start_df <- tidytable( a = 1:5, b = 11:15, c = c(rep("a", 3), rep("b", 2)), d = c(rep("a", 2), rep("b", 3)) ) test_that("unnesting works with nested data.table", { nest_df <- start_df %>% nest_by(c, d) unnest_df <- nest_df %>% unnest(data) expect_named(unnest_df, c("c","d","a","b")) expect_equal(unnest_df$a, start_df$a) }) test_that("unnest. works", { nest_df <- start_df %>% nest_by(c, d) unnest_df <- nest_df %>% unnest.(data) %>% suppressWarnings() expect_named(unnest_df, c("c","d","a","b")) expect_equal(unnest_df$a, start_df$a) }) test_that("names_sep works", { nest_df <- start_df %>% nest_by(c, d) unnest_df <- nest_df %>% unnest(data, names_sep = "_") expect_named(unnest_df, c("c","d","data_a","data_b")) expect_equal(unnest_df$data_a, start_df$a) }) test_that("unnesting works with multiple columns", { nest_df <- start_df %>% nest_by(c, d) %>% mutate(pulled_vec = map(data, ~ pull(.x, a))) unnest_df <- nest_df %>% unnest(data, pulled_vec) expect_named(unnest_df, c("c","d","a","b", "pulled_vec")) expect_equal(unnest_df$a, start_df$a) expect_equal(unnest_df$pulled_vec, start_df$a) }) test_that("automatically unnests all list_cols", { nest_df <- start_df %>% nest_by(c, d) %>% mutate(pulled_vec = map(data, ~ pull(.x, a))) unnest_df <- nest_df %>% unnest() expect_named(unnest_df, c("c","d","a","b","pulled_vec")) expect_equal(unnest_df$a, start_df$a) expect_equal(unnest_df$pulled_vec, start_df$a) }) test_that("unnesting works with nested vector", { nest_df <- start_df %>% nest_by(c, d) %>% mutate(vec_col = map(data, ~ .x %>% pull(a))) unnest_df <- nest_df %>% unnest(vec_col) expect_named(unnest_df, c("c","d","vec_col")) expect_equal(unnest_df$vec_col, c(1,2,3,4,5)) }) test_that("unnesting works with nested data.frames", { nest_df <- start_df %>% nest_by(c, d) %>% mutate(data = map(data, unnest_df <- nest_df %>% unnest(data) expect_named(unnest_df, c("c","d","a","b")) expect_equal(unnest_df$a, start_df$a) }) test_that("unnesting works with different ordered/different # of columns", { df1 <- data.table(a = "a", b = 1) df2 <- data.table(b = 1:3, a = rep("a", 3), c = 1:3) nested_df <- data.table(id = 1:2, list_col = list(df1, df2)) unnest_df <- nested_df %>% unnest(list_col) expect_named(unnest_df, c("id","a","b","c")) expect_equal(unnest_df$b, c(1, 1:3)) }) test_that("unnesting works with nested data.table with quosure function", { nest_df <- start_df %>% nest_by(c, d) unnest_fn <- function(.df, col) { unnest(.df, {{ col }}) } unnest_df <- nest_df %>% unnest_fn(data) expect_named(unnest_df, c("c","d","a","b")) expect_equal(unnest_df$a, start_df$a) }) test_that("unnesting works with nested data.table with quosure function", { data_size <- 3 list_df <- data.table(test = 1:data_size) test_df <- data.table(x = 1:data_size, y = replicate(data_size, list_df, simplify = FALSE)) %>% mutate(z = y) result_df <- test_df %>% unnest(y, .drop = FALSE) expect_named(result_df, c("x","z","test")) expect_true(is.list(result_df$z)) expect_equal(result_df$test, rep(1:3, 3)) }) test_that("works when the only column is a list column", { list_df <- tidytable(x = 1:3) test_df <- tidytable(list_col = list(list_df, list_df, list_df)) result_df <- unnest(test_df, list_col) expect_equal(result_df$x, rep(1:3, 3)) }) test_that("keep_empty", { nest_df <- tidytable(x = 1, y = 2) test_df <- tidytable( groups = c("a", "b", "c"), df_list = list(NULL, nest_df, nest_df), vecs = list(NULL, 1, 2) ) out <- unnest(test_df, df_list, vecs, keep_empty = TRUE) expect_named(out, c("groups", "x", "y", "vecs")) expect_equal(out$x, c(NA, 1, 1)) expect_equal(out$y, c(NA, 2, 2)) expect_equal(out$vecs, c(NA, 1, 2)) }) test_that("handles empty data frames", { empty_df <- tidytable(x = as.logical(list())) expect_equal(unnest(tidytable(x = list()), x), empty_df) })