# Set number of data.table threads to 1 data.table::setDTthreads(threads = 2L) # Set number of collapse threads to 1 collapse::set_collapse(nthreads = 1L) testthat::test_that("fslice", { flights <- nycflights13::flights flights[["id"]] <- seq_len(nrow(flights)) set.seed(5199123) ids <- sample(1:10^3) testthat::expect_error(flights %>% fslice(1, -1)) testthat::expect_equal(flights %>% fslice(), flights %>% dplyr::slice()) testthat::expect_equal(flights %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice(), flights %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice()) testthat::expect_equal(flights %>% fslice(ids, keep_order = TRUE), flights %>% dplyr::slice(ids) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)) testthat::expect_equal(flights %>% fslice(ids, keep_order = FALSE), flights %>% dplyr::slice(ids)) testthat::expect_equal(flights %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice(ids), flights %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice(ids)) testthat::expect_equal(flights %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice(ids, keep_order = TRUE), flights %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice(ids) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)) testthat::expect_equal(flights %>% fslice(ids, .by = c(origin, dest), sort_groups = FALSE), flights %>% dplyr::slice(ids, .by = c(origin, dest))) testthat::expect_equal(flights %>% fslice(-ids, keep_order = FALSE), flights %>% dplyr::slice(-ids)) testthat::expect_equal(flights %>% fslice(-ids, keep_order = TRUE), flights %>% dplyr::slice(-ids) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)) testthat::expect_equal(flights %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice(1:5, keep_order = TRUE), flights %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice(1:5) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)) testthat::expect_equal(flights %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice(1:5, keep_order = FALSE), flights %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice(1:5)) testthat::expect_equal(flights %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice(-ids, keep_order = TRUE), flights %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice(-ids) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)) testthat::expect_equal(flights %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice(-ids, keep_order = FALSE), flights %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice(-ids)) }) testthat::test_that("fslice_head", { flights2 <- nycflights13::flights set.seed(81243844) flights2 <- flights2[sample(seq_len(nrow(flights2)), size = 10^4), ] flights2[["id"]] <- seq_len(nrow(flights2)) testthat::expect_error(flights2 %>% fslice_head(1, -1)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_head(), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_head()) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_head(), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_head()) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_head(.by = c(origin, dest), sort_groups = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_head(by = c(origin, dest))) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_head(n = 150), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_head(n = 150)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_head(n = 4, keep_order = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_head(n = 4)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_head(n = 4, keep_order = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_head(n = 4) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_head(n = -4, keep_order = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_head(n = -4) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_head(n = -4, keep_order = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_head(n = -4)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_head(n = -10, keep_order = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_head(n = -10)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_head(n = -10, keep_order = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_head(n = -10) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)) }) testthat::test_that("fslice_tail", { flights2 <- nycflights13::flights set.seed(81243844) flights2 <- flights2[sample(seq_len(nrow(flights2)), size = 10^4), ] flights2[["id"]] <- seq_len(nrow(flights2)) testthat::expect_error(flights2 %>% fslice_tail(1, -1)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_tail(), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_tail()) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_tail(), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_tail()) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_tail(.by = c(origin, dest), sort_groups = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_tail(by = c(origin, dest))) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_tail(n = 150), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_tail(n = 150)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_tail(n = 4, keep_order = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_tail(n = 4)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_tail(n = 4, keep_order = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_tail(n = 4) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_tail(n = -4, keep_order = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_tail(n = -4) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_tail(n = -4, keep_order = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_tail(n = -4)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_tail(n = -10, keep_order = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_tail(n = -10)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_tail(n = -10, keep_order = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_tail(n = -10) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)) }) testthat::test_that("fslice_sample", { flights2 <- nycflights13::flights set.seed(81243844) flights2 <- flights2[sample(seq_len(nrow(flights2)), size = 10^4), ] flights2[["id"]] <- seq_len(nrow(flights2)) testthat::expect_error(flights2 %>% fslice_sample(1, -1)) set.seed(42) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_sample(n = 1), flights2 %>% fslice_sample(n = 1, seed = 42)) set.seed(42) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_sample(n = Inf), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_sample(seed = 42)) set.seed(42) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_sample(n = Inf, by = c(origin, dest)), flights2 %>% fslice_sample(.by = c(origin, dest), sort_groups = FALSE, seed = 42)) set.seed(42) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_sample(n = 150), flights2 %>% fslice_sample(n = 150, seed = 42)) set.seed(42) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_sample(n = 4), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_sample(n = 4, keep_order = FALSE, seed = 42)) set.seed(42) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_sample(n = 4) %>% dplyr::arrange(id), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_sample(n = 4, keep_order = TRUE, seed = 42)) set.seed(42) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_sample(n = -4) %>% dplyr::arrange(id), flights2 %>% fslice_sample(n = -4, keep_order = TRUE, seed = 42)) set.seed(42) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_sample(n = -4), flights2 %>% fslice_sample(n = -4, keep_order = FALSE, seed = 42)) set.seed(42) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_sample(n = -10), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_sample(n = -10, keep_order = FALSE, seed = 42)) set.seed(42) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_sample(n = -10) %>% dplyr::arrange(id), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_sample(n = -10, keep_order = TRUE, seed = 42)) }) testthat::test_that("fslice_min", { flights2 <- nycflights13::flights set.seed(81243844) flights2 <- flights2[sample(seq_len(nrow(flights2)), size = 10^4), ] flights2[["id"]] <- seq_len(nrow(flights2)) testthat::expect_error(flights2 %>% fslice_min(1, -1)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_min(arr_time, na_rm = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_min(arr_time, na_rm = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_min(arr_time, .by = c(origin, dest), sort_groups = FALSE, na_rm = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, by = c(origin, dest))) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_min(arr_time, n = 150), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, n = 150)) # Prop testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_min(arr_time, prop = 0, na_rm = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, prop = 0, na_rm = FALSE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_min(arr_time, prop = 1, na_rm = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, prop = 1, na_rm = FALSE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_min(arr_time, prop = 1, na_rm = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, prop = 1, na_rm = TRUE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_min(arr_time, prop = 0.33, na_rm = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, prop = 0.33, na_rm = FALSE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_min(arr_time, prop = 0.33, na_rm = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, prop = 0.33, na_rm = TRUE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_min(arr_time, prop = -0.33, na_rm = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, prop = -0.33, na_rm = TRUE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_min(arr_time, n = 4, na_rm = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, n = 4)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_min(arr_time, n = 4, na_rm = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, n = 4, na_rm = TRUE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_min(arr_time, n = 4, na_rm = TRUE, with_ties = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, n = 4, na_rm = TRUE, with_ties = FALSE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_min(arr_time, n = 100, na_rm = TRUE, with_ties = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, n = 100, na_rm = TRUE, with_ties = FALSE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_min(arr_time, n = 100, na_rm = FALSE, with_ties = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, n = 100, na_rm = FALSE, with_ties = FALSE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_min(arr_time, n = 4, na_rm = FALSE, keep_order = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, n = 4, na_rm = FALSE) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_min(arr_time, n = -4, na_rm = FALSE, keep_order = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, n = -4) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_min(arr_time, n = -4, na_rm = FALSE, keep_order = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, n = -4)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_min(arr_time, n = -10, na_rm = FALSE, keep_order = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, n = -10)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_min(arr_time, n = -10, na_rm = FALSE, keep_order = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_min(arr_time, n = -10) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)) }) testthat::test_that("fslice_max", { flights2 <- nycflights13::flights set.seed(81243844) flights2 <- flights2[sample(seq_len(nrow(flights2)), size = 10^4), ] flights2[["id"]] <- seq_len(nrow(flights2)) testthat::expect_error(flights2 %>% fslice_max(1, -1)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_max(arr_time, na_rm = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_max(arr_time, na_rm = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_max(arr_time, .by = c(origin, dest), sort_groups = FALSE, na_rm = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, by = c(origin, dest))) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_max(arr_time, n = 150), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, n = 150)) # Prop testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_max(arr_time, prop = 0, na_rm = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, prop = 0, na_rm = FALSE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_max(arr_time, prop = 1, na_rm = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, prop = 1, na_rm = FALSE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_max(arr_time, prop = 1, na_rm = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, prop = 1, na_rm = TRUE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_max(arr_time, prop = 0.33, na_rm = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, prop = 0.33, na_rm = FALSE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_max(arr_time, prop = 0.33, na_rm = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, prop = 0.33, na_rm = TRUE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_max(arr_time, prop = -0.33, na_rm = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, prop = -0.33, na_rm = TRUE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_max(arr_time, n = 4, na_rm = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, n = 4)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_max(arr_time, n = 4, na_rm = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, n = 4, na_rm = TRUE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_max(arr_time, n = 4, na_rm = TRUE, with_ties = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, n = 4, na_rm = TRUE, with_ties = FALSE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_max(arr_time, n = 100, na_rm = TRUE, with_ties = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, n = 100, na_rm = TRUE, with_ties = FALSE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_max(arr_time, n = 100, na_rm = FALSE, with_ties = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, n = 100, na_rm = FALSE, with_ties = FALSE)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_max(arr_time, n = 4, na_rm = FALSE, keep_order = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, n = 4, na_rm = FALSE) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_max(arr_time, n = -4, na_rm = FALSE, keep_order = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, n = -4) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% fslice_max(arr_time, n = -4, na_rm = FALSE, keep_order = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, n = -4)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_max(arr_time, n = -10, na_rm = FALSE, keep_order = FALSE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, n = -10)) testthat::expect_equal(flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% fslice_max(arr_time, n = -10, na_rm = FALSE, keep_order = TRUE), flights2 %>% dplyr::group_by(origin, dest) %>% dplyr::slice_max(arr_time, n = -10) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)) }) testthat::test_that("Additional seed tests", { # The seed = 42 part should be set locally and original # global seed should be restored set.seed(42) ok <- fslice_sample(iris, seed = 42) ok2 <- dplyr::slice_sample(iris, n = nrow(iris)) testthat::expect_identical(ok, ok2) # Let's ensure seed continuity.. set.seed(600) x <- rnorm(100) set.seed(600) y <- rnorm(50) fslice_sample(iris, seed = 11230) testthat::expect_equal(x, c(y, rnorm(50))) set.seed(600) y <- rnorm(50) fslice_sample(iris, seed = 600) testthat::expect_equal(x, c(y, rnorm(50))) # If we DONT set a local seed, seed continuity SHOULDNT be kept. # As one would expect set.seed(600) y <- rnorm(50) fslice_sample(iris) testthat::expect_true(!isTRUE(all.equal(x, c(y, rnorm(50))))) current_seed <- .Random.seed fslice_sample(iris, seed = 99) testthat::expect_identical(current_seed, .Random.seed) })