context("nn") test_that("nn_module", { my_net <- nn_module( "my_net", initialize = function(n_inputs, n_outputs) { self$W <- nn_parameter(torch_randn(n_inputs, n_outputs)) self$b <- nn_parameter(torch_zeros(n_outputs)) }, forward = function(x) { torch_addmm(self$b, x, self$W) } ) model <- my_net(1, 1) expect_s3_class(model, "nn_module") expect_s3_class(model, "my_net") expect_length(model$parameters, 2) expect_tensor(model(torch_randn(10, 1))) }) test_that("nn_modules can have child modules", { my_net <- nn_module( "my_net", initialize = function(n_inputs, n_outputs) { self$linear <- nn_linear(n_inputs, n_outputs) }, forward = function(x) { self$linear(x) } ) model <- my_net(1, 2) x <- torch_randn(1, 1) output <- model(x) expect_s3_class(model, "nn_module") expect_s3_class(model, "my_net") expect_length(model$parameters, 2) expect_tensor(output) expect_equal(output$dim(), 2) }) test_that("nn_sequential", { model <- nn_sequential( nn_linear(10, 100), nn_relu(), nn_linear(100, 1) ) input <- torch_randn(1000, 10) output <- model(input) expect_tensor(output) expect_s3_class(model, "nn_sequential") expect_s3_class(model, "nn_module") expect_equal(output$shape, c(1000, 1)) expect_length(model$parameters, 4) my_sequential <- nn_module(inherit = nn_sequential, classname = "mynet") model <- my_sequential( nn_linear(10, 100), nn_relu(), nn_linear(100, 1) ) expect_s3_class(model, "mynet") expect_s3_class(model, "nn_module") }) test_that("nn_sequential only accepts modules", { expect_error(nn_sequential(identity), "but got object of type") expect_error(nn_sequential(nn_linear), "must be initialized") }) test_that("nn_module_list", { x <- nn_module_list(list( nn_linear(10, 100), nn_relu(), nn_linear(100, 10) )) expect_s3_class(x[[1]], "nn_linear") expect_s3_class(x[[2]], "nn_relu") expect_s3_class(x[[3]], "nn_linear") x$append(nn_relu6()) expect_s3_class(x[[4]], "nn_relu6") x$extend(list(nn_celu(), nn_gelu())) expect_s3_class(x[[5]], "nn_celu") expect_s3_class(x[[6]], "nn_gelu") x$insert(index = 1, nn_dropout()) expect_s3_class(x[[1]], "nn_dropout") expect_length(x, 7) }) test_that("as.list.nn_module_list", { x <- nn_module_list(list( nn_linear(10, 100), nn_relu(), nn_linear(100, 10) )) x_list <- as.list(x) expect_length(x_list, 3) expect_type(x_list, "list") expect_s3_class(x_list[[1]], "nn_linear") expect_s3_class(x_list[[2]], "nn_relu") expect_s3_class(x_list[[3]], "nn_linear") }) test_that("module_list inside a module", { my_module <- nn_module( initialize = function() { self$linears <- nn_module_list(lapply(1:10, function(x) nn_linear(10, 10))) }, forward = function(x) { for (i in 1:length(self$linears)) { x <- self$linears[[i]](x) } x } ) m <- my_module() expect_length(m$parameters, 20) output <- m(torch_randn(5, 10)) expect_tensor(output) }) test_that("to", { net <- nn_linear(10, 10) net$to(dtype = torch_double()) expect_true(net$weight$dtype == torch_double()) expect_true(net$bias$dtype == torch_double()) Net <- nn_module( initialize = function() { self$linear <- nn_linear(10, 1) self$norm <- nn_batch_norm1d(1) }, forward = function(x) { x <- self$linear(x) x <- self$norm(x) x } ) net <- Net() x <- torch_randn(10, 10) y <- net(x) r <- torch_mean(y) r$backward() net$to(dtype = torch_double()) expect_true(net$linear$weight$dtype == torch_double()) expect_true(net$linear$bias$dtype == torch_double()) expect_true(net$norm$running_mean$dtype == torch_double()) expect_true(net$norm$running_var$dtype == torch_double()) expect_true(net$linear$weight$grad$dtype == torch_double()) skip_if_cuda_not_available() net$cuda() expect_equal(net$linear$weight$device$type, "cuda") expect_equal(net$linear$bias$device$type, "cuda") net$cpu() expect_equal(net$linear$weight$device$type, "cpu") expect_equal(net$linear$bias$device$type, "cpu") }) test_that("state_dict for modules", { Net <- nn_module( initialize = function() { self$linear <- nn_linear(10, 1) self$norm <- nn_batch_norm1d(1) }, forward = function(x) { x <- self$linear(x) x <- self$norm(x) x } ) net <- Net() s <- net$state_dict() s expect_length(s, 7) expect_equal_to_tensor(s[[1]], net$linear$weight) expect_equal_to_tensor(s[[2]], net$linear$bias) expect_equal_to_tensor(s[[5]], net$norm$running_mean) expect_equal_to_tensor(s[[6]], net$norm$running_var) net2 <- Net() net2$load_state_dict(s) s <- net2$state_dict() expect_length(s, 7) expect_equal_to_tensor(s[[1]], net$linear$weight) expect_equal_to_tensor(s[[2]], net$linear$bias) expect_equal_to_tensor(s[[5]], net$norm$running_mean) expect_equal_to_tensor(s[[6]], net$norm$running_var) s <- s[-6] expect_error(net2$load_state_dict(s), class = "value_error") }) test_that("zero_grad", { Net <- nn_module( initialize = function() { self$linear <- nn_linear(10, 1) self$norm <- nn_batch_norm1d(1) }, forward = function(x) { x <- self$linear(x) x <- self$norm(x) x } ) net <- Net() expect_no_error(net$zero_grad()) expect_true(is_undefined_tensor(net$linear$weight$grad)) x <- torch_randn(500, 10) l <- torch_mean((x - net(x)*2 + 100)^2) l$backward() expect_false(as_array(torch_all(net$linear$weight$grad == 0))) expect_false(as_array(torch_all(net$linear$bias$grad == 0))) expect_false(as_array(torch_all(net$norm$weight$grad == 0))) expect_false(as_array(torch_all(net$norm$bias$grad == 0))) net$zero_grad() expect_true(as_array(torch_all(net$linear$weight$grad == 0))) expect_true(as_array(torch_all(net$linear$bias$grad == 0))) expect_true(as_array(torch_all(net$norm$weight$grad == 0))) expect_true(as_array(torch_all(net$norm$bias$grad == 0))) }) test_that("index modules with integers", { Net <- nn_module( initialize = function() { self$linear <- nn_linear(10, 1) self$norm <- nn_batch_norm1d(1) }, forward = function(x) { x <- self$linear(x) x <- self$norm(x) x } ) net <- Net() expect_equal_to_tensor(net[[1]]$weight, net$linear$weight) net <- nn_linear(10, 10) expect_error(net[[1]], "out of bounds") }) test_that("to still returns an nn_module", { x <- nn_linear(10, 10) y <- x$to(device = "cpu") expect_s3_class(y, "nn_module") expect_tensor_shape(y(torch_randn(10, 10)), c(10, 10)) }) test_that("moodule$apply", { Net <- nn_module( initialize = function() { self$linear <- nn_linear(10, 1) self$norm <- nn_batch_norm1d(1) }, forward = function(x) { x <- self$linear(x) x <- self$norm(x) x } ) net <- Net() zero <- function(x) { if (!is.null(x$weight)) { with_no_grad({ x$weight$zero_() }) } } net$apply(zero) expect_equal_to_tensor(net$linear$weight, torch_zeros_like(net$linear$weight)) expect_equal_to_tensor(net$norm$weight, torch_zeros_like(net$norm$weight)) }) test_that("$<- works for instances", { m <- nn_module( initialize = function() { self$mymodule <- nn_linear(10, 10) self$n <- nn_linear(15, 15) } ) model <- m() expect_s3_class(model, "nn_module") model$mymodule <- nn_linear(2, 2) expect_s3_class(model, "nn_module") expect_equal(model$mymodule$out_features, 2) model$new_module <- nn_linear(5, 5) expect_s3_class(model, "nn_module") pars <- model$parameters expect_length(pars, 6) expect_tensor_shape(pars$mymodule.weight, c(2, 2)) expect_tensor_shape(pars$new_module.weight, c(5, 5)) }) test_that("[[<- works for instances", { m <- nn_module( initialize = function() { self$mymodule <- nn_linear(10, 10) self$n <- nn_linear(15, 15) } ) model <- m() expect_s3_class(model, "nn_module") model[["mymodule"]] <- nn_linear(2, 2) expect_s3_class(model, "nn_module") expect_equal(model$mymodule$out_features, 2) model[["new_module"]] <- nn_linear(5, 5) expect_s3_class(model, "nn_module") pars <- model$parameters expect_length(pars, 6) expect_tensor_shape(pars$mymodule.weight, c(2, 2)) expect_tensor_shape(pars$new_module.weight, c(5, 5)) }) test_that("nn_module_list names", { mod <- nn_module( initialize = function() { self$k <- nn_module_list() self$k$append(nn_linear(10, 10)) self$k$extend(list(nn_linear(10, 10))) } ) m <- mod() expect_equal( names(m$state_dict()), c("k.0.weight", "k.0.bias", "k.1.weight", "k.1.bias") ) }) test_that("deduplicate duplicated parameters", { m <- nn_module( initialize = function(x) { x <- nn_linear(10, 10) self$x <- x self$y <- x } ) expect_length(m()$parameters, 2) expect_named(m()$parameters, c("x.weight", "x.bias")) }) test_that("allow nn_modules with private and active methods", { x <- nn_module( "my_module", initialize = function() { self$dense <- nn_linear(10, 1) private$dense2 <- nn_linear(10, 1) }, forward = function(input) { list( self$dense(input) + private$constant(), private$dense2(input) + self$constant2 ) }, private = list( constant = function() { torch_tensor(10) } ), active = list( constant2 = function() { torch_tensor(5) } ) ) m <- x() expect_error( o <- m(torch_randn(100, 10)), regexp = NA ) expect_tensor_shape(o[[1]], c(100, 1)) expect_tensor_shape(o[[2]], c(100, 1)) }) test_that("print method works", { local_edition(3) skip_on_os("windows") skip_on_os("linux") my_module <- nn_module( initialize = function() { self$linear <- nn_linear(10, 10) self$linear2 <- nn_linear(10, 1) self$x <- nn_parameter(torch_randn(10, 10)) self$k <- nn_buffer(torch_randn(5, 5)) }, forward = function(x) { x %>% self$linear() %>% self$linear2() } ) withr::with_options( new = c(cli.width = 50), expect_snapshot_output(my_module()) ) }) test_that("error when trying to modify the parameter list", { x <- nn_linear(10, 10) expect_error( x$parameters <- list(1), class = "runtime_error", regexp = "It's not possible" ) expect_error( x$parameters$weight <- torch_tensor(1), class = "runtime_error", regexp = "It's not possible" ) }) test_that("modules method", { custom1 <- nn_module( "myname", initialize = function() { self$x <- nn_linear(10, 10) self$y <- self$x } ) mod <- nn_module( initialize = function() { self$c1 <- custom1() self$fc <- nn_linear(5, 5) } ) model <- mod() expect_length(model$modules, 4) expect_identical_modules(model$modules[[1]], model) expect_identical_modules(model$modules[[2]], model$c1) expect_identical_modules(model$modules[[3]], model$c1$x) expect_identical_modules(model$modules[[4]], model$fc) expect_error( model$modules <- list(nn_linear(10, 10)), class = "runtime_error" ) }) test_that("length for sequential modules", { m <- nn_sequential( nn_conv2d(10, 10, c(5, 5)), nn_conv2d(10, 10, c(5, 5)) ) expect_length(m, 2) z <- nn_sequential( m, nn_conv2d(2, 2, c(5, 5)), nn_conv2d(2, 2, c(5, 5)) ) expect_length(z, 3) }) test_that("train/eval returns a callable module", { mod <- nn_module(initialize = identity, forward = identity) m <- mod(1) expect_s3_class(m$eval(), "nn_module") expect_s3_class(m$train(), "nn_module") }) test_that("calling to doesn't modify the requires_grad attribute of a parameter", { # see x <- nn_linear(1, 1) expect_true(x$weight$requires_grad) x$weight$requires_grad_(FALSE) expect_true(!x$weight$requires_grad) x$to(device = "cpu") expect_true(!x$weight$requires_grad) skip_if_cuda_not_available() x <- nn_linear(1, 1) expect_true(x$weight$requires_grad) x$to(device = "cuda") expect_true(x$weight$requires_grad) x <- nn_linear(1, 1) expect_true(x$weight$requires_grad) x$weight$requires_grad_(FALSE) expect_true(!x$weight$requires_grad) x$to(device = "cuda") expect_true(!x$weight$requires_grad) }) test_that("we can subset `nn_sequential`", { x <- nn_sequential( nn_relu(), nn_tanh(), nn_relu6(), nn_relu(), nn_tanh() ) expect_true(inherits(x[[1]], "nn_relu")) expect_true(inherits(x[[3]], "nn_relu6")) y <- x[2:4] expect_true(inherits(y, "nn_sequential")) expect_true(inherits(y[[1]], "nn_tanh")) expect_true(inherits(y[[2]], "nn_relu6")) }) test_that("we can prune head of `nn_sequential`", { x <- nn_sequential( nn_relu(), nn_tanh(), nn_relu6(), nn_relu(), nn_tanh(), nn_linear(10,3) ) expect_error(prune <- nn_prune_head(x), NA) expect_true(inherits(prune, "nn_sequential")) expect_equal(length(prune), 5) }) test_that("we can prune head of `nn_sequential` by 3 layers", { x <- nn_sequential( nn_relu(), nn_tanh(), nn_relu6(), nn_relu(), nn_linear(2,10), nn_batch_norm1d(10), nn_tanh(), nn_linear(10,3) ) expect_error(prune <- nn_prune_head(x, 3), NA) expect_true(inherits(prune, "nn_sequential")) expect_equal(length(prune), 5) expect_true(inherits(prune[[length(prune)]], "nn_linear")) }) test_that("we can prune head of `nn_module` network", { my_net <- nn_module( "my_net", initialize = function(n_inputs, n_outputs) { self$linear <- nn_linear(n_inputs, n_outputs) self$head <- nn_linear(n_outputs, 2) }, forward = function(x) { x <- self$linear(x) self$head(x) } ) x <- my_net(1, 3) expect_error(prune <- nn_prune_head(x, 1), NA) expect_true(inherits(prune, "nn_sequential")) expect_equal(length(prune), 1) expect_true(inherits(prune[[length(prune)]], "nn_linear")) input <- torch::torch_randn(5, 1) out <- prune(input) expect_tensor_shape(out, c(5, 3)) }) test_that("classes are inherited correctly", { nn <- nn_module( classname = "hello", inherit = nn_linear ) nn2 <- nn_module( classname = "goodbye", inherit = nn ) expect_equal( class(nn), c("hello", "nn_linear", "nn_module", "nn_module_generator") ) expect_equal( class(nn2), c("goodbye", "hello", "nn_linear", "nn_module", "nn_module_generator") ) n <- nn(10, 10) expect_equal(class(n), c("hello", "nn_linear", "nn_module")) n2 <- nn2(10, 10) expect_equal(class(n2), c("goodbye", "hello", "nn_linear", "nn_module")) }) test_that("empty initializer", { model <- nn_module(forward = function(input) input) expect_equal_to_r(model()(torch_tensor(1)), 1) }) test_that("can load state dict of a corrupt module", { local_edition(3) model <- nn_linear(10, 10) tmp <- tempfile(fileext = "rds") saveRDS(model, tmp) rm(model); gc(); model <- readRDS(tmp) err <- try({model$parameters$weight$abs()}, silent = TRUE) expect_true(inherits(err, "try-error")) expect_error(regexp = NA, { model$load_state_dict(list(weight = torch_randn(10, 10), bias = torch_randn(10))) }) expect_tensor_shape(model(torch_randn(10, 10)), c(10, 10)) }) test_that("make sure state_dict() is detached", { model <- nn_linear(10, 10) model$bias$requires_grad_(FALSE) state_dict <- model$state_dict() expect_true(state_dict$weight$requires_grad) # we should keep the save value of requires grad bt in a detached graph expect_false(state_dict$bias$requires_grad) }) test_that("deep cloning", { x <- nn_linear(1, 1) y <- x$clone(deep = TRUE) expect_true(xptr_address(x$parameters$weight) != xptr_address(y$parameters$weight)) expect_equal_to_tensor(x(torch_ones(1,1)), y(torch_ones(1,1))) module <- nn_module( initialize = function() { self$x <- nn_parameter(torch_tensor(1)) self$y <- self$x self$a <- nn_buffer(torch_tensor(1)) self$b <- self$a } ) x <- module() y <- x$clone(deep = TRUE) expect_true(xptr_address(x$x) != xptr_address(y$x)) expect_true(xptr_address(x$y) != xptr_address(y$y)) expect_true(xptr_address(y$x) == xptr_address(y$y)) expect_true(xptr_address(x$a) != xptr_address(y$a)) expect_true(xptr_address(x$b) != xptr_address(y$b)) expect_true(xptr_address(y$a) == xptr_address(y$b)) module <- nn_module( initialize = function() { self$x <- nn_linear(1, 1) self$y <- self$x } ) x <- module() y <- x$clone(deep = TRUE) expect_true(xptr_address(x$x$weight) != xptr_address(y$x$weight)) expect_true(xptr_address(x$y$weight) != xptr_address(y$y$weight)) expect_true(xptr_address(y$x$weight) == xptr_address(y$y$weight)) expect_true(rlang::obj_address(x$x) != rlang::obj_address(y$x)) expect_true(rlang::obj_address(y$x) == rlang::obj_address(y$y)) # make sure we re-lock binding expect_true(bindingIsLocked("clone", attr(x, "module"))) # make sure the class of parameters remains a <- nn_linear(1, 1) b <- a$clone(deep = TRUE) expect_equal( attributes(b$parameters$weight), attributes(a$parameters$weight) ) }) test_that("Can initialize a model in the meta device and copy parameters to it", { with_device(device="meta", { model <- nn_linear(10,10) }) expect_equal(model$weight$device$type, "meta") expect_true(model$weight$requires_grad) model$bias$requires_grad_(FALSE) expect_true(!model$bias$requires_grad) model2 <- nn_linear(10, 10) model$load_state_dict(model2$state_dict(), .refer_to_state_dict = TRUE) expect_equal(model$weight$device$type, "cpu") expect_equal(length(model$parameters), 2) expect_true(model$weight$requires_grad) expect_true(!model$bias$requires_grad) # now let's test with a more complex model that includes a batch_norm. net <- nn_module( "Net", initialize = function() { self$features <- nn_sequential( nn_conv2d(3, 5, kernel_size = 11, stride = 4, padding = 2), nn_relu() ) self$avgpool <- nn_max_pool2d(c(6, 6)) self$batch_norm <- nn_batch_norm2d(11) self$classifier <- nn_sequential( nn_dropout(), nn_linear(10, 10), nn_relu(), nn_dropout() ) }, forward = function(x) { x <- self$features(x) x <- self$avgpool(x) x <- torch_flatten(x, start_dim = 2) x <- self$classifier(x) } ) with_device(device="meta", { model <- net() }) expect_true(all(sapply(model$parameters, function(x) x$device$type) == "meta")) model2 <- net() model$load_state_dict(model2$state_dict(), .refer_to_state_dict = TRUE) state_dict1 <- model$state_dict() state_dict2 <- model2$state_dict() for(i in seq_along(state_dict1)) { expect_equal_to_tensor(state_dict1[[i]], state_dict2[[i]]) } }) test_that("non persistent buffers work correctly", { module <- nn_module( initialize = function() { self$x <- nn_parameter(torch_tensor(1)) self$y <- nn_buffer(torch_tensor(2)) self$z <- nn_buffer(torch_tensor(3), persistent = FALSE) }, forward = function() { self$x + self$y + self$z } ) model <- module() expect_true(all(names(model$state_dict()) %in% c("x", "y"))) expect_error( model$load_state_dict(list(x = torch_tensor(1), y = torch_tensor(2))), regexp = NA ) }) test_that("can use a named module dict", { dict <- nn_module_dict(list( x = nn_linear(1, 10), y = nn_linear(10, 1) )) x <- torch_randn(100,1) y <- dict$x(x) z <- dict$y(y) expect_tensor_shape(z, c(100, 1)) expect_equal(length(dict$parameters), 4) }) test_that("can clone a module with no state dict", { expect_no_error({ nn_relu()$clone(TRUE) }) }) test_that("clone preserves requires_grad", { lin <- nn_linear(1, 1) expect_equal(lin$weight$requires_grad, lin$clone(deep = TRUE)$weight$requires_grad) lin$weight$requires_grad_(FALSE) expect_equal(lin$weight$requires_grad, lin$clone(deep = TRUE)$weight$requires_grad) }) test_that("can clone module after calling $train() or $eval()", { expect_true(inherits(nn_linear(1, 1)$train()$clone(deep = TRUE), "nn_module")) expect_true(inherits(nn_linear(1, 1)$eval()$clone(deep = TRUE), "nn_module")) }) test_that("weights of cloned module don't contain CloneBackward0 grad_fn", { # note that this differs from the cloning of a tensor, which adds the CloneBackward grad_fn # The python equivalent to the $clone() method for nn_modules would be the copy.(deep)copy function in python n <- nn_linear(1, 1) n1 <- n$clone(deep = TRUE) expect_true(is.null(n1$weight$grad_fn)) }) test_that("repeated clone works", { n <- nn_linear(1, 1) n1 <- n$clone(deep = TRUE) n2 <- n1$clone(deep = TRUE) expect_equal(attr(n, "module")$clone, attr(n1, "module")$clone) expect_equal(attr(n, "module")$clone, attr(n2, "module")$clone) }) test_that("can finalize cloning", { nn_test <- nn_module("test", initialize = function() { self$lin <- nn_linear(1, 10) }, forward = function(x) { self$lin(x) }, private = list( finalize_deep_clone = function() { self$new_val <- 1 } ) )() nn_test1 <- nn_test$clone(deep = TRUE) expect_equal(nn_test1$new_val, 1) expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(nn_test$new_val, 1))) }) test_that("children are properly cloned", { nn_test <- nn_module("test", initialize = function() { self$l <- nn_module_list(list(nn_linear(1, 1))) }, forward = function(x) { self$l[[1]](x) } )() nn_test1 <- nn_test$clone(deep = TRUE) l1 <- nn_test$l$modules[[2]] l2 <- nn_test1$l$modules[[2]] expect_false(identical( l1$parameters, l2$parameters )) expect_false(identical(l1, l2)) }) test_that("non-persistent buffers are cloned", { n <- nn_identity() n$register_buffer("a", nn_buffer(torch_tensor(1)), persistent = FALSE) n1 <- n$clone(deep = TRUE) expect_false(identical(n$buffers, n1$buffers)) })