test_that("works with no input & works with NA", { test_df <- tidytable(a = c("a", "a", "a"), b = c("b", "b", "b"), c = c("c", NA, "c")) unite_df <- test_df %>% unite() expect_named(unite_df, ".united") expect_equal(unite_df$.united, c("a_b_c", "a_b_NA", "a_b_c")) }) test_that("unite. works", { test_df <- tidytable(a = c("a", "a", "a"), b = c("b", "b", "b"), c = c("c", NA, "c")) unite_df <- test_df %>% unite.() %>% suppressWarnings() expect_named(unite_df, ".united") expect_equal(unite_df$.united, c("a_b_c", "a_b_NA", "a_b_c")) }) test_that("works with selected cols", { test_df <- tidytable(a = c("a", "a", "a"), b = c("b", "b", "b"), c = c("c", NA, "c")) unite_df <- test_df %>% unite("new_col", a:b) expect_named(unite_df, c("new_col", "c")) expect_equal(unite_df$new_col, c("a_b", "a_b", "a_b")) }) test_that("does not remove new col in case of name clash", { df <- data.table(x = "a", y = "b") out <- unite(df, x, x:y) expect_equal(names(out), "x") expect_equal(out$x, "a_b") }) test_that("na.rm works", { test_df <- tidytable(a = c("a", "a", "a"), b = c("b", "b", "b"), c = c("c", NA, "c")) unite_df <- test_df %>% unite("new_col", a:c, na.rm = TRUE) expect_named(unite_df, "new_col") expect_equal(unite_df$new_col, c("a_b_c", "a_b", "a_b_c")) }) test_that("can keep cols", { test_df <- tidytable(a = c("a", "a", "a"), b = c("b", "b", "b"), c = c("c", NA, "c")) unite_df <- test_df %>% unite("new_col", a:c, remove = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE) expect_named(unite_df, c("new_col", "a", "b", "c")) expect_equal(unite_df$new_col, c("a_b_c", "a_b", "a_b_c")) }) test_that("doesn't modify-by-reference", { test_df <- tidytable(a = c("a", "a", "a"), b = c("b", "b", "b"), c = c("c", NA, "c")) test_df %>% unite("new_col", a:b, na.rm = TRUE) expect_named(test_df, c("a", "b", "c")) }) test_that("works with selected cols with quosure function", { test_df <- tidytable(a = c("a", "a", "a"), b = c("b", "b", "b"), c = c("c", NA, "c")) unite_fn <- function(.df, col1, col2) { unite(.df, "new_col", {{ col1 }}, {{ col2 }}) } unite_df <- test_df %>% unite_fn(a, b) expect_named(unite_df, c("new_col", "c")) expect_equal(unite_df$new_col, c("a_b", "a_b", "a_b")) })