test_that("vgg models works", { vggs <- list( model_vgg11, model_vgg11_bn, model_vgg13, model_vgg13_bn, model_vgg16, model_vgg16_bn, model_vgg19, model_vgg19_bn ) for (m in vggs) { model <- m() expect_tensor_shape(model(torch_ones(5, 3, 224, 224)), c(5, 1000)) } skip_on_ci() # unfortunatelly we don't have anough RAM on CI for that. #skip_on_os(os = "mac") # not downloading a bunch of files locally. #skip_on_os(os = "windows") # not downloading a bunch of files locally. for (m in vggs) { model <- m(pretrained = TRUE) expect_tensor_shape(model(torch_ones(1, 3, 224, 224)), c(1, 1000)) rm(model) gc() } })