context('tests') # For resetting # testthat::snapshot_review('tests/') test_that("basic plot",{ p = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis"), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count normalised log`, scale = "row" ) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("base", p) }) test_that("grouped plot",{ p = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::group_by( dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis"), `Cell type` ), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count normalised log`, scale = "row" ) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("grouped", p) }) test_that("annotated plot numerical continuous intereg nominal annot",{ p = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis"), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count normalised log`, scale = "row" ) |> annotation_tile(CAPRA_TOTAL) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("annotated heatmap 1", p) }) test_that("annotated plot continuous annot MUST ERROR",{ my_df = dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis") expect_error( tidyHeatmap::heatmap( left_join(my_df, dplyr::mutate(dplyr::distinct(my_df, sample), a = rnorm(n()))), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count normalised log`, scale = "row" ) |> annotation_tile(a), "Your annotation*", fixed=FALSE) }) test_that("annotated plot continuous annot as well",{ my_df = dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis") my_UBR = c( -0.4271163, 5.3530527, -0.7269678, -5.8277242, -4.0925786, 3.4246804, -1.6002821, -6.5576121, -2.9980416 ,-0.6470534, 4.4336807, -0.7569798, 1.6489560) set.seed(123) p = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( left_join(my_df, dplyr::mutate(dplyr::distinct(my_df, UBR), a = my_UBR)), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count normalised log`, scale = "row" ) |> annotation_tile(a) |> annotation_tile(CAPRA_TOTAL) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("annotated heatmap 2", p) }) test_that("grouped and annotated plot",{ p = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::group_by( dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis"), `Cell type` ), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count normalised log`, scale = "row" ) |> annotation_tile(CAPRA_TOTAL) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("grouped annotated heatmap 1", p) }) test_that("grouped double and annotated plot",{ p = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::group_by(tidyHeatmap::pasilla, location, type), .column = sample, .row = symbol, .value = `count normalised adjusted`, scale = "row" ) |> annotation_tile(condition) |> annotation_tile(activation) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("grouped annotated heatmap 2", p) }) test_that("grouping error",{ expect_error( tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::group_by(tidyHeatmap::pasilla, location, type, condition), .column = sample, .row = symbol, .value = `count normalised adjusted`, scale = "row" ) |> annotation_tile(condition) |> annotation_tile(activation), regexp = "tidyHeatmap says: At the moment just one grouping per dimension*" ) }) test_that("pasilla one annotation",{ p = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( tidyHeatmap::pasilla, .column = sample, .row = symbol, .value = `count normalised adjusted log`, scale = "row" ) |> annotation_tile(condition) expect_equal(class(p)[1], "InputHeatmap") #vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("pasilla heatmap 1", p) }) test_that("pasilla 2 annotations",{ p = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( tidyHeatmap::pasilla, .column = sample, .row = symbol, .value = `count normalised adjusted log`, scale = "row" ) |> annotation_tile(condition) |> annotation_tile(type) expect_equal(class(p)[1], "InputHeatmap") #vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("pasilla heatmap 2", p) }) test_that("pasilla custom color abundance",{ p = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( tidyHeatmap::pasilla, .column = sample, .row = symbol, .value = `count normalised adjusted log`, palette_value = c("#d80000", "#ffffff", "#283cea"), scale = "row" ) |> annotation_tile(condition) |> annotation_tile(type) expect_equal(class(p)[1], "InputHeatmap") #vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("custom color", p) }) test_that("pasilla custom color discrete",{ p = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( tidyHeatmap::pasilla, .column = sample, .row = symbol, .value = `count normalised adjusted log`, scale = "row" ) |> annotation_tile(condition, c("#d80000", "#283cea")) |> annotation_tile(type) expect_equal(class(p)[1], "InputHeatmap") #vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("custom color discrete", p) }) test_that("pasilla custom color contunuous",{ p = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( tidyHeatmap::pasilla, .column = sample, .row = symbol, .value = `count normalised adjusted log`, scale = "row" ) |> annotation_tile(activation, c("#d80000", "#283cea")) expect_equal(class(p)[1], "InputHeatmap") #vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("custom color contunuous", p) }) test_that("pasilla custom color contunuous AND discrete",{ p = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( tidyHeatmap::pasilla, .column = sample, .row = symbol, .value = `count normalised adjusted log`, scale = "row" ) |> annotation_tile(condition) |> annotation_tile(type) |> annotation_tile(activation) expect_equal(class(p)[1], "InputHeatmap") #vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("custom color both", p) }) test_that("grouped and annotated plot both vertical and horizontal",{ p = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::group_by(tidyHeatmap::pasilla, location), .column = sample, .row = symbol, .value = `count normalised adjusted`, scale = "row" ) |> annotation_tile(condition) |> annotation_tile(type) |> annotation_tile(activation) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("grouped custom color both", p) }) test_that("pass arguments with ...",{ p = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::group_by(tidyHeatmap::pasilla, location), .column = sample, .row = symbol, .value = `count normalised adjusted`, scale = "row", show_heatmap_legend = FALSE ) |> annotation_tile(condition) |> annotation_tile(type) |> annotation_tile(activation) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("show_heatmap_legend", p) }) test_that("Custom function for fill abundance palette",{ p = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis"), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count normalised log`, scale = "row", palette_value = circlize::colorRamp2(c(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2), viridis::magma(5)) ) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("colorRamp2", p) }) test_that("Warning if data sparse",{ p= tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::slice(dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis"), -1), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count normalised log`, scale = "row", palette_value = circlize::colorRamp2(c(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2), viridis::magma(5)) ) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("sparse", p) }) test_that("test log of 0",{ expect_error( tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis"), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count`, scale = "row", transform = log ), "you applied a transformation that introduced negative infinite .value" ) p= tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis"), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count`, scale = "row", transform = log1p ) expect_equal(class(p)[1], "InputHeatmap") }) test_that("test scale",{ p=tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis"), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count`, scale = "row" ) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("scale row", p) p=tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis"), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count`, scale = "column" ) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("scale column", p) p=tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis"), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count`, scale = "both" ) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("scale both", p) p=tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis"), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count`, scale = "none" ) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("scale none", p) expect_error(tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis"), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count`, scale = "WRONG_INPUT" ), "the scale parameter has to be one") }) test_that("multi-type",{ library(magrittr) p = dplyr::group_by(tidyHeatmap::pasilla, location, type) |> dplyr::mutate(act = activation, act2 = activation) |> tidyr::nest(data = -sample) |> dplyr::mutate(size = c(4.014422, 3.783935, 4.844936, 4.614196, 4.138012, 3.475512, 3.739565)) |> dplyr::mutate(age = c(147 , 98, 96, 83, 105, 198, 73)) |> tidyr::unnest(data) |> tidyHeatmap::heatmap( .column = sample, .row = symbol, .value = `count normalised adjusted`, transform = log1p ) |> annotation_tile(condition) |> annotation_point(activation) |> annotation_numeric(act2) |> annotation_tile(act) |> annotation_bar(size) |> annotation_line(age) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("multi-type", p) }) test_that("align-numeric",{ library(magrittr) p = dplyr::group_by(tidyHeatmap::pasilla, location, type) |> dplyr::mutate(act = activation, act2 = activation) |> tidyr::nest(data = -sample) |> dplyr::mutate(size = c(4.014422, 3.783935, 4.844936, 4.614196, 4.138012, 3.475512, 3.739565)) |> dplyr::mutate(age = c(147 , 98, 96, 83, 105, 198, 73)) |> tidyr::unnest(data) |> tidyHeatmap::heatmap( .column = sample, .row = symbol, .value = `count normalised adjusted`, transform = log1p ) |> annotation_numeric(act2, align_to = "right") vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("numeric-right", p) }) test_that("save_pdf",{ library(magrittr) filename = tempfile() tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis"), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count normalised log`, scale = "row" ) |> save_pdf(filename) if (file.exists(filename)) file.remove(filename) }) test_that("managing palette usage",{ p1 = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( tidyHeatmap::pasilla, .column = sample, .row = symbol, .value = `count normalised adjusted`, scale = "row" ) l1 = length(p1@palette_discrete) lc2 = length(p1@palette_continuous) p2 = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::group_by(tidyHeatmap::pasilla, type), .column = sample, .row = symbol, .value = `count normalised adjusted`, scale = "row" ) expect_equal(length(p2@palette_discrete), l1 ) p3 = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::group_by(tidyHeatmap::pasilla, location, type), .column = sample, .row = symbol, .value = `count normalised adjusted`, scale = "row" ) expect_equal(length(p3@palette_discrete), length(p2@palette_discrete)) p4 = p3 |> annotation_tile(condition) |> annotation_tile(activation) expect_equal(length(p4@palette_discrete), length(p3@palette_discrete)-1 ) p5 = p1 |> annotation_tile(condition) |> annotation_tile(activation) expect_equal(length(p5@palette_discrete), length(p1@palette_discrete)-1 ) expect_equal(length(p5@palette_continuous), length(p1@palette_continuous)-1 ) }) test_that("test sparse matrix",{ p=data.frame(G = c('G1', 'G2', 'G3'), Y = c('M1', 'M1', 'M2'), V = c(1,2,3)) |> as_tibble() |> tidyHeatmap::heatmap( G, Y, V, cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE, scale = "row" ) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("sparse matrix", p) }) test_that("layer symbol",{ p = tidyHeatmap::N52 |> tidyHeatmap::heatmap( .row = symbol_ct, .column = UBR, .value = `read count normalised log`, scale = "row" ) |> layer_point( `read count normalised log` > 4 & UBR %in% c(11405, 11427) ) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("layer symbol", p) }) test_that("split",{ p = tidyHeatmap::N52 |> tidyHeatmap::heatmap( .row = symbol_ct, .column = UBR, .value = `read count normalised log`, scale = "row" ) |> split_rows(2) |> split_columns(2) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("split", p) }) test_that("legend",{ p = tidyHeatmap::N52 |> tidyHeatmap::heatmap( .row = symbol_ct, .column = UBR, .value = `read count normalised log`, scale = "row", show_heatmap_legend = FALSE ) |> annotation_tile(UBR, show_legend = FALSE) |> annotation_tile(`Cell type`, show_legend = FALSE) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("legend", p) }) test_that("size annotation",{ p = tidyHeatmap::N52 |> tidyHeatmap::heatmap( .row = symbol_ct, .column = UBR, .value = `read count normalised log`, scale = "row", show_heatmap_legend = FALSE ) |> annotation_tile(UBR, size = unit(20, "mm")) |> annotation_tile(`Cell type`, size = unit(20, "mm")) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("size annotation", p) }) test_that("wrap heatmap for patchwork",{ library(patchwork) p = tidyHeatmap::N52 |> tidyHeatmap::heatmap( .row = symbol_ct, .column = UBR, .value = `read count normalised log`, scale = "row" ) %>% wrap_heatmap() vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("wrap heatmap", p + p) }) test_that("plus operator",{ p = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis"), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count normalised log`, scale = "row" ) p = ( p+p ) |> expect_warning("Heatmap/annotation names are duplicated") vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plus operator", p) }) test_that("tile colorRamp2 palette",{ p = tidyHeatmap::heatmap( dplyr::filter(tidyHeatmap::N52, Category == "Angiogenesis"), .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count normalised log`, scale = "row" ) %>% annotation_tile( inflection, palette = colorRamp2(c(0, 3,10), c("white", "green", "red")) ) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("tile colorRamp2 palette", p) }) test_that("annotation tile factor colour order",{ # If factor levels correctly interpreted, colour palette should read in order: # "first_level", "second_level", "third_level", "fourth_level" p = tidyHeatmap::pasilla |> distinct(sample) |> mutate(group = rep(c("first_level", "third_level", "second_level", "fourth_level"), length.out = n())) |> mutate(group = factor(group, levels = c("first_level", "second_level", "third_level", "fourth_level"))) |> right_join(tidyHeatmap::pasilla, by = "sample") |> tidyHeatmap::heatmap( .column = sample, .row = symbol, .value = `count normalised adjusted log`, scale = "row" ) |> annotation_tile(group, c("#FF004B", "#FF00FF", "#9700FF", "#2000FF")) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("tile factor custom palette", p) }) test_that("patchwork padding",{ p = tidyHeatmap::N52 |> dplyr::filter(, Category == "Angiogenesis") |> tidyHeatmap::heatmap( .column = UBR, .row = symbol_ct, .value = `read count normalised log` ) |> wrap_heatmap(padding = grid::unit(c(-10, -10, -10, -10), unit="pt")) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("patchwork padding", p) }) test_that("text",{ base_heatmap = tidyHeatmap::pasilla |> mutate(my_size = 5) |> mutate(my_text = "a") |> filter(symbol %in% head(unique(tidyHeatmap::pasilla$symbol), n = 10)) |> heatmap( .column = sample, .row = symbol, .value = `count normalised adjusted`, scale = "row" ) # Base plot vdiffr::expect_doppelganger( "text base", base_heatmap |> layer_text(.value="gg") ) # Text column vdiffr::expect_doppelganger( "text with text column", base_heatmap |> layer_text(.value=my_text) ) # Size vdiffr::expect_doppelganger( "text with size", base_heatmap |> layer_text(.value="gg", .size = 5) ) # Size column vdiffr::expect_doppelganger( "text with size column", base_heatmap |> layer_text(.value="gg", .size = my_size) ) # Two texts vdiffr::expect_doppelganger( "text multiple", base_heatmap |> layer_text( `count normalised adjusted log` > 6 & sample == "untreated3" , .value="gg") |> layer_text( `count normalised adjusted log` < 6 & sample == "untreated3" , .value="ll") ) # Complex vdiffr::expect_doppelganger( "text complex", base_heatmap |> layer_text( `count normalised adjusted log` > 6 & sample == "untreated3" , .value="ll", .size = 10) |> layer_text( `count normalised adjusted log` < 6 & sample == "untreated3" , .value=my_text, .size = my_size) ) })