context("nn-rnn") test_that("rnn nonlinearity", { rnn <- nn_rnn(1, 10) expect_equal(rnn$nonlinearity, "tanh") rnn <- nn_rnn(1, 10, nonlinearity = "relu") expect_equal(rnn$nonlinearity, "relu") expect_error( rnn <- nn_rnn(1, 10, nonlinearity = "garbage"), class = "value_error" ) }) test_that("rnn dropout", { for (p in c(0., .276, .731, 1)) { for (train in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { rnn <- nn_rnn(10, 1000, 2, bias = FALSE, dropout = p, nonlinearity = "relu") with_no_grad({ rnn$weight_ih_l1$fill_(1) rnn$weight_hh_l1$fill_(1) rnn$weight_ih_l2$fill_(1) rnn$weight_hh_l2$fill_(1) }) if (train) { rnn$train() } else { rnn$eval() } input <- torch_ones(1, 1, 10) hx <- torch_zeros(2, 1, 1000) out <- rnn(input, hx) output <- out[[1]] hy <- out[[2]] expect_equal_to_tensor(output$min(), output$max(), tolerance = 1e-2) output_val <- output[1, 1, 1] if (p == 0 || !train) { expect_equal_to_r(output_val, 10000) } else if (p == 1) { expect_equal_to_r(output_val, 0) } else { expect_equal_to_r(output_val > 8000, TRUE) expect_equal_to_r(output_val < 12000, TRUE) } expect_equal_to_tensor(hy[1, , ]$min(), hy[1, , ]$max(), tolerance = 1e-2) expect_equal_to_tensor(hy[2, , ]$min(), hy[2, , ]$max(), tolerance = 1e-2) expect_equal_to_r(hy[1, 1, 1], 10) expect_equal_to_tensor(hy[2, 1, 1], output_val, tolerance = 1e-2) } } }) test_that("rnn packed sequence", { x <- torch_tensor(rbind( c(1, 2, 0, 0), c(1, 2, 3, 0), c(1, 2, 3, 4) ), dtype = torch_float()) x <- x[, , newaxis] lens <- torch_tensor(c(2, 3, 4), dtype = torch_long()) p <- nn_utils_rnn_pack_padded_sequence(x, lens, batch_first = TRUE, enforce_sorted = FALSE ) rnn <- nn_rnn(1, 4, nonlinearity = "relu") out <- rnn(p) unpack <- nn_utils_rnn_pad_packed_sequence(out[[1]]) expect_tensor_shape(unpack[[1]], c(4, 3, 4)) expect_equal_to_r(unpack[[2]]$to(dtype = torch_int()), c(2, 3, 4)) }) test_that("lstm", { lstm <- nn_lstm(10, 5) expect_equal(lstm$mode, "LSTM") input <- torch_ones(1, 1, 10) o <- lstm(input) expect_length(o, 2) expect_tensor_shape(o[[1]], c(1, 1, 5)) expect_tensor_shape(o[[2]][[1]], c(1, 1, 5)) expect_tensor_shape(o[[2]][[2]], c(1, 1, 5)) expect_tensor_shape(lstm$weight_ih_l1, c(20, 10)) expect_tensor_shape(lstm$weight_hh_l1, c(20, 5)) expect_tensor_shape(lstm$bias_ih_l1, c(20)) expect_tensor_shape(lstm$bias_hh_l1, c(20)) expect_length(lstm$parameters, 4) with_no_grad({ lstm$weight_ih_l1$fill_(1) lstm$weight_hh_l1$fill_(1) lstm$bias_ih_l1$fill_(1) lstm$bias_hh_l1$fill_(1) }) z <- lstm(input) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[1]], torch_ones(1, 1, 5) * 0.7615868, tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[2]][[1]], torch_ones(1, 1, 5) * 0.7615868, tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[2]][[2]], torch_ones(1, 1, 5), tolerance = 1e-5) lstm <- nn_lstm(10, 5, bias = FALSE) expect_tensor_shape(lstm$weight_ih_l1, c(20, 10)) expect_tensor_shape(lstm$weight_hh_l1, c(20, 5)) expect_null(lstm$bias_ih_l1) expect_null(lstm$bias_hh_l1, NULL) with_no_grad({ lstm$weight_ih_l1$fill_(1) lstm$weight_hh_l1$fill_(1) }) z <- lstm(input) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[1]], torch_ones(1, 1, 5) * 0.7615405, tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[2]][[1]], torch_ones(1, 1, 5) * 0.7615405, tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[2]][[2]], torch_ones(1, 1, 5), tolerance = 1e-4) lstm <- nn_lstm(10, 5, num_layers = 2) expect_length(lstm$parameters, 8) lstm <- nn_lstm(10, 5, num_layers = 3) expect_length(lstm$parameters, 12) with_no_grad({ for (p in lstm$parameters) { p$fill_(1) } }) z <- lstm(input) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[1]], torch_ones(1, 1, 5) * 0.7580, tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[2]][[1]][1, , ], torch_ones(1, 5) * 0.7616, tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[2]][[1]][2, , ], torch_ones(1, 5) * 0.7580, tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[2]][[1]][3, , ], torch_ones(1, 5) * 0.7580, tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[2]][[2]][1, , ], torch_ones(1, 5), tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[2]][[2]][2, , ], torch_ones(1, 5) * 0.9970, tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[2]][[2]][3, , ], torch_ones(1, 5) * 0.9969, tolerance = 1e-4) }) test_that("gru", { gru <- nn_gru(10, 5) expect_equal(gru$mode, "GRU") input <- torch_ones(1, 1, 10) o <- gru(input) expect_length(o, 2) expect_tensor_shape(o[[1]], c(1, 1, 5)) expect_tensor_shape(o[[2]], c(1, 1, 5)) expect_tensor_shape(gru$weight_ih_l1, c(15, 10)) expect_tensor_shape(gru$weight_hh_l1, c(15, 5)) expect_tensor_shape(gru$bias_ih_l1, c(15)) expect_tensor_shape(gru$bias_hh_l1, c(15)) expect_length(gru$parameters, 4) with_no_grad({ gru$weight_ih_l1$fill_(1) gru$weight_hh_l1$fill_(1) gru$bias_ih_l1$fill_(1) gru$bias_hh_l1$fill_(1) }) z <- gru(input) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[1]], torch_ones(1, 1, 5) * 6.1989e-06, tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[2]], torch_ones(1, 1, 5) * 6.1989e-06, tolerance = 1e-5) gru <- nn_gru(10, 5, bias = FALSE) expect_tensor_shape(gru$weight_ih_l1, c(15, 10)) expect_tensor_shape(gru$weight_hh_l1, c(15, 5)) expect_null(gru$bias_ih_l1) expect_null(gru$bias_hh_l1, NULL) with_no_grad({ gru$weight_ih_l1$fill_(1) gru$weight_hh_l1$fill_(1) }) z <- gru(input) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[1]], torch_ones(1, 1, 5) * 4.5419e-05, tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[2]], torch_ones(1, 1, 5) * 4.5419e-05, tolerance = 1e-4) gru <- nn_gru(10, 5, num_layers = 2) expect_length(gru$parameters, 8) gru <- nn_gru(10, 5, num_layers = 3) expect_length(gru$parameters, 12) with_no_grad({ for (p in gru$parameters) { p$fill_(1) } }) z <- gru(input) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[1]], torch_ones(1, 1, 5) * 0.0702, tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[2]][1, , ], torch_ones(1, 5) * 6.1989e-06, tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[2]][2, , ], torch_ones(1, 5) * 1.1378e-01, tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal_to_tensor(z[[2]][3, , ], torch_ones(1, 5) * 7.0209e-02, tolerance = 1e-4) }) test_that("rnn gpu", { skip_if_cuda_not_available() rnn <- nn_rnn(10, 1) rnn$to(device = "cuda") input <- torch_ones(1, 1, 10, device = "cuda") expect_message(out <- rnn(input), regexp = NA) expect_length(out, 2) expect_tensor_shape(out[[1]], c(1, 1, 1)) expect_tensor_shape(out[[2]], c(1, 1, 1)) }) test_that("GRU on the GPU keeps its parameters", { skip_if_cuda_not_available() model <- nn_module( initialize = function(input_size, hidden_size) { self$rnn <- nn_gru( input_size = input_size, hidden_size = hidden_size, batch_first = TRUE ) self$output <- nn_linear(hidden_size, 1) }, forward = function(x) { # list of [output, hidden] # we are interested in the final timestep only, so we can directly use [[2]] # but we want to remove the un-needed singleton dimension on the left x <- self$rnn(x)[[2]]$squeeze(1) x %>% self$output() } ) m <- model(1, 64) e_pars <- names(m$parameters) m$cuda() r_pars <- names(m$parameters) expect_equal(r_pars, e_pars) }) test_that("lstm and gru works with packed sequences", { # regression test for x <- torch_tensor(rbind( c(1, 2, 0, 0), c(1, 2, 3, 0), c(1, 2, 3, 4) ), dtype = torch_float()) x <- x[, , newaxis] lens <- torch_tensor(c(2, 3, 4), dtype = torch_long()) p <- nn_utils_rnn_pack_padded_sequence(x, lens, batch_first = TRUE, enforce_sorted = FALSE ) rnn <- nn_lstm(1, 4) out <- rnn(p) unpack <- nn_utils_rnn_pad_packed_sequence(out[[1]]) expect_tensor_shape(unpack[[1]], c(4, 3, 4)) rnn <- nn_gru(1, 4) out <- rnn(p) unpack <- nn_utils_rnn_pad_packed_sequence(out[[1]]) expect_tensor_shape(unpack[[1]], c(4, 3, 4)) }) test_that("gru can be traced", { x <- nn_gru(10, 10) tr <- jit_trace(x, torch_randn(10, 10, 10), strict = FALSE) v <- torch_randn(10, 10, 10) expect_equal_to_tensor( x(v)[[1]], tr(v)[[1]] ) })