context("env") test_that("methods", { expect_object_docs(R6_mdb_env) }) test_that("create & close", { path <- tempfile() env <- mdb_env(path) expect_true(file.exists(path)) expect_true($isdir) expect_is(env, "mdb_env") expect_is(env, "R6") expect_equal(mode(env$.ptr), "externalptr") expect_is(env$.db, "mdb_dbi") expect_equal(env$.deps$get(), list(env$.db)) expect_equal(ls(env$.dbs, all.names = TRUE), character(0)) expect_null(env$.write_txn) env$close() ## This is the expected state after closing: expect_null(env$.ptr) expect_null(env$.db) expect_null(env$.deps) expect_null(env$.dbs) expect_null(env$.write_txn) ## This is OK env$close() ## But this will cause an error expect_error(env$open_database(), "env has been cleaned up; can't use") }) test_that("information", { p <- tempfile() env <- mdb_env(p) expect_true(file.exists(p)) expect_true($isdir) stat <- env$stat() expect_is(stat, "integer") expect_equal(names(stat), c("psize", "depth", "branch_pages", "leaf_pages", "overflow_pages", "entries")) info <- env$info() expect_is(info, "integer") expect_equal(names(info), c("mapsize", "last_pgno", "last_txnid", "maxreaders", "numreaders")) expect_identical(env$maxkeysize(), 511L) expect_identical(env$maxreaders(), 126L) expect_identical(env$path(), p) ## This test will get reused when we test setting flags and it is ## also going to be useful when we replace all the "no" flags. flags <- env$flags() expect_is(flags, "logical") expect_true(all(names(flags) %in% names(formals(mdb_env)))) expect_equal(as.list(formals(mdb_env)[names(flags)]), as.list(flags)) }) test_that("no create", { p <- tempfile() expect_error(mdb_env(p, create = FALSE)) expect_false(file.exists(p)) ## This surprises me a bit: dir.create(p) env <- mdb_env(p, create = FALSE) expect_is(env, "mdb_env") }) test_that("list readers", { env <- mdb_env(tempfile()) cols <- c("pid", "thread", "txnid") expect_equal(env$reader_list(), matrix("", 0, 3, dimnames = list(NULL, cols))) t1 <- env$begin() t2 <- env$begin() m <- env$reader_list() expect_is(m, "matrix") expect_equal(colnames(m), cols) expect_equal(nrow(m), 2L) expect_equal(m[, "txnid"], as.character(c(t1$id(), t2$id()))) expect_equal(m[, "pid"], rep(as.character(Sys.getpid()), 2)) expect_match(m[, "thread"], "^[[:xdigit:]]+$") }) test_that("subdir = FALSE", { base <- new_empty_dir() path <- tempfile(tmpdir = new_empty_dir()) env <- mdb_env(path, subdir = FALSE) expect_true(file.exists(path)) expect_false($isdir) expect_true(file.exists(paste0(path, "-lock"))) expect_false(env$flags()[["subdir"]]) }) test_that("some flags", { path <- tempfile() env1 <- mdb_env(path, sync = FALSE) expect_false(env1$flags()[["sync"]]) env2 <- mdb_env(path, sync = TRUE) expect_true(env2$flags()[["sync"]]) }) test_that("copy", { env <- mdb_env(tempfile()) txn <- env$begin(write = TRUE) txn$put("a", "A") txn$commit() path <- tempfile() expect_identical(env$copy(path), path) expect_true(file.exists(path)) env2 <- mdb_env(path) txn2 <- env2$begin() expect_identical(txn2$get("a"), "A") }) test_that("reader_check with no dead readers", { ## TODO: I could write a more ambitious version of this that spawns ## a new copy of R, opens the db and then kill the process. env <- mdb_env(tempfile()) expect_identical(env$reader_check(), 0L) }) test_that("open_database", { path <- tempfile() env <- mdb_env(path) expect_identical(env$open_database(), env$.db) ## This needs a much nicer error message! expect_error(env$open_database("foo"), "maxdbs limit") env$close() env <- mdb_env(path, maxdbs = 10) dbi <- env$open_database("foo") expect_identical(env$open_database("foo"), dbi) txn <- env$begin(dbi, write = TRUE) txn$put("a", "A") txn$commit() txn <- env$begin() expect_null(txn$get("a", FALSE)) txn$abort() txn <- env$begin(dbi) expect_equal(txn$get("a", FALSE), "A") txn$abort() }) test_that("begin - one write transaction only", { env <- mdb_env(tempfile()) txn <- env$begin(write = TRUE) ## TODO: there needs to be some way of recovering from this ## situation (and similarly some way of keeping a global cache of ## envs so that we avoid a deadlock. expect_error(env$begin(write = TRUE), "Write transaction is already active for this environment") }) test_that("sync", { env <- mdb_env(tempfile()) expect_null(env$sync()) }) test_that("maxreaders", { env <- mdb_env(tempfile()) n <- env$info()[["maxreaders"]] env$close() m <- n * 2L env <- mdb_env(tempfile(), maxreaders = m) expect_identical(env$info()[["maxreaders"]], m) }) test_that("mapsize", { env <- mdb_env(tempfile()) sz <- env$info()[["mapsize"]] env$close() sz2 <- sz * 2L env <- mdb_env(tempfile(), mapsize = sz2) expect_identical(env$info()[["mapsize"]], sz2) }) test_that("serialisation does not crash", { env <- mdb_env(tempfile()) expect_false(is_null_pointer(env$.ptr)) env2 <- unserialize(serialize(env, NULL)) expect_true(is_null_pointer(env2$.ptr)) expect_error(env2$info(), "env has been freed; can't use") }) ## These tests exist to ensure that if something happens and the R6 ## object does not completely build the cleanup is safe test_that("naked environment can be garbage collected", { test_not_empty() path <- tempfile() dir.create(path) env_ptr <- mdb_env_create() mdb_env_open(env_ptr, path, as.octmode("0644"), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) rm(env_ptr) gc() }) test_that("naked unintialised environment can be garbage collected", { test_not_empty() path <- tempfile() dir.create(path) env_ptr <- mdb_env_create() rm(env_ptr) gc() }) test_that("destroy: subdir", { env <- mdb_env(tempfile()) path <- env$path() env$destroy() expect_false(file.exists(path)) }) test_that("destroy: file", { path <- tempfile() dir.create(path) path_db <- file.path(path, "mydb") env <- mdb_env(path_db, subdir = FALSE) env$destroy() expect_false(file.exists(path_db)) expect_true(file.exists(path)) expect_equal(dir(path), character(0)) }) test_that("format", { env <- mdb_env(tempfile()) str <- format(env) expect_false(grepl("initialze", str)) expect_true(grepl("", str, fixed = TRUE)) expect_true(grepl("drop_database", str, fixed = TRUE)) }) ## Convenience wrappers: test_that("put, get, del (scalar)", { env <- mdb_env(tempfile()) expect_null(env$get("a", FALSE)) expect_false(env$exists("a")) expect_null(env$put("a", "A")) expect_equal(env$list(), "a") expect_true(env$exists("a")) expect_equal(env$get("a"), "A") expect_true(env$del("a")) expect_false(env$del("a")) }) test_that("mput, mget, mdel (vector)", { env <- mdb_env(tempfile()) expect_equal(env$mget(letters), vector("list", 26)) expect_equal(env$exists(letters), rep(FALSE, 26)) expect_null(env$mput(letters, LETTERS)) expect_equal(env$exists(letters), rep(TRUE, 26)) expect_equal(env$list(), letters) expect_equal(env$mget(letters, as_raw = FALSE), LETTERS) expect_equal(env$mget(letters, as_raw = NULL), as.list(LETTERS)) expect_equal(env$mdel(letters), rep(TRUE, 26)) expect_equal(env$mdel(letters), rep(FALSE, 26)) }) test_that("convenience functions use pool", { env <- mdb_env(tempfile()) expect_equal(env$.spare_txns$length(), 0L) expect_null(env$get("a", FALSE)) expect_equal(env$.spare_txns$length(), 1L) expect_null(env$get("a", FALSE)) expect_equal(env$.spare_txns$length(), 1L) }) test_that("global environment lock", { path <- tempfile() env1 <- mdb_env(path) env2 <- mdb_env(normalizePath(path)) expect_identical(env1$.path, env2$.path) txn1 <- env1$begin(write = TRUE) expect_error(env2$begin(write = TRUE), "Write transaction is already active for this path") expect_true(env1$.path %in% names(write_txns)) txn1$abort() expect_false(env1$.path %in% names(write_txns)) txn2 <- env2$begin(write = TRUE) expect_error(env1$begin(write = TRUE), "Write transaction is already active for this path") txn2$abort() if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") { path3 <- tempfile() if (file.symlink(path, path3)) { env3 <- mdb_env(path3) expect_identical(env3$.path, env1$.path) txn3 <- env3$begin(write = TRUE) expect_error(env1$begin(write = TRUE), "Write transaction is already active for this path") txn3$abort() env3$close() } } env2$close() env1$destroy() }) test_that("with_transaction", { env <- mdb_env(tempfile()) env$put("a", "hello") expect_equal(env$with_transaction(function(txn) { val <- txn$get("a") txn$put("a", "world") val }, write = TRUE), "hello") expect_equal(env$get("a"), "world") expect_error(env$with_transaction(function(txn) { txn$put("a", "again") stop("my error") val }, write = TRUE), "my error") expect_equal(env$get("a"), "world") }) test_that("readonly", { skip_on_os("windows") path <- tempfile() env <- mdb_env(path) env$put("a", "hello") env$close() files <- dir(path, full.names = TRUE) Sys.chmod(files, "400") env <- mdb_env(path, readonly = TRUE, lock = FALSE) expect_equal(env$list(), "a") expect_equal(env$get("a"), "hello") expect_error(env$put("a", "goodbye")) env$close() Sys.chmod(files, "664") unlink(path, recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("mdb_env with non-integer hash size", { ## Needs to be run on 64 bit systems skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") large <- .Machine$integer.max + 1 env <- mdb_env(tempfile(), mapsize = large) expect_equal(storage.mode(env$info()), "double") }) test_that("corner cases for hash size", { ## Needs to be run on 64 bit systems skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") large <- .Machine$integer.max * 2 small <- 100 expect_error(mdb_env(tempfile(), mapsize = -large), "Expected a positive size for 'size'") expect_error(mdb_env(tempfile(), mapsize = -small), "Expected a positive size for 'size'") env <- mdb_env(tempfile()) expect_error(.Call(Cmdb_env_set_mapsize, env$.ptr, rep(large, 2)), "Expected a scalar integer for 'size'") })