# Set number of data.table threads to 2 data.table::setDTthreads(threads = 2L) # Set number of collapse threads to 1 collapse::set_collapse(nthreads = 1L) test_that("Lags", { x <- as.integer(c(NA, 2, 1, 1, NA, 3, 10)) y <- c(NA, 2, 1, 1, NA, 3, 10:15) z <- c(NA, TRUE, FALSE, NA, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) lag <- dplyr::lag lead <- dplyr::lead expect_identical(roll_diff(x, n = 1), as.integer(x - lag(x))) expect_identical(roll_diff(x, n = 3), as.integer(x - lag(x, 3))) expect_identical(roll_diff(x, n = 100), as.integer(x - lag(x, 100))) expect_identical(roll_diff(x, n = -1), as.integer(x - lead(x))) expect_identical(roll_diff(x, n = -3), as.integer(x - lead(x, 3))) expect_identical(roll_lag(x, n = 1), as.integer(lag(x))) expect_identical(roll_lag(x, n = 3), as.integer(lag(x, 3))) expect_identical(roll_lag(x, n = 100), as.integer(lag(x, 100))) expect_identical(roll_lag(x, n = -1), as.integer(lead(x))) expect_identical(roll_lag(x, n = -3), as.integer(lead(x, 3))) expect_identical(roll_diff(y, n = 1), y - lag(y)) expect_identical(roll_diff(y, n = 3), y - lag(y, 3)) expect_identical(roll_diff(y, n = 100), y - lag(y, 100)) expect_identical(roll_diff(y, n = -1), y - lead(y)) expect_identical(roll_diff(y, n = -3), y - lead(y, 3)) expect_identical(roll_lag(y, n = 1), lag(y)) expect_identical(roll_lag(y, n = 3), lag(y, 3)) expect_identical(roll_lag(y, n = 100), lag(y, 100)) expect_identical(roll_lag(y, n = -1), lead(y)) expect_identical(roll_lag(y, n = -3), lead(y, 3)) expect_identical(roll_diff(z, n = 1), as.integer(z - lag(z))) expect_identical(roll_diff(z, n = 3), as.integer(z - lag(z, 3))) expect_identical(roll_diff(z, n = 100), as.integer(z - lag(z, 100))) expect_identical(roll_diff(z, n = -1), as.integer(z - lead(z))) expect_identical(roll_diff(z, n = -3), as.integer(z - lead(z, 3))) expect_identical(roll_lag(z, n = 1), lag(z)) expect_identical(roll_lag(z, n = 3), lag(z, 3)) expect_identical(roll_lag(z, n = 100), lag(z, 100)) expect_identical(roll_lag(z, n = -1), lead(z)) expect_identical(roll_lag(z, n = -3), lead(z, 3)) }) test_that("Grouped lags", { set.seed(99) x <- sample(-11:37, size = 100, replace = TRUE) y <- round(rnorm(100), 2) z <- as.logical(sample.int(2, 100, TRUE) - 1L) x <- cheapr::na_insert(x, prop = 1 / 4) y <- cheapr::na_insert(y, prop = 1 / 3) z <- cheapr::na_insert(z, prop = 1 / 5) gx <- sample.int(5, length(x), TRUE) gy <- sample.int(5, length(y), TRUE) - 3L gz <- sample(c(-99, NA_real_, 10), length(z), TRUE) lag2 <- function(x, g, n = 1L) { dplyr::pull( dplyr::mutate( dplyr::tibble(x = x, g = g), lag = dplyr::lag(x, n = n), .by = g ), lag ) } lead2 <- function(x, g, n = 1L) { dplyr::pull( dplyr::mutate( dplyr::tibble(x = x, g = g), lead = dplyr::lead(x, n = n), .by = g ), lead ) } diff3 <- function(x, g, n = 1L) { dplyr::pull( dplyr::mutate( dplyr::tibble(x = x, g = g), diff = x - dplyr::lag(x, n = n), .by = g ), diff ) } diff4 <- function(x, g, n = 1L) { dplyr::pull( dplyr::mutate( dplyr::tibble(x = x, g = g), diff = x - dplyr::lead(x, n = n), .by = g ), diff ) } expect_identical(roll_lag(x, g = gx, n = 1), lag2(x, g = gx, n = 1)) expect_identical(roll_lag(x, g = gx, n = 3), lag2(x, g = gx, n = 3)) expect_identical(roll_lag(x, g = gx, n = 100), lag2(x, g = gx, n = 100)) expect_identical(roll_lag(x, g = gx, n = 300), lag2(x, g = gx, n = 300)) expect_identical(roll_lag(x, g = gx, n = -1), lead2(x, g = gx, n = 1)) expect_identical(roll_lag(x, g = gx, n = -3), lead2(x, g = gx, n = 3)) expect_equal(roll_lag(y, g = gy, n = 1), lag2(y, g = gy, n = 1)) expect_equal(roll_lag(y, g = gy, n = 3), lag2(y, g = gy, n = 3)) expect_equal(roll_lag(y, g = gy, n = 100), lag2(y, g = gy, n = 100)) expect_equal(roll_lag(y, g = gy, n = 300), lag2(y, g = gy, n = 300)) expect_equal(roll_lag(y, g = gy, n = -1), lead2(y, g = gy, n = 1)) expect_equal(roll_lag(y, g = gy, n = -3), lead2(y, g = gy, n = 3)) expect_equal(roll_lag(z, g = gz, n = 1), lag2(z, g = gz, n = 1)) expect_equal(roll_lag(z, g = gz, n = 3), lag2(z, g = gz, n = 3)) expect_equal(roll_lag(z, g = gz, n = 100), lag2(z, g = gz, n = 100)) expect_equal(roll_lag(z, g = gz, n = 300), lag2(z, g = gz, n = 300)) expect_equal(roll_lag(z, g = gz, n = -1), lead2(z, g = gz, n = 1)) expect_equal(roll_lag(z, g = gz, n = -3), lead2(z, g = gz, n = 3)) expect_identical(roll_diff(x, g = gx, n = 1), diff3(x, g = gx, n = 1)) expect_identical(roll_diff(x, g = gx, n = 3), diff3(x, g = gx, n = 3)) expect_identical(roll_diff(x, g = gx, n = 100), diff3(x, g = gx, n = 100)) expect_identical(roll_diff(x, g = gx, n = 300), diff3(x, g = gx, n = 300)) expect_identical(roll_diff(x, g = gx, n = -1), diff4(x, g = gx, n = 1)) expect_identical(roll_diff(x, g = gx, n = -3), diff4(x, g = gx, n = 3)) expect_equal(roll_diff(y, g = gy, n = 1), diff3(y, g = gy, n = 1)) expect_equal(roll_diff(y, g = gy, n = 3), diff3(y, g = gy, n = 3)) expect_equal(roll_diff(y, g = gy, n = 100), diff3(y, g = gy, n = 100)) expect_equal(roll_diff(y, g = gy, n = 300), diff3(y, g = gy, n = 300)) expect_equal(roll_diff(y, g = gy, n = -1), diff4(y, g = gy, n = 1)) expect_equal(roll_diff(y, g = gy, n = -3), diff4(y, g = gy, n = 3)) expect_equal(roll_diff(z, g = gz, n = 1), diff3(z, g = gz, n = 1)) expect_equal(roll_diff(z, g = gz, n = 3), diff3(z, g = gz, n = 3)) expect_equal(roll_diff(z, g = gz, n = 100), diff3(z, g = gz, n = 100)) expect_equal(roll_diff(z, g = gz, n = 300), diff3(z, g = gz, n = 300)) expect_equal(roll_diff(z, g = gz, n = -1), diff4(z, g = gz, n = 1)) expect_equal(roll_diff(z, g = gz, n = -3), diff4(z, g = gz, n = 3)) gxo <- order(gx) gyo <- order(gy) gzo <- order(gz) x <- x[gxo] gx <- gx[gxo] y <- y[gyo] gy <- gy[gyo] z <- z[gzo] gz <- gz[gzo] expect_equal( roll_lag(x, g = gx, n = 3, fill = 99), collapse::flag(x, g = gx, n = 3, fill = 99) ) expect_true(is.integer(roll_lag(x, g = gx, n = 3, fill = 99))) expect_equal( roll_lag(y, g = gy, n = 3, fill = 99), collapse::flag(y, g = gy, n = 3, fill = 99) ) expect_equal( roll_lag(z, g = gz, n = 3, fill = TRUE), collapse::flag(z, g = gz, n = 3, fill = TRUE) ) expect_equal( roll_lag(x, g = gx, n = -3, fill = 99), collapse::flag(x, g = gx, n = -3, fill = 99) ) expect_true(is.integer(roll_lag(x, g = gx, n = -3, fill = 99))) expect_equal( roll_lag(y, g = gy, n = -3, fill = 99), collapse::flag(y, g = gy, n = -3, fill = 99) ) expect_equal( roll_lag(z, g = gz, n = -3, fill = TRUE), collapse::flag(z, g = gz, n = -3, fill = TRUE) ) }) test_that("More complicated diff tests", { x <- rnorm(10^3) y <- as.integer(x) z <- x > 0 o1 <- seq_along(x) o2 <- rev(o1) o3 <- sample.int(length(x)) rl1 <- length(x) rl2 <- rep(50, 20) lags <- sample(-3:3, length(x), TRUE) my_diff <- function(x, ...) { x - cheapr::lag2_(x, ...) } my_diff2 <- function(x, ...) { out <- x - cheapr::lag2_(x, ...) out - cheapr::lag2_(out, ...) } my_diff3 <- function(x, ...) { out <- x - cheapr::lag2_(x, ...) out <- out - cheapr::lag2_(out, ...) out - cheapr::lag2_(out, ...) } # Multiple lags expect_equal( lapply(-3:3, function(lag) diff_(x, lag)), lapply(-3:3, function(lag) my_diff(x, lag)) ) expect_equal( lapply(-3:3, function(lag) diff_(y, lag)), lapply(-3:3, function(lag) my_diff(y, lag)) ) expect_equal( lapply(-3:3, function(lag) diff_(z, lag)), lapply(-3:3, function(lag) my_diff(z, lag)) ) # double differencing expect_equal( lapply(-3:3, function(lag) diff_(x, lag, differences = 2)), lapply(-3:3, function(lag) my_diff2(x, lag)) ) expect_equal( lapply(-3:3, function(lag) diff_(y, lag, differences = 2)), lapply(-3:3, function(lag) my_diff2(y, lag)) ) expect_equal( lapply(-3:3, function(lag) diff_(z, lag, differences = 2)), lapply(-3:3, function(lag) my_diff2(z, lag)) ) # Triple differencing expect_equal( lapply(-3:3, function(lag) diff_(x, lag, differences = 3)), lapply(-3:3, function(lag) my_diff3(x, lag)) ) expect_equal( lapply(-3:3, function(lag) diff_(y, lag, differences = 3)), lapply(-3:3, function(lag) my_diff3(y, lag)) ) expect_equal( lapply(-3:3, function(lag) diff_(z, lag, differences = 3)), lapply(-3:3, function(lag) my_diff3(z, lag)) ) # Custom vector of lags expect_equal(diff_(x, lags), my_diff(x, lags)) expect_equal(diff_(y, lags), my_diff(y, lags)) expect_equal(diff_(z, lags), my_diff(z, lags)) # Vector of lags, double differencing expect_equal(diff_(x, lags, differences = 2), my_diff2(x, lags)) expect_equal(diff_(y, lags, differences = 2), my_diff2(y, lags)) expect_equal(diff_(z, lags, differences = 2), my_diff2(z, lags)) # Custom order expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(x, order = o) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff(x, order = o) ) ) expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(y, order = o) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff(y, order = o) ) ) expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(z, order = o) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff(z, order = o) ) ) # Custom order and negative lags expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(x, -3, order = o) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff(x, -3, order = o) ) ) expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(y, -3, order = o) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff(y, -3, order = o) ) ) expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(z, -3, order = o) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff(z, -3, order = o) ) ) # Custom order and triple differencing expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(x, order = o, differences = 3) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff3(x, order = o) ) ) expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(y, order = o, differences = 3) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff3(y, order = o) ) ) expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(z, order = o, differences = 3) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff3(z, order = o) ) ) # Custom order and run_lengths expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(x, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff(x, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ) ) expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(z, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff(z, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ) ) expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(z, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff(z, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ) ) # Custom order, negative lags and run_lengths expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(x, -2, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff(x, -2, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ) ) expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(z, -2, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff(z, -2, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ) ) expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(z, -2, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff(z, -2, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ) ) # Custom order, lag vector and run_lengths expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(x, lags, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff(x, lags, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ) ) expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(z, lags, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff(z, lags, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ) ) expect_equal( lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) diff_(z, lags, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ), lapply( list(o1, o2, o3), function(o) my_diff(z, lags, order = o, run_lengths = rl2) ) ) })