test_that("pruning works with user-specified threshold", { result <- prune(mock_tna, threshold = 0.1) |> attr("pruning") expect_true(is.list(result)) expect_true(is.data.frame(result$removed)) expect_true(result$num_removed > 0) expect_equal(result$cut_off, 0.1) expect_equal(result$method, "threshold") }) test_that("pruning works with lowest percent", { result <- prune(mock_tna, method = "lowest", lowest = 0.25) |> attr("pruning") expect_true(is.list(result)) expect_true(is.data.frame(result$removed)) expect_true(result$num_removed > 0) expect_equal(result$method, "lowest") }) test_that("pruning works with disparity filter", { result <- prune(mock_tna, method = "disparity", level = 0.5) |> attr("pruning") expect_true(is.list(result)) expect_true(is.data.frame(result$removed)) expect_true(result$num_removed > 7) expect_equal(result$method, "disparity") }) test_that("pruning works with bootstrap", { set.seed(0) tna_object <- tna(engagement) result <- prune(tna_object, method = "bootstrap", iter = 100) |> attr("pruning") expect_true(is.list(result)) expect_true(is.data.frame(result$removed)) expect_true(result$num_removed > 0) expect_equal(result$method, "bootstrap") }) test_that("pruning function ensures weak connectivity", { result <- prune(mock_tna, threshold = 0.2) |> attr("pruning") expect_true(is.list(result)) expect_true(is.data.frame(result$removed)) expect_true(sum(result$weights > 0) > 0) expect_true(is_weakly_connected(result$weights)) expect_equal(result$method, "threshold") }) test_that("pruning details can be obtained", { expect_error( pruned_model <- prune(mock_tna, threshold = 0.2), NA ) expect_error( out <- capture.output(pruning_details(pruned_model)), NA ) }) test_that("pruning can be deactivated", { pruned_model <- prune(mock_tna, threshold = 0.2) expect_error( deprune(pruned_model), NA ) }) test_that("pruning can be reactivated", { pruned_model <- prune(mock_tna, threshold = 0.2) depruned_model <- deprune(pruned_model) expect_error( reprune(depruned_model), NA ) }) test_that("weights are restored by deprune", { pruned_model <- prune(mock_tna, threshold = 0.2) depruned_model <- deprune(pruned_model) expect_equal( mock_tna$weights, depruned_model$weights ) }) test_that("pruned weights are restored by reprune", { pruned_model <- prune(mock_tna, threshold = 0.2) depruned_model <- deprune(pruned_model) repruned_model <- reprune(depruned_model) expect_equal( pruned_model$weights, repruned_model$weights ) }) test_that("pruning can be applied for clusters", { expect_error( prune(mmm_model, threshold = 0.3), NA ) }) test_that("pruning details can be obtained for clusters", { pruned_model <- prune(mmm_model, threshold = 0.3) expect_error( out <- capture.output(pruning_details(pruned_model)), NA ) }) test_that("pruning can be deactivated for clusters", { pruned_model <- prune(mmm_model, threshold = 0.3) expect_error( deprune(pruned_model), NA ) }) test_that("pruning can be reactivated for clusters", { pruned_model <- prune(mmm_model, threshold = 0.3) depruned_model <- deprune(pruned_model) expect_error( reprune(depruned_model), NA ) }) test_that("weights are restored by deprune for clusters", { pruned_model <- prune(mmm_model, threshold = 0.3) depruned_model <- deprune(pruned_model) expect_equal( lapply(mmm_model, "[[", "weights"), lapply(depruned_model, "[[", "weights") ) }) test_that("pruned weights are restored by reprune for clusters", { pruned_model <- prune(mmm_model, threshold = 0.3) depruned_model <- deprune(pruned_model) repruned_model <- reprune(depruned_model) expect_equal( lapply(pruned_model, "[[", "weights"), lapply(repruned_model, "[[", "weights") ) }) test_that("pruning function fails with invalid tna object", { invalid_tna_object <- list() class(invalid_tna_object) <- "not_tna" expect_error( prune(invalid_tna_object, threshold = 0.1), "no applicable method for 'prune' applied to an object of class \"not_tna\"" ) })