# Set number of data.table threads to 1 data.table::setDTthreads(threads = 2L) # Set number of collapse threads to 1 collapse::set_collapse(nthreads = 1L) testthat::test_that("Normal cases", { x <- 1:10 testthat::expect_identical(growth(x, 3.75), 3.75/mean(x)) testthat::expect_identical(growth(x, 3.75, log = TRUE), 3.75/mean(x)) testthat::expect_identical(growth(0, 0), 1) testthat::expect_identical(growth(0, 1), Inf) testthat::expect_identical(growth(0, 1, inf_fill = NA), NA_real_) testthat::expect_identical(growth(0, 1, inf_fill = 99), 99) testthat::expect_identical(rolling_growth(c(0, x), n = 1, lag = 1), c(0, x)/dplyr::lag(c(0, x))) testthat::expect_identical(rolling_growth(c(0, x), n = 1, lag = 1, inf_fill = 99), { y <- c(0, x)/dplyr::lag(c(0, x)) y[is.infinite(y)] <- 99 y }) testthat::expect_identical(rolling_growth(c(0, x), n = 1, lag = 1, inf_fill = NA), { y <- c(0, x)/dplyr::lag(c(0, x)) y[is.infinite(y)] <- NA y }) testthat::expect_identical(rolling_growth(x, n = 1, lag = 0), rep(1, length(x))) testthat::expect_identical(rolling_growth(x, n = 1, lag = 1), x/dplyr::lag(x)) testthat::expect_identical(rolling_growth(x, n = 1, lag = 2), x/dplyr::lag(x, n = 2)) testthat::expect_identical(rolling_growth(x, n = 1, lag = 3), x/dplyr::lag(x, n = 3)) testthat::expect_identical(rolling_growth(x, n = 3, lag = 3, partial = FALSE), roll_mean(x, window = 3, partial = FALSE)/ roll_mean(dplyr::lag(x, n = 3), window = 3, partial = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)) testthat::expect_identical(rolling_growth(x, n = 3, lag = 2, partial = FALSE), roll_mean(x, window = 3, partial = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)/ roll_mean(dplyr::lag(x, n = 2), window = 3, partial = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)) }) testthat::test_that("Weights and offsets", { set.seed(61092) x <- sample(1:10^5, size = 10) x1 <- x[1:5] x2 <- x[6:10] w <- rnorm(10)^2 o <- rnorm(10)^2 o1 <- o[1:5] o2 <- o[6:10] w1 <- w[1:5] w2 <- w[6:10] sum1 <- sum(x1) sum2 <- sum(x2) wsum1 <- collapse::fsum(x1, w = w1) wsum2 <- collapse::fsum(x2, w = w2) cp <- c(rep(0, length(x1)), rep(1, length(x2))) # No weights/offset mod1 <- stats::glm(x ~ cp, family = poisson) sum(x2) / sum(x1) testthat::expect_equal(exp(stats::coef(mod1))[[2]], rolling_growth(x, n = 5)[10]) # Weights and offset mod2 <- stats::glm(x ~ cp + offset(log(o)), family = poisson, weights = w) ( ( sum(x2 * w2)/sum(o2 * w2) ) / (sum(x1 * w1)/sum(o1 * w1)) ) ( ( stats::weighted.mean(x2, w = w2)/stats::weighted.mean(o2, w2) ) / (stats::weighted.mean(x1, w1)/stats::weighted.mean(o1, w1)) ) testthat::expect_equal(exp(stats::coef(mod2))[[2]], rolling_growth(x, n = 5, weights = w, offset = o)[10]) testthat::expect_equal(exp(stats::coef(mod2))[[2]], rolling_growth(x, n = 5, weights = w, offset = o, log = TRUE)[10]) testthat::expect_equal(exp(stats::coef(mod2))[[2]], rolling_growth(x, n = 5, weights = w, offset = o, log = FALSE, partial = FALSE)[10]) # Weights only mod3 <- stats::glm(x ~ cp, family = poisson, weights = w) ( ( collapse::fmean(x2, w = w2)) / (collapse::fmean(x1, w = w1)) ) testthat::expect_equal(exp(stats::coef(mod3))[[2]], rolling_growth(x, n = 5, weights = w)[10]) # Offset only mod4 <- stats::glm(x ~ cp + offset(log(o)), family = poisson) ( sum(x2)/sum(o2) ) / ( sum(x1)/sum(o1) ) testthat::expect_equal(exp(stats::coef(mod4))[[2]], rolling_growth(x, n = 5, offset = o, na.rm = TRUE)[10]) # WITH NAs set.seed(61092) x <- sample(1:10^5, size = 100) x[sample(1:100, size = 30)] <- NA_integer_ # x <- x[!is.na(x)] x1 <- x[1:50] x2 <- x[51:100] w <- rnorm(100)^2 o <- rnorm(100)^2 o1 <- o[1:50] o2 <- o[51:100] w1 <- w[1:50] w2 <- w[51:100] sum1 <- sum(x1, na.rm = TRUE) sum2 <- sum(x2, na.rm = TRUE) wsum1 <- collapse::fsum(x1, w = w1, na.rm = TRUE) wsum2 <- collapse::fsum(x2, w = w2, na.rm = TRUE) cp <- c(rep(0, length(x1)), rep(1, length(x2))) # No weights/offset mod1 <- stats::glm(x ~ cp, family = poisson) sum(x2) / sum(x1) testthat::expect_equal(exp(stats::coef(mod1))[[2]], rolling_growth(x, n = 50, na.rm = TRUE)[100]) # # Weights and offset mod2 <- stats::glm(x ~ cp + offset(log(o)), family = poisson, weights = w) ( ( sum(x2 * w2, na.rm = TRUE)/sum(o2 * w2, na.rm = TRUE) ) / (sum(x1 * w1, na.rm = TRUE)/sum(o1 * w1, na.rm = TRUE)) ) ( ( stats::weighted.mean(x2, w = w2, na.rm = TRUE)/stats::weighted.mean(o2, w2, na.rm = TRUE) ) / (stats::weighted.mean(x1, w1, na.rm = TRUE)/stats::weighted.mean(o1, w1, na.rm = TRUE)) ) testthat::expect_equal(exp(stats::coef(mod2))[[2]], rolling_growth(x, n = 50, weights = w, offset = o, na.rm = TRUE)[100]) # Weights only mod3 <- stats::glm(x ~ cp, family = poisson, weights = w) ( ( collapse::fmean(x2, w = w2)) / (collapse::fmean(x1, w = w1)) ) testthat::expect_equal(exp(stats::coef(mod3))[[2]], rolling_growth(x, n = 50, weights = w, na.rm = TRUE)[100]) testthat::expect_equal(exp(stats::coef(mod3))[[2]], rolling_growth(x, n = 50, log = TRUE, weights = w, na.rm = TRUE)[100]) # Offset only mod4 <- stats::glm(x ~ cp + offset(log(o)), family = poisson) ( sum(x2)/sum(o2) ) / ( sum(x1)/sum(o1) ) testthat::expect_equal(exp(stats::coef(mod4))[[2]], rolling_growth(x, n = 50, offset = o, na.rm = TRUE)[100]) })