# vector ------------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("empty call does nothing", { x <- c(1, NA) expect_equal(replace_na(x), x) }) test_that("missing values are replaced", { x <- c(1, NA) expect_equal(replace_na(x, 0), c(1, 0)) }) test_that("replace_na. works", { x <- c(1, NA) expect_equal(suppressWarnings(replace_na.(x, 0)), c(1, 0)) }) test_that("can only be length 1", { expect_error(replace_na(1, 1:10)) }) test_that("works on numeric columns", { x <- c(1, 2, NA) res <- replace_na(x, 5) expect_equal(res, c(1, 2, 5)) }) test_that("works on character columns", { df <- data.table(x = c(1, 2, NA), y = c("a", NA, "c")) res <- df %>% mutate(y = replace_na(y, "b")) expect_equal(res$y, c("a", "b", "c")) }) test_that("replace_na is converted to tidytable", { x <- c(1, NA) df <- tidytable(x = x) expect_equal(mutate(df, x = replace_na(x, 0))$x, c(1, 0)) }) # data frame ------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("empty call does nothing", { df <- tidytable(x = c(1, NA)) out <- replace_na(df) expect_equal(out, df) }) test_that("missing values are replaced", { df <- tidytable(x = c(1, NA), y = c(NA, 1)) out <- replace_na(df, list(x = 0, y = 0)) expect_equal(out$x, c(1, 0)) expect_equal(out$y, c(0, 1)) }) test_that("missing values are replaced with correct type", { df <- tidytable(x = c(1, NA)) out <- replace_na(df, list(x = 0L)) expect_equal(out$x, c(1, 0)) }) test_that("doesn't complain about variables that don't exist", { df <- tidytable(a = c(1, NA)) out <- replace_na(df, list(a = 100, b = 0)) expect_equal(out, tidytable(a = c(1, 100))) }) test_that("can replace NULLs in list-column", { df <- tidytable(x = list(1, NULL)) rs <- replace_na(df, list(x = list(1:5))) expect_identical(rs, tidytable(x = list(1, 1:5))) })