# Set number of data.table threads to 1 data.table::setDTthreads(threads = 2L) # Set number of collapse threads to 1 collapse::set_collapse(nthreads = 1L) testthat::test_that("time expand", { flights <- nycflights13::flights %>% fcount(dest, origin, time_hour, tailnum, carrier, flight) flights2 <- flights %>% fcount(dest, origin, time_hour) # Time expand ------------------------------------------------------------- testthat::expect_error(flights %>% time_expand(across(dplyr::everything()), expand_type = "crossing")) testthat::expect_error(flights %>% time_expand(across(dplyr::everything()), expand_type = "nesting", 1:10^6, log_limit = 7)) testthat::expect_equal( flights %>% time_expand(time = NULL, across(all_of(c("dest", "tailnum", "origin"))), expand_type = "crossing", keep_class = FALSE), flights %>% fexpand(across(all_of(c("dest", "tailnum", "origin"))), sort = TRUE, keep_class = FALSE) ) testthat::expect_equal( flights %>% time_expand(time = NULL, across(all_of(c("dest", "tailnum", "origin"))), expand_type = "nesting", sort = FALSE), flights %>% fdistinct(across(all_of(c("dest", "tailnum", "origin")))) ) testthat::expect_equal( flights2 %>% time_expand(time = time_hour), flights2 %>% fdistinct(time_hour) %>% fcomplete(time_hour = time_span(time_hour, time_by = "hour"), sort = TRUE) ) testthat::expect_equal( flights2 %>% time_expand(time = time_hour, time_by = "week"), flights2 %>% fdistinct(time_hour) %>% fcomplete(time_hour = time_span(time_hour, time_by = "hour"), sort = TRUE) %>% dplyr::reframe(time_hour = cut_time2(time_hour, time_span(time_hour, time_by = "week"))) %>% fdistinct() ) testthat::expect_equal( flights2 %>% time_expand(time = time_hour, time_by = "week", time_floor = TRUE), flights2 %>% fdistinct(time_hour) %>% fcomplete(time_hour = time_span(time_hour, time_by = "hour"), sort = TRUE) %>% dplyr::reframe(time_hour = cut_time2(time_hour, time_span(time_hour, time_by = "week", time_floor = TRUE))) %>% fdistinct() ) # With groups.. testthat::expect_equal( flights2 %>% time_expand(time = time_hour, origin, dest, time_by = "week", time_floor = TRUE), flights2 %>% tidyr::expand(time_hour = time_span(time_hour, time_by = "week", time_floor = TRUE), tidyr::nesting(origin, dest)) ) testthat::expect_equal( flights2 %>% time_expand(time = time_hour, origin, dest, time_by = "week", expand_type = "crossing", time_floor = TRUE), flights2 %>% tidyr::expand(time_hour = time_span(time_hour, time_by = "week", time_floor = TRUE), tidyr::crossing(origin, dest)) ) testthat::expect_equal( flights2 %>% dplyr::mutate(date = lubridate::as_date(time_hour)) %>% time_expand(time = across(date, .names = "time_hour"), .by = c(origin, dest), time_by = "2 week", time_floor = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::mutate(date = lubridate::as_date(time_hour)) %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% tidyr::expand(time_hour = time_span(date, time_by = "2 week", time_floor = TRUE)) %>% safe_ungroup() ) testthat::expect_equal( flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% time_expand(time = time_hour, time_by = "2 week", time_floor = TRUE, time_type = "duration"), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% tidyr::expand(time_hour = time_span(time_hour, time_by = "2 week", time_floor = TRUE, time_type = "duration")) ) testthat::expect_equal( flights2 %>% dplyr::mutate(date = lubridate::as_date(time_hour)) %>% dplyr::group_by(dest) %>% time_expand(time = date, time_by = "2 week", time_floor = TRUE, time_type = "period"), flights2 %>% dplyr::mutate(date = lubridate::as_date(time_hour)) %>% dplyr::group_by(dest) %>% tidyr::expand(date = time_span(date, time_by = "2 week", time_floor = TRUE, time_type = "period")) ) testthat::expect_equal( flights2 %>% time_expand(time = time_hour, origin, dest, time_by = "week", expand_type = "crossing", from = lubridate::dmy(17022013), to = lubridate::dmy_hms(19092013063123), time_floor = FALSE), flights2 %>% tidyr::expand(time_hour = time_span(time_hour, time_by = "week", time_floor = FALSE, from = lubridate::dmy(17022013), to = lubridate::dmy_hms(19092013063123)), origin, dest) ) testthat::expect_equal( flights2 %>% time_expand(time = time_hour, origin, dest, time_by = "week", expand_type = "nesting", from = lubridate::dmy(17022013), to = lubridate::dmy_hms(19092013063123), time_floor = FALSE), flights2 %>% tidyr::expand(time_hour = time_span(time_hour, time_by = "week", time_floor = FALSE, from = lubridate::dmy(17022013), to = lubridate::dmy_hms(19092013063123)), tidyr::nesting(origin, dest)) ) grouped_res <- flights %>% dplyr::mutate(date = lubridate::as_date(time_hour)) %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest, tailnum) %>% time_expand(time = date, time_by = "week", time_type = "auto") %>% add_group_id() %>% safe_ungroup() %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(date, g = group_id), max = gmax(date, g = group_id)) %>% fdistinct(origin, dest, tailnum, min, max) base_res <- flights %>% dplyr::mutate(date = lubridate::as_date(time_hour)) %>% add_group_id(origin, dest, tailnum) %>% dplyr::arrange(group_id) %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(date, g = group_id), max = gmax(date, g = group_id)) %>% fdistinct(origin, dest, tailnum, min, max) testthat::expect_equal(grouped_res %>% dplyr::select(-max), base_res %>% dplyr::select(-max)) testthat::expect_true(all(time_diff(grouped_res$max, base_res$max, time_by = "days", time_type = "duration") <= 7)) # Time complete ----------------------------------------------------------- testthat::expect_equal( flights %>% time_complete(time = NULL, across(all_of(c("dest", "origin"))), expand_type = "crossing", sort = FALSE), flights %>% fcomplete(across(all_of(c("dest", "origin"))), sort = FALSE) ) testthat::expect_equal( flights %>% time_complete(time = NULL, across(all_of(c("dest", "origin"))), expand_type = "crossing", sort = TRUE), flights %>% fcomplete(across(all_of(c("dest", "origin"))), sort = TRUE) ) testthat::expect_equal( flights %>% time_complete(time = NULL, across(all_of(c("dest", "origin"))), expand_type = "nesting", sort = FALSE), flights %>% fdistinct() ) testthat::expect_equal( flights2 %>% time_complete(time = time_hour, sort = TRUE), flights2 %>% fcomplete(time_hour = time_span(time_hour, time_by = "hour"), sort = TRUE) ) testthat::expect_equal( flights2 %>% time_complete(time = time_hour, time_by = "week"), flights2 %>% fcomplete(time_hour = time_span(time_hour, time_by = "week"), sort = TRUE) ) # With groups.. testthat::expect_equal( flights2 %>% time_complete(time = time_hour, origin, dest, time_by = "week", time_floor = TRUE), flights2 %>% tidyr::complete(time_hour = time_span(time_hour, time_by = "week", time_floor = TRUE), tidyr::nesting(origin, dest)) %>% dplyr::select(dest, origin, time_hour, n) %>% dplyr::arrange(time_hour, origin, dest) ) testthat::expect_equal(dplyr::tibble(a = lubridate::today(), b = 1) %>% time_complete(b = 1:10, fill = list(a = lubridate::today() + lubridate::days(1))), dplyr::tibble(a = c(lubridate::today(), rep(lubridate::today() + lubridate::days(1), 9)), b = 1:10)) })