R Under development (unstable) (2024-02-16 r85931 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > > if ( requireNamespace("tinytest", quietly=TRUE) ){ + # perform regular tests: + tinytest::test_package("tinycodet", testdir = file.path("tinytest", "regular")) + + # perform special tests on fake packages: + tinytest::test_package("tinycodet", testdir = file.path("tinytest", "special")) + } Run `?tinycodet::tinycodet` to open the introduction help page of 'tinycodet'. test-atomic_conversions.R..... 0 tests test-atomic_conversions.R..... 0 tests test-atomic_conversions.R..... 0 tests test-atomic_conversions.R..... 0 tests test-atomic_conversions.R..... 0 tests test-atomic_conversions.R..... 0 tests test-atomic_conversions.R..... 0 tests test-atomic_conversions.R..... 0 tests test-atomic_conversions.R..... 0 tests test-atomic_conversions.R..... 1 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 1 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 1 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 2 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 2 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 2 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 3 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 3 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 3 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 4 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 4 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 4 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 4 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 4 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 4 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 4 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 4 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 4 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 5 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 5 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 5 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 5 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 6 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 6 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 6 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 6 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 7 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 7 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 7 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 7 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 8 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 8 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 8 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 8 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 8 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 8 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 8 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 8 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 8 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 9 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 9 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 9 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 9 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 9 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 9 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 9 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 9 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 9 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 10 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 10 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 10 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 11 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 11 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 11 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 12 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 12 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 12 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 13 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 13 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 13 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 13 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 13 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 13 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 13 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 13 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 13 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 13 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 14 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 14 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 14 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 14 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 15 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 15 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 15 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 15 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 16 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 16 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 16 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 16 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 17 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 17 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 17 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 17 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 17 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 17 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 17 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 17 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 17 tests OK test-atomic_conversions.R..... 18 tests OK 92ms test-constants.R.............. 0 tests test-constants.R.............. 1 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 1 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 2 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 2 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 3 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 3 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 4 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 4 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 5 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 5 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 6 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 6 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 7 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 7 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 8 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 8 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 9 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 9 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 10 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 10 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 11 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 11 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 12 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 12 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 13 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 13 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 14 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 14 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 15 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 15 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 16 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 16 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 17 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 17 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 18 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 18 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 18 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 19 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 20 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 21 tests OK test-constants.R.............. 22 tests OK 7ms test-decimal-between.R........ 0 tests test-decimal-between.R........ 0 tests test-decimal-between.R........ 0 tests test-decimal-between.R........ 0 tests test-decimal-between.R........ 0 tests test-decimal-between.R........ 0 tests test-decimal-between.R........ 0 tests test-decimal-between.R........ 0 tests test-decimal-between.R........ 0 tests test-decimal-between.R........ 1 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 2 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 3 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 4 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 5 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 6 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 7 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 8 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 9 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 10 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 11 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 12 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 13 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 13 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 13 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 14 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 14 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 14 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 14 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 14 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 14 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 15 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 16 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 17 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 18 tests OK test-decimal-between.R........ 19 tests OK 11ms test-decimal-eq.R............. 0 tests test-decimal-eq.R............. 0 tests test-decimal-eq.R............. 0 tests test-decimal-eq.R............. 0 tests test-decimal-eq.R............. 0 tests test-decimal-eq.R............. 0 tests test-decimal-eq.R............. 0 tests test-decimal-eq.R............. 1 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 2 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 3 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 4 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 5 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 6 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 7 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 8 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 9 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 9 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 10 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 11 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 12 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 13 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 14 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 15 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 15 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 15 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 15 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 16 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 17 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 18 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 19 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 20 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 21 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 22 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 23 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 24 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 25 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 26 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 27 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 28 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 29 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 30 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 31 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 32 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 33 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 34 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 35 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 36 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 37 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 38 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 39 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 40 tests OK test-decimal-eq.R............. 41 tests OK 10ms test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 0 tests test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 0 tests test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 0 tests test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 1 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 2 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 3 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 4 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 5 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 6 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 7 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 8 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 9 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 10 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 10 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 11 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 12 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 13 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 14 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 15 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 16 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 17 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 18 tests OK test-decimal-is_wholenumber.R. 19 tests OK 6ms test-dry.R.................... 0 tests test-dry.R.................... 0 tests test-dry.R.................... 0 tests test-dry.R.................... 0 tests test-dry.R.................... 0 tests test-dry.R.................... 0 tests test-dry.R.................... 0 tests test-dry.R.................... 0 tests test-dry.R.................... 0 tests test-dry.R.................... 0 tests test-dry.R.................... 1 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 2 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 3 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 4 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 5 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 5 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 6 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 6 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 6 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 6 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 6 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 6 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 6 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 6 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 6 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 6 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 7 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 8 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 9 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 10 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 11 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 12 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 13 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 14 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 15 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 15 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 16 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 17 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 18 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 19 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 19 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 19 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 20 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 20 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 20 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 20 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 20 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 21 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 21 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 21 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 21 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 21 tests OK test-dry.R.................... 22 tests OK 11ms test-import_LL.R.............. 0 tests test-import_LL.R.............. 1 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 1 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 1 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 2 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 2 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 3 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 3 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 4 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 4 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 5 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 5 tests OK checking for infix operators exposed to the current environment by `import_inops()` ... Removing the following infix operators: %stri+% Done test-import_LL.R.............. 6 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 6 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 7 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 8 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 9 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 10 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 11 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 12 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 13 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 14 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 15 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 16 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 17 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 18 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 19 tests OK test-import_LL.R.............. 20 tests OK 0.2s test-import_as.R.............. 0 tests test-import_as.R.............. 0 tests Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_as.R.............. 1 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 1 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_as.R.............. 2 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 3 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 4 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 5 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 6 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 7 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 8 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 9 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 10 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 11 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 12 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 13 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 14 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 15 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 16 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 17 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 18 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 19 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 20 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 21 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 22 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 23 tests OK test-import_as.R.............. 23 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_as.R.............. 24 tests OK 88ms test-import_data.R............ 0 tests test-import_data.R............ 1 tests OK test-import_data.R............ 2 tests OK test-import_data.R............ 3 tests OK test-import_data.R............ 4 tests OK 8ms test-import_general.R......... 0 tests test-import_general.R......... 0 tests test-import_general.R......... 0 tests test-import_general.R......... 1 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 2 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 3 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 4 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 5 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 6 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 6 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 6 tests OK ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<42--64> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<42--64> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<42--64> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<42--64> call| expect_error(pversion_check4mismatch(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<42--64> call| expect_error(pversion_report(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<42--64> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<42--64> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<42--64> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<42--64> call| expect_error(pversion_check4mismatch(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<42--64> call| expect_error(pversion_report(i), pattern = pattern) test-import_general.R......... 16 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 17 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 17 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 17 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 17 tests OK ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<79--98> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) test-import_general.R......... 77 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 77 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 77 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 77 tests OK ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(pversion_check4mismatch(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(pversion_report(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(pversion_check4mismatch(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(pversion_report(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(import_as(~stri., i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(import_inops(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(import_LL(i, "foo"), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(import_int(form), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(pversion_check4mismatch(i), pattern = pattern) ----- PASSED : test-import_general.R<107--134> call| expect_error(pversion_report(i), pattern = pattern) test-import_general.R......... 95 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 96 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 97 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 98 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 99 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 100 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 101 tests OK test-import_general.R......... 102 tests OK 0.4s test-import_inops-alias.R..... 0 tests test-import_inops-alias.R..... 0 tests Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_inops-alias.R..... 1 tests OK test-import_inops-alias.R..... 1 tests OK test-import_inops-alias.R..... 1 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_inops-alias.R..... 2 tests OK test-import_inops-alias.R..... 2 tests OK test-import_inops-alias.R..... 2 tests OK test-import_inops-alias.R..... 2 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_inops-alias.R..... 3 tests OK test-import_inops-alias.R..... 3 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done unexposing infix operators... Done test-import_inops-alias.R..... 4 tests OK test-import_inops-alias.R..... 4 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_inops-alias.R..... 5 tests OK test-import_inops-alias.R..... 5 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_inops-alias.R..... 6 tests OK test-import_inops-alias.R..... 6 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_inops-alias.R..... 7 tests OK test-import_inops-alias.R..... 7 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_inops-alias.R..... 8 tests OK test-import_inops-alias.R..... 8 tests OK test-import_inops-alias.R..... 9 tests OK test-import_inops-alias.R..... 9 tests OK test-import_inops-alias.R..... 10 tests OK test-import_inops-alias.R..... 10 tests OK test-import_inops-alias.R..... 11 tests OK 0.2s test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 0 tests test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 0 tests Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 1 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 1 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 1 tests OK Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 2 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 2 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 2 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 2 tests OK Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 3 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 3 tests OK Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done checking for infix operators exposed to the current environment by `import_inops()` ... Removing the following infix operators: %s!=%, %s!==%, %s$%, %s*%, %s+%, %s<%, %s<=%, %s==%, %s===%, %s>%, %s>=%, %stri!=%, %stri!==%, %stri$%, %stri*%, %stri+%, %stri<%, %stri<=%, %stri==%, %stri===%, %stri>%, %stri>=% Done test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 4 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 4 tests OK Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 5 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 5 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 6 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 7 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 8 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 9 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 10 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 11 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 12 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 13 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 14 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 15 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 15 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs.R...... 16 tests OK 99ms test-import_inops.control.R... 0 tests Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_inops.control.R... 1 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 1 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_inops.control.R... 2 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 2 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_inops.control.R... 3 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 3 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_inops.control.R... 4 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 4 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_inops.control.R... 5 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 5 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_inops.control.R... 6 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 6 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_inops.control.R... 7 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 7 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_inops.control.R... 8 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 8 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_inops.control.R... 9 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 9 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_inops.control.R... 10 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 10 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_inops.control.R... 11 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 11 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... test-import_inops.control.R... 12 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 12 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... test-import_inops.control.R... 13 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 13 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 14 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 14 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 15 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 15 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 16 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 16 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 17 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 17 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 18 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 18 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 19 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 19 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 20 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 20 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 21 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 21 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 22 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 22 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 23 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 23 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 24 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 24 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 25 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 25 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 26 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 26 tests OK Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... test-import_inops.control.R... 27 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 27 tests OK Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... test-import_inops.control.R... 28 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 28 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 29 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 29 tests OK test-import_inops.control.R... 30 tests OK 0.4s test-import_int.R............. 1 tests OK test-import_int.R............. 2 tests OK test-import_int.R............. 3 tests OK test-import_int.R............. 4 tests OK test-import_int.R............. 5 tests OK test-import_int.R............. 6 tests OK test-import_int.R............. 7 tests OK test-import_int.R............. 8 tests OK test-import_int.R............. 9 tests OK test-import_int.R............. 10 tests OK test-import_int.R............. 11 tests OK test-import_int.R............. 12 tests OK 28ms test-import_lock.R............ 0 tests Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_lock.R............ 1 tests OK test-import_lock.R............ 1 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... test-import_lock.R............ 2 tests OK test-import_lock.R............ 2 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_lock.R............ 3 tests OK test-import_lock.R............ 3 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_lock.R............ 4 tests OK test-import_lock.R............ 4 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_lock.R............ 5 tests OK test-import_lock.R............ 5 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_lock.R............ 6 tests OK test-import_lock.R............ 6 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_lock.R............ 7 tests OK test-import_lock.R............ 7 tests OK Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... The following infix operators already exist in the current environment: %stri+% Overwriting existing infix operators... Placing infix operators in current environment... test-import_lock.R............ 8 tests OK test-import_lock.R............ 8 tests OK test-import_lock.R............ 8 tests OK Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... ALL prepared infix operators already exist in the current environment Overwriting existing infix operators... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_lock.R............ 9 tests OK test-import_lock.R............ 9 tests OK test-import_lock.R............ 10 tests OK 0.3s test-internal.R............... 1 tests OK test-internal.R............... 2 tests OK test-internal.R............... 3 tests OK test-internal.R............... 4 tests OK test-internal.R............... 5 tests OK 5ms test-logic_ops.R.............. 0 tests test-logic_ops.R.............. 0 tests test-logic_ops.R.............. 0 tests test-logic_ops.R.............. 0 tests test-logic_ops.R.............. 1 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 1 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 1 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 1 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 1 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 2 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 2 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 2 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 2 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 2 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 2 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 3 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 3 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 3 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 3 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 4 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 5 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 6 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 6 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 6 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 7 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 8 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 9 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 10 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 11 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 12 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 13 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 14 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 15 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 15 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 15 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 16 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 17 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 18 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 19 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 20 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 21 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 22 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 23 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 24 tests OK test-logic_ops.R.............. 25 tests OK 24ms test-matrix_ops.R............. 0 tests test-matrix_ops.R............. 0 tests test-matrix_ops.R............. 0 tests test-matrix_ops.R............. 1 tests OK test-matrix_ops.R............. 2 tests OK test-matrix_ops.R............. 2 tests OK test-matrix_ops.R............. 2 tests OK test-matrix_ops.R............. 3 tests OK test-matrix_ops.R............. 4 tests OK 5ms test-pkgs.R................... 0 tests test-pkgs.R................... 0 tests test-pkgs.R................... 0 tests test-pkgs.R................... 0 tests test-pkgs.R................... 0 tests test-pkgs.R................... 0 tests test-pkgs.R................... 1 tests OK test-pkgs.R................... 1 tests OK test-pkgs.R................... 1 tests OK test-pkgs.R................... 2 tests OK test-pkgs.R................... 2 tests OK test-pkgs.R................... 2 tests OK test-pkgs.R................... 3 tests OK test-pkgs.R................... 4 tests OK test-pkgs.R................... 5 tests OK test-pkgs.R................... 6 tests OK test-pkgs.R................... 7 tests OK 57ms test-pversion.R............... 1 tests OK test-pversion.R............... 2 tests OK test-pversion.R............... 3 tests OK 11ms test-report_inops.R........... 0 tests test-report_inops.R........... 1 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 1 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 2 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 3 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 4 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 5 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 5 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 6 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 7 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 8 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 9 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 9 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 10 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 11 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 12 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 12 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 13 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 13 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 14 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 14 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 15 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 15 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 15 tests OK test-report_inops.R........... 16 tests OK 0.3s test-s_pattern.R.............. 0 tests test-s_pattern.R.............. 1 tests OK test-s_pattern.R.............. 1 tests OK test-s_pattern.R.............. 2 tests OK test-s_pattern.R.............. 2 tests OK test-s_pattern.R.............. 3 tests OK test-s_pattern.R.............. 3 tests OK test-s_pattern.R.............. 4 tests OK test-s_pattern.R.............. 4 tests OK test-s_pattern.R.............. 5 tests OK test-s_pattern.R.............. 5 tests OK test-s_pattern.R.............. 6 tests OK test-s_pattern.R.............. 6 tests OK test-s_pattern.R.............. 7 tests OK test-s_pattern.R.............. 7 tests OK test-s_pattern.R.............. 8 tests OK 5ms test-source_selection.R....... 0 tests test-source_selection.R....... 0 tests test-source_selection.R....... 0 tests test-source_selection.R....... 0 tests test-source_selection.R....... 0 tests Sourcing script ... Done test-source_selection.R....... 1 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 1 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 1 tests OK Sourcing script ... Done test-source_selection.R....... 2 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 2 tests OK Sourcing script ... Done test-source_selection.R....... 3 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 3 tests OK Sourcing script ... Done test-source_selection.R....... 4 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 4 tests OK Sourcing script ... Done test-source_selection.R....... 5 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 5 tests OK Sourcing script ... Done test-source_selection.R....... 6 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 6 tests OK Sourcing script ... Done test-source_selection.R....... 7 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 7 tests OK Sourcing script ... Done test-source_selection.R....... 8 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 8 tests OK Sourcing script ... Done test-source_selection.R....... 9 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 9 tests OK Sourcing script ... Done test-source_selection.R....... 9 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 10 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 11 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 12 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 13 tests OK Sourcing script ... test-source_selection.R....... 14 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 15 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 16 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 17 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 18 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 19 tests OK Sourcing script ... test-source_selection.R....... 20 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 21 tests OK test-source_selection.R....... 22 tests OK 12ms test-str_arithmetic.R......... 0 tests test-str_arithmetic.R......... 0 tests test-str_arithmetic.R......... 0 tests test-str_arithmetic.R......... 0 tests test-str_arithmetic.R......... 0 tests test-str_arithmetic.R......... 0 tests test-str_arithmetic.R......... 0 tests test-str_arithmetic.R......... 0 tests test-str_arithmetic.R......... 1 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 2 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 3 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 3 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 3 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 3 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 3 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 4 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 5 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 6 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 6 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 6 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 7 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 8 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 9 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 9 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 9 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 10 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 11 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 12 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 13 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 14 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 15 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 15 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 15 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 15 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 15 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 15 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 15 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 15 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 16 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 17 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 18 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 18 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 18 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 19 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 20 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 21 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 22 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 23 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 24 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 24 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 24 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 25 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 26 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 27 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 27 tests OK [1] "abcdefghijklm" "nopqrstuvwxyz" test-str_arithmetic.R......... 27 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 27 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 27 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 27 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 27 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 28 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 29 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 30 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 31 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 32 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 33 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 34 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 35 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 35 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 36 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 37 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 38 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 39 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 40 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 41 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 42 tests OK test-str_arithmetic.R......... 43 tests OK 30ms test-str_search.R............. 0 tests test-str_search.R............. 0 tests test-str_search.R............. 0 tests test-str_search.R............. 0 tests test-str_search.R............. 0 tests test-str_search.R............. 0 tests ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search.R<32--57> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI), call| --> stringi::stri_detect(x[[iX]], fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, call| --> negate = TRUE)) test-str_search.R............. 336 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 336 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 337 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 338 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 339 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 340 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 341 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 342 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 343 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 344 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 345 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 346 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 346 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 346 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 347 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 348 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 349 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 350 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 351 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 352 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 352 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 352 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 353 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 354 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 355 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 356 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 356 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 356 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 356 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 356 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 356 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 356 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 356 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 357 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 358 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 358 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 358 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 359 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 360 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 361 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 362 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 362 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 362 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 363 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 364 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 365 tests OK test-str_search.R............. 366 tests OK 4.2s test-str_search_at.R.......... 0 tests test-str_search_at.R.......... 0 tests test-str_search_at.R.......... 0 tests test-str_search_at.R.......... 0 tests test-str_search_at.R.......... 0 tests test-str_search_at.R.......... 0 tests ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_fixed(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "start", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_startswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-str_search_at.R<31--72> call| expect_equal(x[[iX]] %s!{}% s_regex(pattern[[iP]], at = "end", call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_endswith(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI, negate = TRUE)) test-str_search_at.R.......... 672 tests OK test-str_search_at.R.......... 672 tests OK test-str_search_at.R.......... 672 tests OK test-str_search_at.R.......... 673 tests OK test-str_search_at.R.......... 673 tests OK test-str_search_at.R.......... 674 tests OK test-str_search_at.R.......... 674 tests OK test-str_search_at.R.......... 675 tests OK test-str_search_at.R.......... 675 tests OK test-str_search_at.R.......... 676 tests OK test-str_search_at.R.......... 677 tests OK test-str_search_at.R.......... 678 tests OK test-str_search_at.R.......... 679 tests OK test-str_search_at.R.......... 680 tests OK 8.0s test-str_subset_ops.R......... 0 tests test-str_subset_ops.R......... 0 tests test-str_subset_ops.R......... 0 tests test-str_subset_ops.R......... 0 tests [1] "abcdefghijklm" "nopqrstuvwxyz" "abcdefghijklm" "nopqrstuvwxyz" [5] "abcdefghijklm" "nopqrstuvwxyz" "abcdefghijklm" test-str_subset_ops.R......... 0 tests test-str_subset_ops.R......... 0 tests test-str_subset_ops.R......... 1 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 1 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 1 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 1 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 1 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 2 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 3 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 3 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 3 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 3 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 4 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 4 tests OK [1] "abcdefghijklm" "nopqrstuvwxyz" "abcdefghijklm" "nopqrstuvwxyz" test-str_subset_ops.R......... 4 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 4 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 5 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 6 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 7 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 8 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 9 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 10 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 11 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 12 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 12 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 13 tests OK test-str_subset_ops.R......... 14 tests OK 8ms test-strcut.R................. 0 tests test-strcut.R................. 0 tests [1] "123456789" "123456789" "123456789" "123456789" "123456789" "123456789" [7] "123456789" "123456789" "123456789" test-strcut.R................. 0 tests test-strcut.R................. 0 tests test-strcut.R................. 0 tests test-strcut.R................. 1 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 1 tests OK [1] "12345678910" "12345678910" "12345678910" "12345678910" "12345678910" [6] "12345678910" "12345678910" "12345678910" "12345678910" "12345678910" test-strcut.R................. 1 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 1 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 1 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 2 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 2 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 2 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 2 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 3 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 3 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 3 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 3 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 4 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 4 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 4 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 4 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 5 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 5 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 5 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 5 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 6 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 6 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 6 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 7 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 7 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 7 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 8 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 8 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 8 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 9 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 9 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 10 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 11 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 12 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 13 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 14 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 15 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 16 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 17 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 18 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 19 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 20 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 20 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 21 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 22 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 23 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 24 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 25 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 26 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 27 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 28 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 29 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 29 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 30 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 31 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 32 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 33 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 34 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 35 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 36 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 37 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 38 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 39 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 39 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 40 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 41 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 42 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 43 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 44 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 45 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 46 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 47 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 48 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 49 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 50 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 51 tests OK test-strcut.R................. 52 tests OK 30ms test-strfind.R................ 0 tests test-strfind.R................ 0 tests test-strfind.R................ 0 tests test-strfind.R................ 0 tests test-strfind.R................ 0 tests test-strfind.R................ 0 tests test-strfind.R................ 0 tests test-strfind.R................ 1 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2 tests OK [1] "abcdefghijklm" "nopqrstuvwxyz" "ABCDEFGHIJKLM" "NOPQRSTUVWXYZ" test-strfind.R................ 2 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 4 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 4 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 4 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 5 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 5 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 5 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 5 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 6 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 6 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 6 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 6 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 7 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 7 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 7 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 7 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 7 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 8 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 9 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 9 tests OK [1] "abcdefghijklm" "nopqrstuvwxyz" "ABCDEFGHIJKLM" "NOPQRSTUVWXYZ" test-strfind.R................ 9 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 9 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 9 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 10 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 11 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 11 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 11 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 12 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 12 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 12 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 12 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 13 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 13 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 13 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 13 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 14 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 14 tests OK [1] "0123456789" "0123456789" "0123456789" "0123456789" "0123456789" [6] "0123456789" "0123456789" "0123456789" "0123456789" "0123456789" test-strfind.R................ 14 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 14 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 14 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 14 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 14 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 14 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 14 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 15 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 15 tests OK [1] "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" [6] "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" test-strfind.R................ 15 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 15 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 15 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 15 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 15 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 15 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 15 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 16 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 16 tests OK [1] "ýýýýýýýýýý" "ýýýýýýýýýý" "ýýýýýýýýýý" "ýýýýýýýýýý" "ýýýýýýýýýý" [6] "ýýýýýýýýýý" "ýýýýýýýýýý" "ýýýýýýýýýý" "ýýýýýýýýýý" "ýýýýýýýýýý" test-strfind.R................ 16 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 16 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 16 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 16 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 16 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 16 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 16 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 17 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 17 tests OK [1] "a a a a a a a a a a" "a a a a a a a a a a" "a a a a a a a a a a" [4] "a a a a a a a a a a" "a a a a a a a a a a" "a a a a a a a a a a" [7] "a a a a a a a a a a" "a a a a a a a a a a" "a a a a a a a a a a" [10] "a a a a a a a a a a" test-strfind.R................ 17 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 17 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 17 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 17 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 17 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 17 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 17 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 18 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 18 tests OK [1] "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" [6] "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" test-strfind.R................ 18 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 18 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 18 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 18 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 18 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 18 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 18 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 19 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 19 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 19 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 19 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 19 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 19 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 19 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 19 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 19 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 20 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 20 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 20 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 20 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 20 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 20 tests OK ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<198--221> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) test-strfind.R................ 860 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 860 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 860 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 860 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 860 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 861 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 862 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 862 tests OK [1] "abcdefghijklm" "nopqrstuvwxyz" "ABCDEFGHIJKLM" "NOPQRSTUVWXYZ" test-strfind.R................ 862 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 862 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 862 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 863 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 864 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 864 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 864 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 865 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 865 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 865 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 865 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 866 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 866 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 866 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 866 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 866 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 866 tests OK ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<288--311> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) test-strfind.R................ 1706 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1706 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1706 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1706 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1706 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1707 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1708 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1708 tests OK [1] "abcdefghijklm" "nopqrstuvwxyz" "ABCDEFGHIJKLM" "NOPQRSTUVWXYZ" test-strfind.R................ 1708 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1708 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1708 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1709 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1710 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1710 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1710 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1711 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1711 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1711 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1711 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1712 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1712 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1712 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1712 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1712 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1712 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1713 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1713 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1713 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1713 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1713 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1714 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1715 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1715 tests OK [1] "abcdefghijklm" "nopqrstuvwxyz" "ABCDEFGHIJKLM" "NOPQRSTUVWXYZ" test-strfind.R................ 1715 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1715 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1715 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1716 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1717 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1717 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1717 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1718 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1718 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1718 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1718 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1719 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1719 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1719 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1719 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1719 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 1719 tests OK ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<426--449> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) test-strfind.R................ 2559 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2559 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2559 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2559 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2559 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2560 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2561 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2561 tests OK [1] "abcdefghijklm" "nopqrstuvwxyz" "ABCDEFGHIJKLM" "NOPQRSTUVWXYZ" test-strfind.R................ 2561 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2561 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2561 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2562 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2563 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2563 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2563 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2564 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2564 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2564 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2564 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2565 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2565 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2565 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2565 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2565 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 2565 tests OK ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) ----- PASSED : test-strfind.R<515--538> call| expect_equal(out, stringi::stri_replace_all(x[[iX]], rp[[iRp]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) test-strfind.R................ 3405 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3405 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3405 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3405 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3405 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3406 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3407 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3407 tests OK [1] "abcdefghijklm" "nopqrstuvwxyz" "ABCDEFGHIJKLM" "NOPQRSTUVWXYZ" test-strfind.R................ 3407 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3407 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3407 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3408 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3409 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3409 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3409 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3410 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3410 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3410 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3410 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3411 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3411 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3411 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3412 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3413 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3413 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3413 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3414 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3415 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3416 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3417 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3418 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3419 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3420 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3421 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3422 tests OK test-strfind.R................ 3423 tests OK 22.7s test-stri_join_mat.R.......... 0 tests test-stri_join_mat.R.......... 1 tests OK test-stri_join_mat.R.......... 2 tests OK test-stri_join_mat.R.......... 3 tests OK 3ms test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 0 tests test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 0 tests test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 0 tests test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 0 tests [1] "0123456789" "0123456789" "0123456789" "0123456789" "0123456789" [6] "0123456789" "0123456789" "0123456789" "0123456789" "0123456789" test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 0 tests test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 0 tests test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 0 tests test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 0 tests test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 0 tests test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 0 tests test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 1 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 1 tests OK [1] "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" [6] "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 1 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 1 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 1 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 1 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 1 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 1 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 2 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 2 tests OK [1] "ýýýýýýýýýý" "ýýýýýýýýýý" "ýýýýýýýýýý" "ýýýýýýýýýý" "ýýýýýýýýýý" [6] "ýýýýýýýýýý" "ýýýýýýýýýý" "ýýýýýýýýýý" "ýýýýýýýýýý" "ýýýýýýýýýý" test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 2 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 2 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 2 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 2 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 2 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 2 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 3 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 3 tests OK [1] "a a a a a a a a a a" "a a a a a a a a a a" "a a a a a a a a a a" [4] "a a a a a a a a a a" "a a a a a a a a a a" "a a a a a a a a a a" [7] "a a a a a a a a a a" "a a a a a a a a a a" "a a a a a a a a a a" [10] "a a a a a a a a a a" test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 3 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 3 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 3 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 3 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 3 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 3 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 4 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 4 tests OK [1] "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" [6] "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaa" test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 4 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 4 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 4 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 4 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 4 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 4 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 5 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 5 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 5 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 5 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 5 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 5 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 5 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 5 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 5 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 6 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 6 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 6 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 6 tests OK iX = 1 ; iP = 1 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 1 ; iP = 1 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 1 ; iP = 2 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 1 ; iP = 2 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 1 ; iP = 3 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 1 ; iP = 3 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 1 ; iP = 4 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 1 ; iP = 4 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 1 ; iP = 5 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 1 ; iP = 5 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 2 ; iP = 1 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 2 ; iP = 1 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 2 ; iP = 2 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 2 ; iP = 2 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 2 ; iP = 3 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 2 ; iP = 3 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 2 ; iP = 4 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 2 ; iP = 4 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 2 ; iP = 5 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 2 ; iP = 5 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 3 ; iP = 1 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 3 ; iP = 1 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 3 ; iP = 2 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 3 ; iP = 2 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 3 ; iP = 3 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 3 ; iP = 3 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 3 ; iP = 4 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 3 ; iP = 4 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 3 ; iP = 5 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 3 ; iP = 5 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 4 ; iP = 1 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 4 ; iP = 1 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 4 ; iP = 2 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 4 ; iP = 2 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 4 ; iP = 3 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 4 ; iP = 3 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 4 ; iP = 4 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 4 ; iP = 4 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 4 ; iP = 5 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 4 ; iP = 5 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 5 ; iP = 1 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 5 ; iP = 1 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 5 ; iP = 2 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 5 ; iP = 2 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 5 ; iP = 3 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 5 ; iP = 3 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 5 ; iP = 4 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 5 ; iP = 4 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 5 ; iP = 5 ; iCI = TRUE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" iX = 5 ; iP = 5 ; iCI = FALSE ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_fixed(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> fixed = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: fixed, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_regex(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1, call| --> case_insensitive = iCI), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> regex = pattern[[iP]], case_insensitive = iCI)) [1] "Done: regex, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = 1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_coll(x[[iX]], pattern[[iP]], i = -1), call| --> stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], coll = pattern[[iP]])) [1] "Done: coll, last" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = 1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_first(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, first" ----- PASSED : test-stri_locate_ith.R<92--157> call| expect_equal(stri_locate_ith_charclass(x[[iX]], stringi::stri_c("[", call| --> pattern[[iP]], "]"), i = -1, merge = FALSE), stringi::stri_locate_last(x[[iX]], call| --> charclass = stringi::stri_c("[", pattern[[iP]], "]"))) [1] "Done: charclass, last" test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 406 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 406 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 406 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 406 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 407 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 408 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 408 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 408 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 408 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 408 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 408 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 408 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 409 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 410 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 410 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 410 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 410 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 410 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 410 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 410 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 411 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 412 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 413 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 413 tests OK [1] "abcdefghijklm" "nopqrstuvwxyz" test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 413 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 413 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 413 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 414 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 414 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 414 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 414 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 414 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 414 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 414 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 415 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 416 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 416 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 416 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 416 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 416 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 416 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 416 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 417 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 418 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 419 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 419 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 419 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 420 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 420 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 420 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 420 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 420 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 420 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 420 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 420 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 421 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 422 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 422 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 422 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 422 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 422 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 422 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 422 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 422 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 423 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 424 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 425 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 425 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 425 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 425 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 426 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 427 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 428 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 428 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 428 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 428 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 428 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 428 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 428 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 429 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 430 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 431 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 431 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 431 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 432 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 433 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 434 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 434 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 434 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 434 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 434 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 434 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 435 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 436 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 437 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 437 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 437 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 438 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 438 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 438 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 439 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 439 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 440 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 440 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 440 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 441 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 442 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 443 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 443 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 443 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 444 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 444 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 444 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 444 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 444 tests OK test-stri_locate_ith.R........ 445 tests OK 1.2s Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-x.import.R............... 0 tests test-x.import.R............... 0 tests test-x.import.R............... 1 tests OK test-x.import.R............... 2 tests OK test-x.import.R............... 3 tests OK test-x.import.R............... 4 tests OK test-x.import.R............... 5 tests OK test-x.import.R............... 6 tests OK test-x.import.R............... 7 tests OK test-x.import.R............... 8 tests OK test-x.import.R............... 9 tests OK test-x.import.R............... 10 tests OK test-x.import.R............... 11 tests OK test-x.import.R............... 12 tests OK test-x.import.R............... 13 tests OK test-x.import.R............... 13 tests OK Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-x.import.R............... 14 tests OK test-x.import.R............... 14 tests OK exposing and locking functions to current environment ... Done test-x.import.R............... 15 tests OK test-x.import.R............... 15 tests OK test-x.import.R............... 16 tests OK 56ms test_tinycodet.R.............. 1 tests OK test_tinycodet.R.............. 2 tests OK 5ms test-aaa.R.................... 0 tests test-aaa.R.................... 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib1/tinycodetfakepkg1" [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib1/tinycodetfakepkg2" [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib1/tinycodetfakepkg3" [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib1/tinycodetfakepkg4" [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib1/tinycodetfakepkg5" [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib2/tinycodetfakepkg3" [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib3/tinycodetfakepkg1" [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib3/tinycodetfakepkg2" test-aaa.R.................... 0 tests test-aaa.R.................... 1 tests OK test-aaa.R.................... 2 tests OK test-aaa.R.................... 3 tests OK 55ms test-import_as-special.R...... 0 tests test-import_as-special.R...... 0 tests test-import_as-special.R...... 0 tests test-import_as-special.R...... 0 tests test-import_as-special.R...... 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib1" test-import_as-special.R...... 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib2" test-import_as-special.R...... 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib3" test-import_as-special.R...... 0 tests test-import_as-special.R...... 0 tests Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `stri.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(stri.)` test-import_as-special.R...... 0 tests test-import_as-special.R...... 0 tests test-import_as-special.R...... 1 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 2 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 3 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 3 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 4 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 5 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 5 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 6 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 7 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 8 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 9 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 10 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 11 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `p3.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(p3.)` test-import_as-special.R...... 11 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 11 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 11 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 12 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 13 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 14 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `p3.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(p3.)` Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `p3.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(p3.)` test-import_as-special.R...... 15 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `p3.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(p3.)` test-import_as-special.R...... 15 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 15 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 15 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 16 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 17 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 18 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `p3.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(p3.)` test-import_as-special.R...... 18 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 18 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 18 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 19 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 20 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 21 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 21 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 21 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 22 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 22 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 22 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 23 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 23 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 23 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 24 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 25 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 25 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 26 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 26 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 27 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 27 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 28 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 28 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 29 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 29 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 30 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 30 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 31 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 31 tests OK test-import_as-special.R...... 32 tests OK 0.4s test-import_general-special.R. 0 tests test-import_general-special.R. 0 tests test-import_general-special.R. 0 tests test-import_general-special.R. 0 tests test-import_general-special.R. 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib1" test-import_general-special.R. 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib2" test-import_general-special.R. 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib3" test-import_general-special.R. 0 tests Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `new.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(new.)` test-import_general-special.R. 0 tests test-import_general-special.R. 1 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 1 tests OK Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_general-special.R. 2 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 2 tests OK exposing and locking functions to current environment ... Done test-import_general-special.R. 3 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 3 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... test-import_general-special.R. 4 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... test-import_general-special.R. 5 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... test-import_general-special.R. 6 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 7 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 8 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `p3.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(p3.)` test-import_general-special.R. 8 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 8 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 8 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 8 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 8 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 8 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 8 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 9 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 9 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 9 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `p3.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(p3.)` Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_general-special.R. 9 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 10 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 10 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 10 tests OK exposing and locking functions to current environment ... Done exposing and locking functions to current environment ... Done exposing and locking functions to current environment ... Done test-import_general-special.R. 10 tests OK test-import_general-special.R. 11 tests OK 0.1s test-import_inops-alias-special.R 0 tests test-import_inops-alias-special.R 0 tests test-import_inops-alias-special.R 0 tests test-import_inops-alias-special.R 0 tests test-import_inops-alias-special.R 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib1" test-import_inops-alias-special.R 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib2" test-import_inops-alias-special.R 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib3" test-import_inops-alias-special.R 0 tests test-import_inops-alias-special.R 0 tests Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `to3.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(to3.)` Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_inops-alias-special.R 1 tests OK test-import_inops-alias-special.R 1 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `to3.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(to3.)` Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_inops-alias-special.R 2 tests OK test-import_inops-alias-special.R 2 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `to3.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(to3.)` Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_inops-alias-special.R 3 tests OK test-import_inops-alias-special.R 3 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `to3.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(to3.)` Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done unexposing infix operators... Done test-import_inops-alias-special.R 4 tests OK test-import_inops-alias-special.R 4 tests OK Importing packages and registering methods... Done You can now access the functions using `to3.$` For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(to3.)` Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_inops-alias-special.R 5 tests OK 0.2s test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 0 tests test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 0 tests test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 0 tests test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 0 tests test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib1" test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib2" test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib3" test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 0 tests test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 0 tests Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 1 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 1 tests OK Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 2 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 2 tests OK Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 3 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 3 tests OK Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... The following infix operators already exist in the current environment: %opover% Overwriting existing infix operators... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... The following infix operators already exist in the current environment: %opover% Overwriting existing infix operators... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done checking for infix operators exposed to the current environment by `import_inops()` ... Removing the following infix operators: %op21%, %op22% Done checking for infix operators exposed to the current environment by `import_inops()` ... Removing the following infix operators: %op31%, %op32%, %opover% Done test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 4 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 4 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 5 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 5 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 6 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 6 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 7 tests OK checking for infix operators exposed to the current environment by `import_inops()` ... No infix operators from `import_inops()` to delete test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 8 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 9 tests OK test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 9 tests OK Checking for conflicting infix operators in the current environment... Placing infix operators in current environment... Done test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R 10 tests OK 68ms test-import_int-special.R..... 0 tests test-import_int-special.R..... 0 tests test-import_int-special.R..... 0 tests test-import_int-special.R..... 0 tests test-import_int-special.R..... 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib1" test-import_int-special.R..... 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib2" test-import_int-special.R..... 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib3" test-import_int-special.R..... 0 tests test-import_int-special.R..... 1 tests OK test-import_int-special.R..... 2 tests OK test-import_int-special.R..... 3 tests OK test-import_int-special.R..... 4 tests OK test-import_int-special.R..... 5 tests OK test-import_int-special.R..... 6 tests OK test-import_int-special.R..... 7 tests OK test-import_int-special.R..... 8 tests OK test-import_int-special.R..... 9 tests OK test-import_int-special.R..... 10 tests OK test-import_int-special.R..... 11 tests OK test-import_int-special.R..... 12 tests OK test-import_int-special.R..... 13 tests OK 36ms test-pkgs-special.R........... 0 tests test-pkgs-special.R........... 0 tests test-pkgs-special.R........... 0 tests test-pkgs-special.R........... 0 tests test-pkgs-special.R........... 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib1" test-pkgs-special.R........... 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib2" test-pkgs-special.R........... 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpGQzHE7/fake_lib3" test-pkgs-special.R........... 0 tests test-pkgs-special.R........... 1 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 2 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 3 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 4 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 5 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 6 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 7 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 8 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 9 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 10 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 11 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 12 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 13 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 14 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 15 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 16 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 17 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 18 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 18 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 18 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 18 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 18 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 18 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 18 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 18 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 19 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 20 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 21 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 22 tests OK test-pkgs-special.R........... 23 tests OK 66ms test-zzz.R.................... 0 tests test-zzz.R.................... 0 tests test-zzz.R.................... 0 tests test-zzz.R.................... 1 tests OK 31ms All ok, 98 results (0.9s) There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50) > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 108.90 1.78 110.67