context("Testing tq_transmute") skip_if_offline() #### Setup ---- AAPL <- tq_get("AAPL", get = "stock.prices", from = "2010-01-01", to = "2015-01-01") # Test 1: tq_transmute to.period test1 <- AAPL %>% tq_transmute(select = close, mutate_fun = to.period, period = "months") # Test 1.2: Grouped_df test grouped_df <- grouped_df <- dplyr::tibble(symbol = c("META", "AMZN")) %>% tq_get( get = "stock.prices", from = "2015-01-01", to = "2016-01-01" ) %>% dplyr::group_by(symbol) test1.2a <- dplyr::mutate(grouped_df, V1 = runSD(adjusted)) %>% dplyr::select(!open:adjusted) test1.2b <- tq_transmute(grouped_df, adjusted, runSD, col_rename = "V1") # Test 2: tq_transmute_xy test test2 <- AAPL %>% tq_transmute_xy(x = close, mutate_fun = to.period, period = "months") test2b <- grouped_df %>% tq_transmute_xy(x = close, y = open, mutate_fun = runCor, n = 5) # Test 3: Test transmute hourly data / Test transmute timezone data # time_index <- seq(from = as.POSIXct("2012-05-15 07:00"), # to = as.POSIXct("2012-05-17 18:00"), # by = "hour") # set.seed(1) # value <- rnorm(n = length(time_index)) # tz <- "Zulu" # test3 <- dplyr::tibble(time_index, value) %>% # dplyr::mutate(time_index = lubridate::ymd_hms(time_index, tz = tz)) %>% # tq_transmute_xy(x = value, mutate_fun = MACD) # Test 4: transmute to.monthly which returns character dates test4 <- AAPL %>% tq_transmute(select = NULL, mutate_fun = to.monthly) # Test 5: Check tq_transmute_data fb_returns <- tq_get("META", get = "stock.prices", from = "2016-01-01", to = "2016-12-31") %>% tq_transmute(adjusted, periodReturn, period = "monthly", col_rename = "fb.returns") xlk_returns <- tq_get("XLK", from = "2016-01-01", to = "2016-12-31") %>% tq_transmute(adjusted, periodReturn, period = "monthly", col_rename = "xlk.returns") test5 <- dplyr::left_join(fb_returns, xlk_returns, by = "date") regr_fun <- function(data) { coef(lm(fb.returns ~ xlk.returns, data = } test5 <- test5 %>% tq_transmute(mutate_fun = rollapply, width = 6, FUN = regr_fun, by.column = FALSE, col_rename = c("coef.0", "coef.1")) #### Tests ---- test_that("Test 1 returns tibble with correct rows and columns.", { # Tibble expect_is(test1, "tbl") # Rows expect_equal(nrow(test1), 60) # Columns expect_equal(ncol(test1), 2) }) test_that("Test 1.2 grouped data frames are same with mutate and tq_transmute", { # Return column expect_identical(test1.2a$V1, test1.2b$V1) # Groups expect_identical(dplyr::groups(test1.2a), dplyr::groups(test1.2b)) }) test_that("Test 2 returns tibble with correct rows and columns.", { # Tibble expect_s3_class(test2, "tbl_df") # Rows expect_equal(nrow(test2), 60) # Columns expect_equal(ncol(test2), 2) }) # test_that("Test 3 returns tibble with correct rows and columns.", { # # Tibble # expect_is(test3, "tbl") # # Rows # expect_equal(nrow(test3), 60) # # Columns # expect_equal(ncol(test3), 3) # }) # test_that("Test 3 returns correct timezone.", { # expect_equal({test3$time_index %>% lubridate::tz()}, tz) # }) test_that("Test 5 returns tibble with correct rows and columns.", { # Tibble expect_is(test5, "tbl") # Rows expect_equal(nrow(test5), 12) # Columns expect_equal(ncol(test5), 3) # Check colnames expect_equal(colnames(test5), c("date", "coef.0", "coef.1")) }) # Invalid data inputs test_that("Test error on invalid data inputs.", { # Non-data.frame objects a <- seq(1:100) expect_error( seq(1:100) %>% tq_transmute(select = NULL, mutate_fun = to.monthly) ) expect_error( seq(1:100) %>% tq_mutate_xy(x = a, mutate_fun = to.monthly) ) # No date columns expect_error( dplyr::tibble(a = seq(1:100)) %>% tq_transmute(select = NULL, mutate_fun = to.monthly), "No date or POSIXct column found in `data`." ) expect_error( dplyr::tibble(a = seq(1:100)) %>% tq_mutate_xy(x = a, mutate_fun = to.monthly), "No date or POSIXct column found in `data`." ) }) # Invalid select, x and y inputs test_that("Test error on invalid select, x and y inputs.", { expect_error( {select <- "err" AAPL %>% tq_mutate_(select = select, mutate_fun = "to.monthly")} ) expect_error( {x <- "err" AAPL %>% tq_mutate_xy_(x = x, y = "close", mutate_fun = "Delt", k = 1)}, paste0("x = err not a valid name.") ) expect_error( {y <- "err" AAPL %>% tq_mutate_xy_(x = "open", y = y, mutate_fun = "Delt", k = 1)}, paste0("y = err not a valid name.") ) }) # Invalid mutate_fun, x and y inputs test_that("Test error on invalid mutate_fun, x and y inputs.", { expect_error( {mutate_fun <- "err" AAPL %>% tq_mutate_(select = "close", mutate_fun = mutate_fun)}, paste0("fun = err not a valid option.") ) }) # Invalid col_rename, can't have duplicate names test_that("Test error on invalid col_rename, duplicate names.", { expect_error({ col_rename <- c("name1", "name2", "name1") AAPL %>% tq_mutate_(select = "close", mutate_fun = "lag.xts", k = 1:3, col_rename = col_rename) }, paste0("Could not rename columns. Do you have duplicate names in `col_rename`?") ) })