS Attaching package: 'TH.data' The following object is masked from 'package:MASS': geyser > library("sandwich") > library("numDeriv") > > options(digits = 2) > > set.seed(25) > chk <- function(..., tol = 1e-3) all.equal(..., tol = tol, check.attributes = FALSE) > > OR <- 1 > > J <- 4 > N <- 100 > S <- cov2cor(tcrossprod(matrix(runif(J * J), ncol = J))) > y <- rmvnorm(N, sigma = S) > u <- as.data.frame(plogis(y)) > x <- runif(N) > d <- cbind(u, x) > un <- colnames(d)[1:J] > > m <- lapply(un, function(i) + BoxCox(as.formula(paste(i, "~ x")), data = d, bounds = c(0, 1), support = c(0, 1), order = OR)) > m$data <- d > m$formula <- ~ 1 > ### conditional model > m$conditional <- TRUE > mm <- do.call("mmlt", m) > > chk(c(logLik(mm)), sum(predict(mm, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE))) [1] TRUE > L <- as.array(coef(mm, type = "Lambda"))[,,1] > chk(as.array(coef(mm, type = "Lambdainv"))[,,1], solve(L)) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, type = "Sigma"))[,,1], tcrossprod(solve(L))) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, type = "Cor"))[,,1], cov2cor(tcrossprod(solve(L)))) [1] TRUE > > chk(colSums(estfun(mm)), -colSums(mm$score(coef(mm, type = "all")))) [1] TRUE > > ### marginal normal > m$conditional <- FALSE > mmN <- do.call("mmlt", m) > > chk(logLik(mm), logLik(mmN)) [1] TRUE > chk(c(logLik(mmN)), sum(predict(mmN, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE))) [1] TRUE > > cf1 <- do.call("c", lapply(m[1:J], function(x) coef(as.mlt(x)))) > cf2 <- coef(mmN)[1:length(cf1)] > # cbind(cf1, cf2) > > sd1 <- sqrt(do.call("c", lapply(m[1:J], function(x) diag(vcov(as.mlt(x)))))) > sd2 <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mmN)))[1:length(sd1)] > > # cbind(sd1, sd2) > vcov(mmN)["V1.x", "V4.x"] [1] 0.054 > > > chk(as.array(coef(mm, type = "Lambda"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, type = "Lambdapar"))[,,1]) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, type = "Cor"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, type = "Cor"))[,,1]) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, type = "Spearman"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, type = "Spearman"))[,,1]) [1] TRUE > > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, type = "distribution", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, type = "distribution", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "density", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "density", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "distribution", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "distribution", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "density", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "density", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "distribution", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "distribution", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > > chk(sapply(1:J, function(i) predict(mm, margins = i, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE)), + sapply(1:J, function(i) predict(mmN, margins = i, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE))) [1] TRUE > > ### check marginal predictions > m1 <- m[[1]] > m2 <- do.call("mmlt", m[-(3:4)]) > m3 <- do.call("mmlt", m[-4]) > > ### we expect differences here > if (FALSE) { + chk(c(predict(m1, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE)), + c(predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1, type = "density", log = TRUE))) + chk(predict(m2, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "density", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "density", log = TRUE)) + chk(predict(m2, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "distribution", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "distribution", log = TRUE)) + chk(predict(m3, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "density", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "density", log = TRUE)) + chk(predict(m3, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "distribution", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "distribution", log = TRUE)) + } > > ### marginal normal model > mm <- mmN > > ### marginal normal, implemented differently > for (j in 1:J) m[[j]]$todistr$name <- "CarlFriedrich" > mmN <- do.call("mmlt", m) > > chk(logLik(mm), logLik(mmN)) [1] TRUE > chk(c(logLik(mmN)), sum(predict(mmN, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE))) [1] TRUE > > cf1 <- do.call("c", lapply(m[1:J], function(x) coef(as.mlt(x)))) > cf2 <- coef(mmN)[1:length(cf1)] > # cbind(cf1, cf2) > > sd1 <- sqrt(do.call("c", lapply(m[1:J], function(x) diag(vcov(as.mlt(x)))))) > sd2 <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mmN)))[1:length(sd1)] > > # cbind(sd1, sd2) > vcov(mmN)["V1.x", "V4.x"] [1] 0.054 > > chk(as.array(coef(mm, type = "Lambda"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, type = "Lambda"))[,,1]) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, type = "Lambdainv"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, type = "Lambdainv"))[,,1]) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, type = "Sigma"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, type = "Sigma"))[,,1]) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, type = "Spearman"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, type = "Spearman"))[,,1]) [1] TRUE > > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, type = "distribution", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, type = "distribution", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "density", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "density", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "distribution", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "distribution", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "density", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "density", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "distribution", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "distribution", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > > chk(sapply(1:J, function(i) predict(mm, margins = i, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE)), + sapply(1:J, function(i) predict(mmN, margins = i, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE))) [1] TRUE > > ### marginal Colr models > m <- lapply(un, function(i) + Colr(as.formula(paste(i, "~ x")), data = d, bounds = c(0, 1), support = c(0, 1), order = OR)) > m$data <- d > m$formula <- ~ 1 > mmC <- do.call("mmlt", m) > > chk(c(logLik(mmC)), sum(predict(mmC, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE))) [1] TRUE > logLik(mmC) 'log Lik.' 261 (df=18) > > ### conditional models > m <- lapply(un, function(i) + BoxCox(as.formula(paste(i, "~ x")), data = d, bounds = c(0, 1), support = c(0, 1), order = OR)) > m$data <- d > m$formula <- ~ x > m$conditional <- TRUE > mm <- do.call("mmlt", m) Warning message: In .mmlt_setup(models = models, formula = formula, dofit = dofit, : Conditional models with covariate-dependent correlations are order-dependent > > chk(c(logLik(mm)), sum(predict(mm, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE))) [1] TRUE > L <- as.array(coef(mm, newdata = d, type = "Lambda"))[,,1] > chk(as.array(coef(mm, newdata = d, type = "Lambdainv"))[,,1], solve(L)) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, newdata = d, type = "Sigma"))[,,1], tcrossprod(solve(L))) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, newdata = d, type = "Cor"))[,,1], cov2cor(tcrossprod(solve(L)))) [1] TRUE > > ### with marginal parameterisation > m$conditional <- FALSE > mmN <- do.call("mmlt", m) > > ### expect differences here > if (FALSE) { + chk(logLik(mm), logLik(mmN)) + chk(c(logLik(mmN)), sum(predict(mmN, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE))) + + chk(as.array(coef(mm, newdata = d, type = "Lambda"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, newdata = d, type = "Lambdapar"))[,,1]) + chk(as.array(coef(mm, newdata = d, type = "Cor"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, newdata = d, type = "Cor"))[,,1]) + chk(as.array(coef(mm, newdata = d, type = "Spearman"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, newdata = d, type = "Spearman"))[,,1]) + + chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE)) + chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, type = "distribution", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, type = "distribution", log = TRUE)) + + chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "density", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "density", log = TRUE)) + chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "distribution", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "distribution", log = TRUE)) + chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "density", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "density", log = TRUE)) + chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "distribution", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "distribution", log = TRUE)) + + chk(sapply(1:J, function(i) predict(mm, margins = i, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE)), + sapply(1:J, function(i) predict(mmN, margins = i, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE))) + } > > ### marginal model > mm <- mmN > > ### implemented differently > for (j in 1:J) m[[j]]$todistr$name <- "CarlFriedrich" > mmN <- do.call("mmlt", m) > > chk(logLik(mm), logLik(mmN)) [1] TRUE > chk(c(logLik(mmN)), sum(predict(mmN, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE))) [1] TRUE > > chk(as.array(coef(mm, newdata = d, type = "Lambda"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, newdata = d, type = "Lambda"))[,,1]) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, newdata = d, type = "Lambdainv"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, newdata = d, type = "Lambdainv"))[,,1]) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, newdata = d, type = "Sigma"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, newdata = d, type = "Sigma"))[,,1]) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, newdata = d, type = "Spearman"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, newdata = d, type = "Spearman"))[,,1]) [1] TRUE > > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, type = "distribution", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, type = "distribution", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "density", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "density", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "distribution", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:2, type = "distribution", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "density", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "density", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > chk(predict(mm, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "distribution", log = TRUE), + predict(mmN, newdata = d, margins = 1:3, type = "distribution", log = TRUE)) [1] TRUE > > chk(sapply(1:J, function(i) predict(mm, margins = i, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE)), + sapply(1:J, function(i) predict(mmN, margins = i, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE))) [1] TRUE > > ### conditional Colr > m <- lapply(un, function(i) + Colr(as.formula(paste(i, "~ x")), data = d, bounds = c(0, 1), support = c(0, 1), order = OR)) > m$data <- d > m$formula <- ~ x > mmC <- do.call("mmlt", m) > > chk(c(logLik(mmC)), sum(predict(mmC, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE))) [1] TRUE > logLik(mmC) 'log Lik.' 265 (df=24) > > ##### FIRST SCENARIO: CONSTANT LAMBDA ##### > set.seed(290875) > ll <- numeric(50) > p <- 3 > X <- matrix(runif(N * p), ncol = p) > m1 <- 1 + X %*% c(2, 1, 1) > m2 <- 1 + X %*% c(1, 2, 1) > lb <- (off <- 0.5) + X %*% (cf <- c(0, 2, 0)) > d <- data.frame(X) > Y <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = 2) > colnames(Y) <- c("Y1", "Y2") > > cr <- numeric(N) > for (i in 1:N) { + Si <- diag(2) + Si[1,2] <- Si[2,1] <- .5 + cr[i] <- cov2cor(Si)[2,1] + + Y[i,] <- rmvnorm(1, mean = c(m1[i], m2[i]), sigma = Si) + } > > > ##### only BoxCox margins: ##### > d <- cbind(d, Y) > b1 <- as.mlt(Lm(Y1 ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = d)) > b2 <- as.mlt(Lm(Y2 ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = d)) > > ## constant correlations. expect identical logliks and lambda parameters > mm01 <- mmlt(b1, b2, formula = ~ 1, data = d) > mm02 <- mmlt(b2, b1, formula = ~ 1, data = d) > > chk(logLik(mm01), logLik(mm02)) [1] TRUE > > chk(c(coef(mm01)["Y2.Y1.(Intercept)"]), + c(coef(mm02)["Y1.Y2.(Intercept)"])) [1] TRUE > > ## checking gradients > chk(c(numDeriv::grad(mm01$ll, mm02$par)), + c(mm01$sc(mm02$par))) [1] TRUE > > ## predicting marginal distributions and comparing across models with constant lambda > chk(predict(mm01, newdata = d[1:5,], q = -2:2, + margins = 1, type = "distribution"), + predict(mm02, newdata = d[1:5,], q = -2:2, + margins = 2, type = "distribution")) [1] TRUE > > ## expect correlations to be the same for the model with constant lambdas > chk(c(coef(mm01, newdata = d[1:5,], type = "Cor")), + c(coef(mm02, newdata = d[1:5,], type = "Cor"))) [1] TRUE > > > ##### mix of BoxCox and Colr margins: ##### > d$Y1 <- (d$Y1 - min(d$Y1))/(max(d$Y1) - min(d$Y1)) > > b1 <- as.mlt(Colr(Y1 ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = d, order = OR)) > b2 <- as.mlt(Lm(Y2 ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = d)) > > mm01 <- mmlt(b1, b2, formula = ~ 1, data = d) > mm02 <- mmlt(b2, b1, formula = ~ 1, data = d) > > chk(logLik(mm01), logLik(mm02)) [1] TRUE > > ### model is marginal, so expect same marginal coeff > cf1 <- coef(mm01) > cf1 <- cf1[-length(cf1)] > cf2 <- coef(mm02) > cf2 <- cf2[names(cf1)] > chk(cf1, cf2) [1] TRUE > > ## checking gradient > chk(c(numDeriv::grad(mm01$ll, coef(mm01))), c(mm01$sc(coef(mm01)))) [1] TRUE > chk(c(numDeriv::grad(mm02$ll, coef(mm02))), c(mm02$sc(coef(mm02)))) [1] TRUE > > ##### SECOND SCENARIO: COVARIATE DEPENDENT LAMBDA ##### > set.seed(290875) > ll <- numeric(50) > X <- matrix(runif(N * p), ncol = p) > m1 <- 1 + X %*% c(2, 1, 1) > m2 <- 1 + X %*% c(1, 2, 1) > lb <- (off <- 0.5) + X %*% (cf <- c(0, 2, 0)) > d <- data.frame(X) > Y <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = 2) > colnames(Y) <- c("Y1", "Y2") > > cr <- numeric(N) > for (i in 1:N) { + L <- diag(2) + L[2,1] <- lb[i] + Si <- solve(L) %*% t(solve(L)) + cr[i] <- cov2cor(Si)[2,1] + + Y[i,] <- rmvnorm(1, mean = c(m1[i], m2[i]), sigma = Si) + } > > > ##### only BoxCox margins: ##### > d <- cbind(d, Y) > b1 <- as.mlt(Lm(Y1 ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = d)) > b2 <- as.mlt(Lm(Y2 ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = d)) > > ## constant correlations. expect identical logliks and lambda parameters > mm01 <- mmlt(b1, b2, formula = ~ 1, data = d) > mm02 <- mmlt(b2, b1, formula = ~ 1, data = d) > > chk(logLik(mm01), logLik(mm02)) [1] TRUE > > ## checking gradients > chk(c(numDeriv::grad(mm01$ll, mm02$par)),c(mm01$sc(mm02$par))) [1] TRUE > > ## x-dependent correlations. expect slightly different logliks when > ## conditional = TRUE > mm1 <- mmlt(b1, b2, formula = ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = d, conditional = TRUE) Warning message: In .mmlt_setup(models = models, formula = formula, dofit = dofit, : Conditional models with covariate-dependent correlations are order-dependent > mm2 <- mmlt(b2, b1, formula = ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = d, conditional = TRUE) Warning message: In .mmlt_setup(models = models, formula = formula, dofit = dofit, : Conditional models with covariate-dependent correlations are order-dependent > > logLik(mm1) 'log Lik.' -266 (df=14) > logLik(mm2) 'log Lik.' -282 (df=14) > > ### BUT: identical models when conditional = FALSE > mm1 <- mmlt(b1, b2, formula = ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = d, conditional = FALSE) > mm2 <- mmlt(b2, b1, formula = ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = d, conditional = FALSE) > > chk(logLik(mm1), logLik(mm2)) [1] TRUE > > ## predicting marginal distributions and comparing across models with constant lambda > x <- 0:4 / 4 > nd <- expand.grid(X1 = x, X2 = x, X3 = x) > chk(predict(mm01, newdata = nd[1:5,], q = -2:2, + margins = 1, type = "distribution"), + predict(mm02, newdata = nd[1:5,], q = -2:2, + margins = 2, type = "distribution")) [1] TRUE > > ## predicting marginal distributions and comparing across models with > ## x-dependent lambda and conditional = FALSE > chk(predict(mm1, newdata = nd[1:5,], q = -2:2, + margins = 1, type = "distribution"), + predict(mm2, newdata = nd[1:5,], q = -2:2, + margins = 2, type = "distribution")) [1] TRUE > > ## expect correlations to be the same for the model with constant lambdas > chk(c(coef(mm01, newdata = nd[1:5,], type = "Cor")), + c(coef(mm02, newdata = nd[1:5,], type = "Cor"))) [1] TRUE > > ## correlations for models with x-dependent lambda > chk(c(coef(mm1, newdata = nd[1:5,], type = "Cor")), + c(coef(mm2, newdata = nd[1:5,], type = "Cor"))) [1] TRUE > > > ##### mix of BoxCox and Colr margins: ##### > d$Y1 <- (d$Y1 - min(d$Y1))/(max(d$Y1) - min(d$Y1)) > > b1 <- as.mlt(Colr(Y1 ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = d, order = OR)) > b2 <- as.mlt(Lm(Y2 ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = d)) > > mm01 <- mmlt(b1, b2, formula = ~ 1, data = d) > mm02 <- mmlt(b2, b1, formula = ~ 1, data = d) > > chk(logLik(mm01), logLik(mm02)) [1] TRUE > > coef(b1) Bs1(Y1) Bs2(Y1) X1 X2 X3 0.52 6.09 -4.35 -1.43 -0.66 > coef(b2) (Intercept) Y2 X1 X2 X3 -0.18 0.53 0.34 1.06 1.20 > coef(mm01) Y1.Bs1(Y1) Y1.Bs2(Y1) Y1.X1 Y1.X2 0.50 6.08 -4.25 -1.44 Y1.X3 Y2.(Intercept) Y2.Y2 Y2.X1 -0.66 -0.17 0.52 0.41 Y2.X2 Y2.X3 Y2.Y1.(Intercept) 1.01 1.17 1.51 > coef(mm02) Y2.(Intercept) Y2.Y2 Y2.X1 Y2.X2 -0.17 0.52 0.41 1.01 Y2.X3 Y1.Bs1(Y1) Y1.Bs2(Y1) Y1.X1 1.17 0.50 6.08 -4.25 Y1.X2 Y1.X3 Y1.Y2.(Intercept) -1.44 -0.66 1.51 > # remember that: lb <- (off <- 0.5) + X %*% (cf <- c(0, 2, 0)) > > > ## checking gradient > chk(c(numDeriv::grad(mm01$ll, coef(mm01))),c(mm01$sc(coef(mm01)))) [1] TRUE > chk(c(numDeriv::grad(mm02$ll, coef(mm02))),c(mm02$sc(coef(mm02)))) [1] TRUE > > ## covariate-dependent Lambda > mm1 <- mmlt(b1, b2, formula = ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = d) > mm2 <- mmlt(b2, b1, formula = ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = d) > logLik(mm1) 'log Lik.' -88 (df=14) > logLik(mm2) 'log Lik.' -88 (df=14) > > coef(b1) Bs1(Y1) Bs2(Y1) X1 X2 X3 0.52 6.09 -4.35 -1.43 -0.66 > coef(b2) (Intercept) Y2 X1 X2 X3 -0.18 0.53 0.34 1.06 1.20 > coef(mm1) Y1.Bs1(Y1) Y1.Bs2(Y1) Y1.X1 Y1.X2 0.43 6.29 -4.43 -1.28 Y1.X3 Y2.(Intercept) Y2.Y2 Y2.X1 -0.81 -0.10 0.50 0.32 Y2.X2 Y2.X3 Y2.Y1.(Intercept) Y2.Y1.X1 1.13 1.11 1.92 -1.13 Y2.Y1.X2 Y2.Y1.X3 1.76 -1.09 > coef(mm2) Y2.(Intercept) Y2.Y2 Y2.X1 Y2.X2 -0.10 0.50 0.32 1.13 Y2.X3 Y1.Bs1(Y1) Y1.Bs2(Y1) Y1.X1 1.11 0.43 6.29 -4.43 Y1.X2 Y1.X3 Y1.Y2.(Intercept) Y1.Y2.X1 -1.28 -0.81 1.92 -1.13 Y1.Y2.X2 Y1.Y2.X3 1.76 -1.09 > # remember that: lb <- (off <- 0.5) + X %*% (cf <- c(0, 2, 0)) > > ## checking gradient for diag = TRUE > chk(c(numDeriv::grad(mm1$ll, coef(mm1))),c(mm1$sc(coef(mm1)))) [1] TRUE > chk(c(numDeriv::grad(mm2$ll, coef(mm2))),c(mm2$sc(coef(mm2)))) [1] TRUE > > ### very simple checks with marginal Lm models > set.seed(290875) > J <- 4 > S <- cov2cor(tcrossprod(matrix(runif(J * J), ncol = J))) > x <- matrix(runif(N*2), ncol = 2) > > y <- x %*% matrix(c(1, -1, -.5, .5, -.2, .2, .3, -.3), nrow = 2) + rmvnorm(N, sigma = S) > d <- data.frame(y = y, x = x) > > m1 <- Lm(y.1 ~ x.1 + x.2, data = d) > m2 <- Lm(y.2 ~ x.1 + x.2, data = d) > m3 <- Lm(y.3 ~ x.1 + x.2, data = d) > m4 <- Lm(y.4 ~ x.1 + x.2, data = d) > > ## simple formula > mc01 <- mmlt(m1, m2, m3, m4, formula = ~ 1, data = d, conditional = FALSE) > > cf <- coef(mc01) > vr <- diag(vcov(mc01)) > i <- grep("x", names(cf)) > > ### same results > ret <- cbind(c(coef(m1), coef(m2), coef(m3), coef(m4)), + cf[i], + c(diag(vcov(m1)), diag(vcov(m2)), diag(vcov(m3)), diag(vcov(m4))), + vr[i]) > ret [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] x.1 1.036 1.036 0.13 0.13 x.2 -1.184 -1.184 0.14 0.14 x.1 -0.702 -0.702 0.12 0.12 x.2 0.743 0.743 0.13 0.13 x.1 -0.585 -0.585 0.12 0.12 x.2 0.156 0.156 0.13 0.13 x.1 0.038 0.038 0.12 0.12 x.2 -0.420 -0.420 0.13 0.13 > > vc <- vcov(mc01) > i <- grep("x.1", colnames(vc)) > vc[i,i] y.1.x.1 y.2.x.1 y.3.x.1 y.4.x.1 y.1.x.1 0.127 0.029 0.085 0.072 y.2.x.1 0.029 0.124 0.087 0.070 y.3.x.1 0.085 0.087 0.124 0.111 y.4.x.1 0.072 0.070 0.111 0.122 > > summary(g1 <- glht(mmm(m1 = as.mlt(m1), m2 = as.mlt(m2), m3 = as.mlt(m3), m4 = as.mlt(m4)), mlf("x.1 = 0"))) Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses Linear Hypotheses: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) m1: x.1 == 0 1.0365 0.3569 2.90 0.012 * m2: x.1 == 0 -0.7019 0.3528 -1.99 0.126 m3: x.1 == 0 -0.5846 0.3517 -1.66 0.241 m4: x.1 == 0 0.0383 0.3493 0.11 1.000 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method) > > summary(g2 <- glht(mc01, c("y.1.x.1 = 0", "y.2.x.1 = 0", "y.3.x.1 = 0", "y.4.x.1 = 0"))) Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses Fit: mmlt(m1, m2, m3, m4, formula = ~1, data = d, conditional = FALSE) Linear Hypotheses: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) y.1.x.1 == 0 1.0365 0.3569 2.90 0.011 * y.2.x.1 == 0 -0.7019 0.3528 -1.99 0.126 y.3.x.1 == 0 -0.5846 0.3517 -1.66 0.241 y.4.x.1 == 0 0.0383 0.3493 0.11 1.000 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method) > > vcov(g1) m1: x.1 m2: x.1 m3: x.1 m4: x.1 m1: x.1 0.127 0.029 0.086 0.078 m2: x.1 0.029 0.124 0.086 0.065 m3: x.1 0.086 0.086 0.124 0.111 m4: x.1 0.078 0.065 0.111 0.122 > vcov(g2) y.1.x.1 y.2.x.1 y.3.x.1 y.4.x.1 y.1.x.1 0.127 0.029 0.085 0.072 y.2.x.1 0.029 0.124 0.087 0.070 y.3.x.1 0.085 0.087 0.124 0.111 y.4.x.1 0.072 0.070 0.111 0.122 > > > #### check density > Shat <- as.array(coef(mc01, type = "Cor"))[,,1] > > int <- cf[paste("y", 1:J, "(Intercept)", sep = ".")] > fct <- cf[paste("y", 1:J, "y", 1:J, sep = ".")] > > d1 <- sapply(1:N, function(i) dmvnorm(int + fct * y[i,], mean = x[i,,drop = FALSE] %*% matrix(ret[,1], nrow = 2), sigma = Shat, log = TRUE)) > d2 <- predict(mc01, newdata = d, type = "density", log = TRUE) > > chk(c(d1), c(d2)) [1] "Mean relative difference: 0.076" > > chk(c(logLik(mmlt(m1, m2, m3, m4, formula = ~ 1, data = d))), + c(logLik(mc01))) [1] TRUE > chk(c(logLik(mc01)), + sum(d2)) [1] TRUE > > ### check if newdata works in logLik > chk(logLik(mc01), logLik(mc01, newdata = d)) [1] TRUE > > ### check user interface > dgp <- function(N = 100, J = 5, lambda = 0.5773503) { + + Jp <- J * (J - 1) / 2 + X <- c(lambda, rep(0, Jp - 1)) + L <- ltMatrices(X) + L <- standardize(invchol = L) + Z <- matrix(rnorm(N * J), ncol = N) + ret <- solve(L, Z) + ret <- as.data.frame(t(ret)) + colnames(ret) <- paste0("Y", 1:J) + ret + } > > N <- 100 > J <- 5 > > set.seed(290875) > Y <- dgp(N = N, J = J) > > m0 <- lapply(colnames(Y)[1:J], function(v) { + fm <- as.formula(paste(v, " ~ 1")) + BoxCox(fm, data = Y, order = OR) + }) > > TF <- c(TRUE, FALSE) > args <- expand.grid(scale = TF, domargins = TF, dofit = TF, theta = TF, fixed = TF, conditional = TF) > args <- subset(args, !(conditional & !domargins)) > > m0$data <- Y > m0$conditional <- TRUE > m1 <- do.call("mmlt", m0) > theta <- coef(m1) > CR <- coef(m1, type = "Cor") > > fx <- c("Y5.Y3.(Intercept)" = 0, "Y5.Y4.(Intercept)" = 0) > > for (i in 1:nrow(args)) { + print(i) + m0$scale <- args$scale[i] + m0$dofit <- args$dofit[i] + m0$domargins <- args$domargins[i] + m0$conditional <- args$conditional[i] + m0$theta <- NULL + if (args$theta[i]) + m0$theta <- theta + m0$fixed <- NULL + if (args$fixed[i]) + m0$fixed <- fx + m1 <- try(do.call("mmlt", m0)) + if (!inherits(m1, "try-error")) { + print(logLik(m1)) + print(isTRUE(chk(coef(m1, type = "Cor"), CR))) + } + } [1] 1 'log Lik.' -675 (df=18) [1] FALSE [1] 2 'log Lik.' -675 (df=18) [1] FALSE [1] 3 'log Lik.' -675 (df=18) [1] FALSE [1] 4 'log Lik.' -675 (df=18) [1] FALSE [1] 5 'log Lik.' -675 (df=18) [1] FALSE [1] 6 'log Lik.' -675 (df=18) [1] FALSE [1] 7 'log Lik.' -675 (df=18) [1] FALSE [1] 8 'log Lik.' -675 (df=18) [1] FALSE [1] 9 'log Lik.' -673 (df=20) [1] TRUE [1] 10 'log Lik.' -673 (df=20) [1] TRUE [1] 11 'log Lik.' -673 (df=20) [1] TRUE [1] 12 'log Lik.' -673 (df=20) [1] TRUE [1] 13 'log Lik.' -673 (df=20) [1] TRUE [1] 14 'log Lik.' -673 (df=20) [1] TRUE [1] 15 'log Lik.' -673 (df=20) [1] TRUE [1] 16 'log Lik.' -673 (df=20) [1] TRUE [1] 17 'log Lik.' -675 (df=18) [1] FALSE [1] 18 'log Lik.' -675 (df=18) [1] FALSE [1] 19 'log Lik.' -675 (df=8) [1] FALSE [1] 20 'log Lik.' -675 (df=8) [1] FALSE [1] 21 'log Lik.' -679 (df=18) [1] FALSE [1] 22 'log Lik.' -679 (df=18) [1] FALSE [1] 23 'log Lik.' -675 (df=8) [1] FALSE [1] 24 'log Lik.' -675 (df=8) [1] FALSE [1] 25 'log Lik.' -675 (df=18) [1] FALSE [1] 26 'log Lik.' -675 (df=18) [1] FALSE [1] 27 'log Lik.' -675 (df=8) [1] FALSE [1] 28 'log Lik.' -675 (df=8) [1] FALSE [1] 29 'log Lik.' -675 (df=18) [1] FALSE [1] 30 'log Lik.' -675 (df=18) [1] FALSE [1] 31 'log Lik.' -675 (df=8) [1] FALSE [1] 32 'log Lik.' -675 (df=8) [1] FALSE [1] 33 'log Lik.' -673 (df=20) [1] TRUE [1] 34 'log Lik.' -673 (df=20) [1] TRUE [1] 35 'log Lik.' -673 (df=10) [1] TRUE [1] 36 'log Lik.' -673 (df=10) [1] TRUE [1] 37 'log Lik.' -676 (df=20) [1] TRUE [1] 38 'log Lik.' -676 (df=20) [1] TRUE [1] 39 'log Lik.' -673 (df=10) [1] TRUE [1] 40 'log Lik.' -673 (df=10) [1] TRUE [1] 41 'log Lik.' -673 (df=20) [1] TRUE [1] 42 'log Lik.' -673 (df=20) [1] TRUE [1] 43 'log Lik.' -673 (df=10) [1] TRUE [1] 44 'log Lik.' -673 (df=10) [1] TRUE [1] 45 'log Lik.' -673 (df=20) [1] TRUE [1] 46 'log Lik.' -673 (df=20) [1] TRUE [1] 47 'log Lik.' -673 (df=10) [1] TRUE [1] 48 'log Lik.' -673 (df=10) [1] TRUE > > ### names > J <- 5 > N <- 50 > df <- as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(J * N), ncol = J)) > colnames(df) <- paste0("X", 1:J) > > mltargs <- lapply(1:ncol(df), function(j) { + fm <- as.formula(paste0("X", j, "~1")) + BoxCox(fm, data = df, order = OR) + }) > mltargs$data <- df > > fx <- c("X3.X1.(Intercept)" = 0, "X4.X1.(Intercept)" = 0, "X5.X1.(Intercept)" = 0, + "X3.X2.(Intercept)" = 0, "X4.X2.(Intercept)" = 0, "X5.X2.(Intercept)" = 0, + "X5.X4.(Intercept)" = 0) > tmp <- do.call("mmlt", c(mltargs, list(fixed = fx))) > > mltargs$conditional <- TRUE > tmp <- do.call("mmlt", c(mltargs, list(fixed = fx))) > > cf <- coef(tmp) > cf <- cf[grep("Intercept", names(cf))] > names(cf) <- substr(names(cf), 1, 5) > chk(unclass(coef(tmp, type = "Lambda"))[names(cf),], cf) [1] TRUE > > ### check discrete models > J <- 2 > N <- 100 > S <- cov2cor(tcrossprod(matrix(runif(J * J), ncol = J))) > y <- rmvnorm(N, sigma = S) > u <- as.data.frame(plogis(y)) > x <- runif(N) > d <- cbind(u, x) > un <- colnames(d)[1:J] > d[1:J] <- lapply(d[1:J], function(x) + cut(x, breaks = c(-Inf, quantile(x, prob = 1:3 / 4), Inf), ordered_result = TRUE)) > > m <- lapply(un, function(i) + Polr(as.formula(paste(i, "~ x")), data = d, method = "probit")) > m$data <- d > m$formula <- ~ 1 > m$args <- list(seed = 1, M = 100) > mm <- do.call("mmlt", m) > > L <- as.array(coef(mm, type = "Lambda"))[,,1] > chk(as.array(coef(mm, type = "Lambdainv"))[,,1], solve(L)) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, type = "Sigma"))[,,1], tcrossprod(solve(L))) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, type = "Cor"))[,,1], cov2cor(tcrossprod(solve(L)))) [1] TRUE > chk(colSums(estfun(mm)), -colSums(mm$score(coef(mm, type = "all")))) [1] TRUE > > for (j in 1:J) m[[j]]$todistr$name <- "CarlFriedrich" > > mmN <- do.call("mmlt", m) > > chk(logLik(mm), logLik(mmN)) [1] TRUE > chk(coef(mm), coef(mmN)) [1] TRUE > chk(diag(vcov(mm)), diag(vcov(mmN))) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, type = "Lambda"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, type = "Lambda"))[,,1]) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, type = "Lambdainv"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, type = "Lambdainv"))[,,1]) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, type = "Sigma"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, type = "Sigma"))[,,1]) [1] TRUE > chk(as.array(coef(mm, type = "Spearman"))[,,1], + as.array(coef(mmN, type = "Spearman"))[,,1]) [1] TRUE > > ### order independence, starting with 1.1-0, depending on > ### mvtnorm 1.3-0 > N <- 100 > y <- gl(3, N, ordered = TRUE) > x <- rnorm(length(y)) > w <- rnorm(length(y)) > > mx <- BoxCox(x ~ 1) > mw <- BoxCox(w ~ 1) > my <- Polr(y ~ 1) > mxwy <- mmlt(mx, mw, my, formula = ~ 1) > cfxwy <- coef(mxwy) > Sxwy <- coef(mxwy, type = "Sigma") > p <- dimnames(Sxwy)[[2L]] > llxwy <- logLik(mxwy) > > gn <- numDeriv::grad(mxwy$ll, cfxwy) > ga <- colSums(mxwy$score(cfxwy)) > chk(gn, ga, tol = 1e-2) ### Fedora noLD problems [1] TRUE > > mwxy <- mmlt(mw, mx, my, formula = ~ 1) > cfwxy <- coef(mwxy) > Swxy <- coef(mwxy, type = "Sigma")[,p] > llwxy <- logLik(mwxy) > > nm <- names(cfwxy) > nc <- nm[nm %in% names(cfxwy)] > chk(cfxwy[nc], cfwxy[nc], tol = 1e-2) [1] TRUE > chk(Swxy, Sxwy, tol = 1e-2) [1] TRUE > chk(llwxy, llxwy, tol = 1e-2) [1] TRUE > > gn <- numDeriv::grad(mwxy$ll, cfwxy) > ga <- colSums(mwxy$score(cfwxy)) > chk(gn, ga, tol = 1e-2) [1] TRUE > > myxw <- mmlt(my, mx, mw, formula = ~ 1) > cfyxw <- coef(myxw) > Syxw <- coef(myxw, type = "Sigma")[,p] > llyxw <- logLik(myxw) > > nm <- names(cfyxw) > nc <- nm[nm %in% names(cfxwy)] > chk(cfxwy[nc], cfyxw[nc], tol = 1e-2) [1] TRUE > chk(Syxw, Sxwy, tol = 1e-2) [1] TRUE > chk(llyxw, llxwy, tol = 1e-2) [1] TRUE > > gn <- numDeriv::grad(myxw$ll, cfyxw) > ga <- colSums(myxw$score(cfyxw)) > chk(gn, ga, tol = 1e-2) [1] TRUE > > proc.time() user system elapsed 106.3 2.1 108.5