test_that("tna models can be plotted", { pdf(NULL) expect_error( plot.tna(mock_tna), NA ) }) test_that("histogram of edge weights can be plotted", { pdf(NULL) expect_error( hist.tna(mock_tna), NA ) }) test_that("centralities can be plotted", { cm <- centralities(mock_tna) pdf(NULL) expect_error( plot.tna_centralities(cm), NA ) expect_error( plot.tna_centralities(cm, colors = color_palette(4)), NA ) expect_error( plot.tna_centralities(cm, colors = "red"), NA ) }) test_that("cliques can be plotted", { cliq <- cliques(mock_tna, size = 2) pdf(NULL) expect_error( plot.tna_cliques(cliq), NA ) }) test_that("communities can be plotted", { comm <- communities(mock_tna) pdf(NULL) expect_error( plot.tna_communities(comm), NA ) }) test_that("centrality stability can be plotted", { model <- tna(mock_sequence) out <- estimate_cs(model, drop_prop = seq(0.3, 0.9, by = 0.2), iter = 10) pdf(NULL) expect_error( plot.tna_stability(out), NA ) }) test_that("permutation test significant edges can be plotted", { model_x <- tna(group_regulation[1:100, ]) model_y <- tna(group_regulation[101:200, ]) perm <- permutation_test(model_x, model_y, iter = 20) pdf(NULL) expect_error( plot.tna_permutation(perm), NA ) }) test_that("model comparison can be plotted", { model_x <- tna(engagement[engagement[, 1] == "Active", ]) model_y <- tna(engagement[engagement[, 1] != "Active", ]) model_grouped <- group_tna(engagement_mmm) pdf(NULL) expect_error( plot_compare(model_x, model_y), NA ) expect_error( plot_compare(model_grouped), NA ) }) test_that("edge weight matrix can be plotted", { pdf(NULL) expect_error( plot_model(mock_matrix), NA ) }) test_that("plotting with different layouts works", { expect_error( plot.tna(mock_tna, layout = "circle"), NA ) expect_error( plot.tna(mock_tna, layout = matrix(rnorm(8), 4, 2)), NA ) expect_error( plot.tna(mock_tna, layout = igraph::layout_nicely), NA ) expect_error( plot.tna( mock_tna, layout = igraph::layout_as_tree, layout_args = list(flip.y = FALSE) ), NA ) expect_error( plot_model(mock_matrix, layout = "circle"), NA ) expect_error( plot_model(mock_matrix, layout = matrix(rnorm(8), 4, 2)), NA ) expect_error( plot_model(mock_matrix, layout = igraph::layout_nicely), NA ) expect_error( plot_model( mock_matrix, layout = igraph::layout_as_tree, layout_args = list(flip.y = FALSE) ), NA ) }) test_that("warning is issued by plot if no cliques are found", { cliq <- cliques(mock_tna, size = 2, threshold = 0.5) expect_warning( plot.tna_cliques(cliq), "No 2-cliques were found in the network\\." ) }) test_that("group model can be plotted", { expect_error( plot(mmm_model), NA ) expect_error( plot(mmm_model, title = "Clusters"), NA ) }) test_that("centralities can be plotted for clusters", { cm <- centralities(mmm_model) expect_error( plot(cm), NA ) }) test_that("centrality stability results can be plotted for clusters", { stability <- estimate_cs( mmm_model, drop_prop = seq(0.3, 0.9, by = 0.1), iter = 10 ) expect_error( plot(stability), NA ) }) test_that("cliques can be plotted clusters", { cliq <- cliques(mmm_model, size = 2) expect_error( plot(cliq), NA ) expect_error( plot(cliq, title = "Clusters"), NA ) }) test_that("communities can plotted for clusters", { comm <- communities(mmm_model) expect_error( plot(comm), NA ) expect_error( plot(comm, title = "Community detection"), NA ) }) test_that("histogram of edge weights can be plotted", { pdf(NULL) expect_error( hist(mmm_model), NA ) }) test_that("comparison results can be plotted", { model_x <- tna(group_regulation[1:200, ]) model_y <- tna(group_regulation[1001:1200, ]) # Comparing models comp <- compare(model_x, model_y) expect_error( plot(comp, type = "heatmap"), NA ) expect_error( plot(comp, type = "scatterplot"), NA ) expect_error( plot(comp, type = "centrality_heatmap"), NA ) expect_error( plot(comp, type = "weight_density"), NA ) }) test_that("pruned models can be plotted", { model_pruned <- prune(mock_tna) expect_error( plot(model_pruned), NA ) }) test_that("mosaic can be plotted", { ftna_model <- ftna(engagement) group_ftna_model <- group_ftna(engagement_mmm) expect_error( plot_mosaic(ftna_model), NA ) expect_error( plot_mosaic(group_ftna_model), NA ) expect_error( plot_mosaic(mock_tna_data, group = "group"), NA ) })