# Set number of data.table threads to 1 data.table::setDTthreads(threads = 2L) # Set number of collapse threads to 1 collapse::set_collapse(nthreads = 1L) testthat::test_that("Test grouped stat functions", { flights <- nycflights13::flights g1 <- group_id(flights, origin, dest) g2 <- group_id(flights, origin, dest, order = FALSE) g3 <- group_id(flights, origin, dest, order = FALSE, as_qg = TRUE) g4 <- group_id(flights, origin, dest, order = TRUE, as_qg = TRUE) g5 <- collapse::GRP(g1, sort = TRUE) g6 <- collapse::GRP(g1, sort = FALSE) g7 <- collapse::GRP(g2, sort = TRUE) g8 <- collapse::GRP(g2, sort = FALSE) g9 <- collapse::GRP(g3, sort = TRUE) g10 <- collapse::GRP(g3, sort = FALSE) g11 <- collapse::GRP(g4, sort = TRUE) g12 <- collapse::GRP(g4, sort = FALSE) g13 <- collapse::GRP(g5, sort = TRUE) g14 <- collapse::GRP(g5, sort = FALSE) g15 <- collapse::GRP(g6, sort = TRUE) g16 <- collapse::GRP(g6, sort = FALSE) res <- flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = min(time_hour), max = max(time_hour), mean = mean(time_hour), sum = sum(sched_arr_time, na.rm = TRUE), sd = stats::sd(sched_arr_time, na.rm = TRUE), var = stats::var(sched_arr_time, na.rm = TRUE), mode = collapse::fmode(sched_arr_time, na.rm = TRUE), median = stats::median(sched_arr_time, na.rm = TRUE), first = dplyr::first(sched_arr_time, na_rm = TRUE), last = dplyr::last(sched_arr_time, na_rm = TRUE), nobs = sum(!is.na(arr_time))) gres1 <- flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = min(time_hour), max = max(time_hour), mean = mean(time_hour), sum = sum(sched_arr_time, na.rm = TRUE), sd = stats::sd(sched_arr_time, na.rm = TRUE), var = stats::var(sched_arr_time, na.rm = TRUE), mode = collapse::fmode(sched_arr_time, na.rm = TRUE), median = stats::median(sched_arr_time, na.rm = TRUE), first = dplyr::first(sched_arr_time, na_rm = TRUE), last = dplyr::last(sched_arr_time, na_rm = TRUE), nobs = sum(!is.na(arr_time)), .by = c(origin, dest)) testthat::expect_equal(res, flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(time_hour), max = gmax(time_hour), mean = gmean(time_hour), sum = gsum(sched_arr_time, na.rm = TRUE), sd = gsd(sched_arr_time, na.rm = TRUE), var = gvar(sched_arr_time, na.rm = TRUE), mode = gmode(sched_arr_time, na.rm = TRUE), median = gmedian(sched_arr_time, na.rm = TRUE), first = gfirst(sched_arr_time, na.rm = TRUE), last = glast(sched_arr_time, na.rm = TRUE), nobs = gnobs(arr_time))) # Grouped testthat::expect_equal(gres1, flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(time_hour, g = g1), max = gmax(time_hour, g = g1), mean = gmean(time_hour, g = g1), sum = gsum(sched_arr_time, g = g1), sd = gsd(sched_arr_time, g = g1, na.rm = TRUE), var = gvar(sched_arr_time, g = g1, na.rm = TRUE), mode = gmode(sched_arr_time, g = g1, na.rm = TRUE), median = gmedian(sched_arr_time, g = g1, na.rm = TRUE), first = gfirst(sched_arr_time, g = g1, na.rm = TRUE), last = glast(sched_arr_time, g = g1, na.rm = TRUE), nobs = gnobs(arr_time, g = g1))) testthat::expect_equal(gres1, flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(time_hour, g = g2), max = gmax(time_hour, g = g2), mean = gmean(time_hour, g = g2), sum = gsum(sched_arr_time, g = g2), sd = gsd(sched_arr_time, g = g2, na.rm = TRUE), var = gvar(sched_arr_time, g = g2, na.rm = TRUE), mode = gmode(sched_arr_time, g = g2, na.rm = TRUE), median = gmedian(sched_arr_time, g = g2, na.rm = TRUE), first = gfirst(sched_arr_time, g = g2, na.rm = TRUE), last = glast(sched_arr_time, g = g2, na.rm = TRUE), nobs = gnobs(arr_time, g = g2))) testthat::expect_equal(gres1, flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(time_hour, g = g3), max = gmax(time_hour, g = g3), mean = gmean(time_hour, g = g3), sum = gsum(sched_arr_time, g = g3), sd = gsd(sched_arr_time, g = g3, na.rm = TRUE), var = gvar(sched_arr_time, g = g3, na.rm = TRUE), mode = gmode(sched_arr_time, g = g3, na.rm = TRUE), median = gmedian(sched_arr_time, g = g3, na.rm = TRUE), first = gfirst(sched_arr_time, g = g3, na.rm = TRUE), last = glast(sched_arr_time, g = g3, na.rm = TRUE), nobs = gnobs(arr_time, g = g3))) testthat::expect_equal(gres1, flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(time_hour, g = g4), max = gmax(time_hour, g = g4), mean = gmean(time_hour, g = g4), sum = gsum(sched_arr_time, g = g4), sd = gsd(sched_arr_time, g = g4, na.rm = TRUE), var = gvar(sched_arr_time, g = g4, na.rm = TRUE), mode = gmode(sched_arr_time, g = g4, na.rm = TRUE), median = gmedian(sched_arr_time, g = g4, na.rm = TRUE), first = gfirst(sched_arr_time, g = g4, na.rm = TRUE), last = glast(sched_arr_time, g = g4, na.rm = TRUE), nobs = gnobs(arr_time, g = g4))) testthat::expect_equal(gres1, flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(time_hour, g = g5), max = gmax(time_hour, g = g5), mean = gmean(time_hour, g = g5), sum = gsum(sched_arr_time, g = g5), sd = gsd(sched_arr_time, g = g5, na.rm = TRUE), var = gvar(sched_arr_time, g = g5, na.rm = TRUE), mode = gmode(sched_arr_time, g = g5, na.rm = TRUE), median = gmedian(sched_arr_time, g = g5, na.rm = TRUE), first = gfirst(sched_arr_time, g = g5, na.rm = TRUE), last = glast(sched_arr_time, g = g5, na.rm = TRUE), nobs = gnobs(arr_time, g = g5))) testthat::expect_equal(gres1, flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(time_hour, g = g6), max = gmax(time_hour, g = g6), mean = gmean(time_hour, g = g6), sum = gsum(sched_arr_time, g = g6), sd = gsd(sched_arr_time, g = g6, na.rm = TRUE), var = gvar(sched_arr_time, g = g6, na.rm = TRUE), mode = gmode(sched_arr_time, g = g6, na.rm = TRUE), median = gmedian(sched_arr_time, g = g6, na.rm = TRUE), first = gfirst(sched_arr_time, g = g6, na.rm = TRUE), last = glast(sched_arr_time, g = g6, na.rm = TRUE), nobs = gnobs(arr_time, g = g6))) testthat::expect_equal(gres1, flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(time_hour, g = g7), max = gmax(time_hour, g = g7), mean = gmean(time_hour, g = g7), sum = gsum(sched_arr_time, g = g7), sd = gsd(sched_arr_time, g = g7, na.rm = TRUE), var = gvar(sched_arr_time, g = g7, na.rm = TRUE), mode = gmode(sched_arr_time, g = g7, na.rm = TRUE), median = gmedian(sched_arr_time, g = g7, na.rm = TRUE), first = gfirst(sched_arr_time, g = g7, na.rm = TRUE), last = glast(sched_arr_time, g = g7, na.rm = TRUE), nobs = gnobs(arr_time, g = g7))) testthat::expect_equal(gres1, flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(time_hour, g = g8), max = gmax(time_hour, g = g8), mean = gmean(time_hour, g = g8), sum = gsum(sched_arr_time, g = g8), sd = gsd(sched_arr_time, g = g8, na.rm = TRUE), var = gvar(sched_arr_time, g = g8, na.rm = TRUE), mode = gmode(sched_arr_time, g = g8, na.rm = TRUE), median = gmedian(sched_arr_time, g = g8, na.rm = TRUE), first = gfirst(sched_arr_time, g = g8, na.rm = TRUE), last = glast(sched_arr_time, g = g8, na.rm = TRUE), nobs = gnobs(arr_time, g = g8))) testthat::expect_equal(gres1, flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(time_hour, g = g9), max = gmax(time_hour, g = g9), mean = gmean(time_hour, g = g9), sum = gsum(sched_arr_time, g = g9), sd = gsd(sched_arr_time, g = g9, na.rm = TRUE), var = gvar(sched_arr_time, g = g9, na.rm = TRUE), mode = gmode(sched_arr_time, g = g9, na.rm = TRUE), median = gmedian(sched_arr_time, g = g9, na.rm = TRUE), first = gfirst(sched_arr_time, g = g9, na.rm = TRUE), last = glast(sched_arr_time, g = g9, na.rm = TRUE), nobs = gnobs(arr_time, g = g9))) testthat::expect_equal(gres1, flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(time_hour, g = g10), max = gmax(time_hour, g = g10), mean = gmean(time_hour, g = g10), sum = gsum(sched_arr_time, g = g10), sd = gsd(sched_arr_time, g = g10, na.rm = TRUE), var = gvar(sched_arr_time, g = g10, na.rm = TRUE), mode = gmode(sched_arr_time, g = g10, na.rm = TRUE), median = gmedian(sched_arr_time, g = g10, na.rm = TRUE), first = gfirst(sched_arr_time, g = g10, na.rm = TRUE), last = glast(sched_arr_time, g = g10, na.rm = TRUE), nobs = gnobs(arr_time, g = g10))) testthat::expect_equal(gres1, flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(time_hour, g = g11), max = gmax(time_hour, g = g11), mean = gmean(time_hour, g = g11), sum = gsum(sched_arr_time, g = g11), sd = gsd(sched_arr_time, g = g11, na.rm = TRUE), var = gvar(sched_arr_time, g = g11, na.rm = TRUE), mode = gmode(sched_arr_time, g = g11, na.rm = TRUE), median = gmedian(sched_arr_time, g = g11, na.rm = TRUE), first = gfirst(sched_arr_time, g = g11, na.rm = TRUE), last = glast(sched_arr_time, g = g11, na.rm = TRUE), nobs = gnobs(arr_time, g = g11))) testthat::expect_equal(gres1, flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(time_hour, g = g12), max = gmax(time_hour, g = g12), mean = gmean(time_hour, g = g12), sum = gsum(sched_arr_time, g = g12), sd = gsd(sched_arr_time, g = g12, na.rm = TRUE), var = gvar(sched_arr_time, g = g12, na.rm = TRUE), mode = gmode(sched_arr_time, g = g12, na.rm = TRUE), median = gmedian(sched_arr_time, g = g12, na.rm = TRUE), first = gfirst(sched_arr_time, g = g12, na.rm = TRUE), last = glast(sched_arr_time, g = g12, na.rm = TRUE), nobs = gnobs(arr_time, g = g12))) testthat::expect_equal(gres1, flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(time_hour, g = g13), max = gmax(time_hour, g = g13), mean = gmean(time_hour, g = g13), sum = gsum(sched_arr_time, g = g13), sd = gsd(sched_arr_time, g = g13, na.rm = TRUE), var = gvar(sched_arr_time, g = g13, na.rm = TRUE), mode = gmode(sched_arr_time, g = g13, na.rm = TRUE), median = gmedian(sched_arr_time, g = g13, na.rm = TRUE), first = gfirst(sched_arr_time, g = g13, na.rm = TRUE), last = glast(sched_arr_time, g = g13, na.rm = TRUE), nobs = gnobs(arr_time, g = g13))) testthat::expect_equal(gres1, flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(time_hour, g = g14), max = gmax(time_hour, g = g14), mean = gmean(time_hour, g = g14), sum = gsum(sched_arr_time, g = g14), sd = gsd(sched_arr_time, g = g14, na.rm = TRUE), var = gvar(sched_arr_time, g = g14, na.rm = TRUE), mode = gmode(sched_arr_time, g = g14, na.rm = TRUE), median = gmedian(sched_arr_time, g = g14, na.rm = TRUE), first = gfirst(sched_arr_time, g = g14, na.rm = TRUE), last = glast(sched_arr_time, g = g14, na.rm = TRUE), nobs = gnobs(arr_time, g = g14))) testthat::expect_equal(gres1, flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(time_hour, g = g15), max = gmax(time_hour, g = g15), mean = gmean(time_hour, g = g15), sum = gsum(sched_arr_time, g = g15), sd = gsd(sched_arr_time, g = g15, na.rm = TRUE), var = gvar(sched_arr_time, g = g15, na.rm = TRUE), mode = gmode(sched_arr_time, g = g15, na.rm = TRUE), median = gmedian(sched_arr_time, g = g15, na.rm = TRUE), first = gfirst(sched_arr_time, g = g15, na.rm = TRUE), last = glast(sched_arr_time, g = g15, na.rm = TRUE), nobs = gnobs(arr_time, g = g15))) testthat::expect_equal(gres1, flights %>% dplyr::mutate(min = gmin(time_hour, g = g16), max = gmax(time_hour, g = g16), mean = gmean(time_hour, g = g16), sum = gsum(sched_arr_time, g = g16), sd = gsd(sched_arr_time, g = g16, na.rm = TRUE), var = gvar(sched_arr_time, g = g16, na.rm = TRUE), mode = gmode(sched_arr_time, g = g16, na.rm = TRUE), median = gmedian(sched_arr_time, g = g16, na.rm = TRUE), first = gfirst(sched_arr_time, g = g16, na.rm = TRUE), last = glast(sched_arr_time, g = g16, na.rm = TRUE), nobs = gnobs(arr_time, g = g16))) })