# Set number of data.table threads to 1 data.table::setDTthreads(threads = 2L) # Set number of collapse threads to 1 collapse::set_collapse(nthreads = 1L) testthat::test_that("General tests", { flights <- nycflights13::flights start <- lubridate::ymd_hms("2013-03-16 11:43:48", tz = "Europe/London") end <- start + lubridate::ddays(10) testthat::expect_equal(flights, flights %>% time_mutate(time_hour)) df1 <- flights %>% time_mutate(time = time_hour, include_interval = FALSE, time_by = "week", .by = dplyr::all_of(c("origin", "dest", "tailnum")), time_type = "duration", .keep = "none") %>% fcount(origin, dest, tailnum, time_hour) df2 <- flights %>% time_count(time = time_hour, time_by = "week", .by = dplyr::all_of(c("origin", "dest", "tailnum")), time_type = "duration") %>% dplyr::filter(.data[["n"]] > 0) testthat::expect_equal(nrow2(dplyr::anti_join(df1, df2)), 0) testthat::expect_equal(nrow2(dplyr::anti_join(df2, df1)), 0) flights2 <- dplyr::select(flights, time_hour, origin, dest) testthat::expect_equal( flights2 %>% time_mutate(time = time_hour, time_by = "week", from = start) %>% dplyr::pull(time_hour), time_summarisev(flights2$time_hour, time_by = "week", from = start) ) testthat::expect_equal( flights2 %>% time_mutate(time = time_hour, time_by = "week", time_type = "period", .by = c(origin, dest)) %>% dplyr::pull(time_hour), flights2 %>% dplyr::mutate(time_hour = time_summarisev(time_hour, time_by = "week", time_type = "period"), .by = c(origin, dest)) %>% dplyr::pull(time_hour) ) testthat::expect_equal( flights2 %>% time_mutate(time = time_hour, time_by = "week", .by = c(origin, dest), time_type = "duration") %>% dplyr::pull(time_hour), flights2 %>% dplyr::mutate(time_hour = time_summarisev(time_hour, time_by = "week", time_type = "duration"), .by = c(origin, dest)) %>% dplyr::pull(time_hour) ) })