context("tests of tidy methods for tidylda") dtm <- nih_sample_dtm d1 <- dtm[1:50, ] d2 <- dtm[51:100, ] # make sure we have different vocabulary for each data set d1 <- d1[, Matrix::colSums(d1) > 0] d2 <- d2[, Matrix::colSums(d2) > 0] lda <- tidylda( data = d1, k = 4, iterations = 20, burnin = 10, alpha = 0.1, eta = 0.05, optimize_alpha = TRUE, calc_likelihood = TRUE, calc_r2 = TRUE, return_data = FALSE, verbose = FALSE ) ### test tidy methods ---- test_that("tidy.tidylda works as expected", { # tidy beta tidy_beta <- tidy( x = lda, matrix = "beta" ) expect_named(tidy_beta, c("topic", "token", "beta")) expect_type(tidy_beta[[1]], "double") expect_type(tidy_beta[[2]], "character") expect_type(tidy_beta[[3]], "double") # log to tidy beta tidy_beta_log <- tidy( x = lda, matrix = "beta", log = TRUE ) expect_named(tidy_beta_log, c("topic", "token", "log_beta")) expect_type(tidy_beta_log[[1]], "double") expect_type(tidy_beta_log[[2]], "character") expect_type(tidy_beta_log[[3]], "double") expect_equal(sum(colnames(lda$beta) %in% tidy_beta$token), length(colnames(lda$beta))) # tidy theta tidy_theta <- tidy( x = lda, matrix = "theta" ) expect_named(tidy_theta, c("document", "topic", "theta")) expect_type(tidy_theta[[1]], "character") expect_type(tidy_theta[[2]], "double") expect_type(tidy_theta[[3]], "double") expect_equal(sum(colnames(lda$theta) %in% tidy_theta$topic), length(colnames(lda$theta))) # tidy lambda tidy_lambda <- tidy( x = lda, matrix = "lambda" ) expect_named(tidy_lambda, c("topic", "token", "lambda")) expect_type(tidy_lambda[[1]], "double") expect_type(tidy_lambda[[2]], "character") expect_type(tidy_lambda[[3]], "double") expect_equal(sum(colnames(lda$lambda) %in% tidy_lambda$token), length(colnames(lda$lambda))) }) test_that("tidy throws errors for malformed inputs", { expect_error( tidy( x = lda, matrix = "WRONG" ) ) expect_error( tidy( x = lda, matrix = 1 ) ) expect_error( tidy( x = lda, matrix = "beta", log = "WRONG" ) ) # matrices the same as above expect_error( tidy_theta <- tidy( x = lda$theta, matrix = "WRONG" ) ) expect_error( tidy_theta <- tidy( x = lda$theta, matrix = "theta", log = "WRONG" ) ) }) ### tests for the glance method ---- test_that("glance.tidylda behaves nicely", { # well-formed call g <- glance(lda) expect_named(g, c( "num_topics", "num_documents", "num_tokens", "iterations", "burnin" )) expect_equal(g$num_topics, nrow(lda$beta)) expect_equal(g$num_documents, nrow(lda$theta)) expect_equal(g$num_tokens, ncol(lda$beta)) expect_equal(g$iterations, lda$call$iterations) expect_equal(g$burnin, lda$call$burnin) }) test_that("glance works with updated models", { l2 <- refit(lda, d2, iterations = 20, verbose = FALSE) g <- glance(l2) expect_named(g, c( "num_topics", "num_documents", "num_tokens", "iterations", "burnin" )) expect_equal(g$num_topics, nrow(l2$beta)) expect_equal(g$num_documents, nrow(l2$theta)) expect_equal(g$num_tokens, ncol(l2$beta)) expect_equal(g$iterations, l2$call$iterations) expect_equal(g$burnin, NA) }) ### tests for the glance method ---- # make a tidy tibble # note this uses unigrams and bigrams to ensure that there isn't # 100% overlap in vocabulary between data and model tidy_docs <- nih_sample[1:10, ] %>% dplyr::select(APPLICATION_ID, ABSTRACT_TEXT) %>% tidytext::unnest_tokens(output = word, input = ABSTRACT_TEXT, stopwords = tidytext::stop_words$word, token = "ngrams", n_min = 1, n = 2) test_that("augment.tidylda behaves nicely", { td <- tidy_docs # tidy tibble input a <- augment( x = lda, data = td, type = "class", document_col = colnames(td)[1], term_col = colnames(td)[2] ) # right number of rows? expect_equal(nrow(a), nrow(tidy_docs)) # correctly identified topics? expect_equal( a %>% dplyr::filter(.[[colnames(td)[2]]] %in% colnames(lda$beta)) %>% dplyr::select(topic) %>% dplyr::summarise(na_topic = sum( %>% as.numeric, 0, label = "augment class)" ) # sparse dtm input a <- augment( x = lda, data = d1, type = "prob" ) expect_false( a %>% dplyr::filter(term %in% colnames(lda$beta)) %>% dplyr::select(-c(document, term)) %>% colSums() %>% sum %>%, label = "augment probs)" ) # probably should test other dtm types... }) test_that("augment.tidylda reacts to malformed inputs correctly", { expect_error( augment( x = "wat", data = d1, type = "prob" ) ) expect_error( augment( x = lda, data = "wat", type = "prob" ) ) expect_error( augment( x = lda, data = d1, type = "wat" ) ) })